Politics and Religion

More Americans attacked by . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 99 reads

an enemy drone strike of US base in Jordan.  Here's a quote on the damage . . .  

"Officials said that of the 34 wounded troops, most had cuts, bruises, traumatic brain injuries and similar wounds. Eight were medically evacuated and the most seriously hurt service member is in critical but stable condition."

The Biden administration immediately starts lying, saying that the drone got through the air defenses of the base because it was "mistaken" for an American drone that had been sent out earlier and was due to return. The air defenses are run by computer, and it the incoming enemy drone has an electronic signature that is recognized as American, it can only be a drone that was left behind in Joe's disastrous pullout of Afghanistan.  As our enemies start putting the $8 billion in military equipment Joe surrendered to the Talaban to use against us, American casualties will continue to mount.  

Wasn't it Icky saying we only left stuff we didn't want? and I'm quoting the ickster here,

 "It wasn't "our military equipment." It was shitty old stuff we bequeathed to the Afghan Army. We didn't leave anything we wanted. I saw a video today of some of it, which included a bunch of AK-47s, helmets and radios."

How would icky know the difference between an AK47 and an M-4? Other than google of course.  


Then there's this


From the Article...

"The US completed its evacuation from Afghanistan on Monday, August 30 – hours before the deadline first set by US President Joe Biden and then enforced by the Taliban, who took over the country two weeks ago.

The Taliban may also be able to seize the aircraft, armored vehicles and defense systems left behind by the American forces for their own purposes.

But Marine General Kenneth McKenzie, the head of US Central Command, claimed this equipment was “demilitarised” before the US exit, meaning it should be inoperable.

It’s thought the equipment may have been ruined by thermite grenades or blown up, according to USA Today."

Nobody Thermited ANYTHING on the way out the door.  

Then he said...

"McKenzie revealed on Monday that 70 MRAPs – Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles – were left in Afghanistan. These were used to stand against explosive devices and cost approximately $1 million (£730,000) each."

Huh, 70 Million worth of MRAPs? chump change really...

Then he said...

"He also said 27 Humvees, light vehicles which are less vulnerable to IED attacks and thought to cost a third less than MRAPs, were left in Afghanistan.

The troops left 73 aircraft on the airstrip, although McKenzie claimed: “Those aircraft will never fly again.”"

Interestingly we were barely out the door when they threw a parade in our vehicles and flew one of our helicopters over the parade...


Then there's this...


or this,


Yeah, we didn't want any of that stuff. PROMISE!  

Afghanistan is going to bite us in the ass! wait and see lefty losers WAIT AND SEE. Of course, you will blame it on Trump.

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