Politics and Religion

Moose there is no such thing as an ultra lib to you
GaGambler 4700 reads

Obviously you were too young to remember. If you did you would remember double digit unemployment, double digit interest rates, double digit inflation. If you have such fond memories, it must be because you were a child.

You think things are bad now, you just wait until your fearless leader enacts one of the biggest tax increases in history, coupled with the largest entitlement program in history, you haven't seen bad yet.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, after all, any shred of integrity, class, common sense, etc. John W McBush might have had left, well, it's gone now..

And judging by most of the reader comments, people are seeing how sad that dope from Arizona has become...

Timbow3467 reads


What do you get when you combine German techno music, Germans speaking heavily accented English and a few David Hasselhoff and Ché Guevarra references?

No, not the Spanish or German versions of "Baywatch."

It's the Republican National Committee's Web parody of what a "Barack Obama in Berlin" television commercial might look like.

The Obama campaign filmed last week's speech by the Democratic presidential candidate in the German capital and posted highlights on its YouTube channel. That footage has yet to appear in a TV ad.

So the RNC apparently decided to go first in using the Berlin trip in a campaign spot. "Obama wasn't the only one filming his Berlin rally," e-mailed RNC spokesman Alex Conant. "Like
Obama, the RNC had a film crew there."

And that RNC crew selected and interviewed the Germans in the new Web commercial.

"I have friends in America who are Marxists and they are working for Obama," says one man in the RNC ad.

GaGambler2198 reads

Paris/Britney are harmless annoyances to most adults, they can only take your money if you choose stupidly to give it to them. Obama OTOH scares me shitless, he has a very real chance to fuck up this country even worse than the last ultra lib did.

Obviously Moose you have forgotten just how bad things were during the Carter years, I hope you don't have an opportunity to revisit those times.

Carter, Clinton, & if Obama is elected, are centrists....

I was very young in the Carter years & my mom/dad bought their house with some inheritance so they weren't dealing with a mortage..The one good thing about those times i remember in the early 1980's, CD'S at banks were paying like 15% interest!! - that's a better return than the stock market could provide..

But I know those days were bad for many people, & subsequently Carter got crushed in the 1980 election...

GaGambler4701 reads

Obviously you were too young to remember. If you did you would remember double digit unemployment, double digit interest rates, double digit inflation. If you have such fond memories, it must be because you were a child.

You think things are bad now, you just wait until your fearless leader enacts one of the biggest tax increases in history, coupled with the largest entitlement program in history, you haven't seen bad yet.

harryj2206 reads

People were also paying 25% interest on loans. Many small businesses took the tube thanks to the PeaNUT Jimmy.

St. Croix1445 reads

Carter was no centrist. He was a complete and utter failure. Your comment about CD's and stocks shows how stupid you are, and just one reason why the Carter administration was probably the most incompetent in U.S. history.

Clinton became a centrist because he had no choice. Remember the welfare reform act. And he had the audacity to take credit.

Obama is trying to give the impression that he is a centrist only to get elected. What scares the shit out of me is both the Congress and WH in the hands of the Dems. If that happens, Obama unlike Clinton will be able to move this country so far left we will all be wearing a hammer and sickle pin on our lapels.

Gridlock is actually a good thing.

Timbow2623 reads

I agree Obama will be able to get anything  passed as they will have 60 votes in Senate and control the House.
We could very well be a third world country in 4 years.

harryj1632 reads

You are absolutely correct about gridlock. If the libbie-pinks take the White House and retain control of the Congress, the Country as we know it, is a thing of the past. We will prove the Kruschev's prediction to be correct. Everybody, including the parasite libbies, can just bend over and kiss their asses goodbye. The parasites will be on a feeding frenzy for a while but they will devour themselves along with the golden goose. You can milk the cow but you need to feed it too. Obama Ben Lyin, the Hussein Bastard, will not, however, get elected. There are not enough stupid people to accomplish that task.

GaGambler2757 reads

He seems to have gone from being simply naive to being intentionally dense. The tone of his posts has also taken on that shrill, vitriolic tone that the extreme left has adopted ever since Gore lost in 2000.

Carter as a centrist is too laughable to even comment on, even using Moose's revisionist history book. Clinton OTOH was the consumate politician, he was a centrist because it was politically expedient, but he did a good job of staying out of the way. It helped that during most of his administration there was a Repulican Congress, as you said "gridlock is actually a good thing"

Obama is trying to present himself as a centrist, but his own words are too fresh for anyone but his rabid, koolaid drinking followers like Moose to forget. Just because he takes the most offensive planks of his original platform off his website doesn't mean that any of the rest of us are going to forget it.

St. Croix1512 reads

So while I was in my car this morning I decided to place a call to a provider and schedule a session for Thursday. You would think it would be a simple call, but next thing you know she is extolling the virtues of Obama and railing against McCain. WTF this must be Moose's sister. I don't care if she can suck a baseball thru a garden hose, but after listening to that, I just hung up. I thought my dick was non-partisan, but not after that call. Even an overdose of Viagra wouldn't help. Maybe TER needs a political leaning section.

never even worked a fucking day in your lives...You probably sit around listen to U-2 all day, order some pasta marinara, seek a provider or two, watch some porn & then call it a day....

Hey St. Croix you asshole, I never said Carter was a good president, but he wasn't a flaming liberal...You're just a degenerate who listens to the fat pig, high glucose level Rush all day...I know things were bad in the late 70's you dumb ass red state heathen...I was just pointing out that CD's did pay high interest rates, you were probably doing too many drugs in the 70's to know or care anyways...

And you can go to hell to Gambler you self-righteous, pompous ass....I've tried hard to be civil with you, even though we don't agree on much, I tried to create some honest debate - but your simply too much of jack-ass to see anything other than your one-sided fucking viewpoint...

Fuck this board - I'll stick w/the NYT...

you would know exactly what kind of work GAG is involved in.

They sit around and listen to U2 all day? Are you insane? You are calling them rightwingers, and then claim they must listen to one of the most liberal (and politically ignorant) bands of all time? Do you listen to their lyrics, or ever hear Bono mouth off while on his soapbox?

And of course banks paid out higher interest rates to attract money....because they charged even higher interest rates for someone to borrow. Do you have any concept of how a bank operates, what a profit is, or how interest rates get determined? Besides, the nominal interest rate is irrelevant. The real interest rate, i.e. nominal minus inflation, is what matters. And real interest rates on savings were often negative during the Carter years.

Criminy, you bring ignorance to a whole new level. Good luck with the NYT.

GaGambler1405 reads

Isn't it hilarious how people when faced with a losing argument suddenly lash out at their perceived adversaries.

Moose I understand it's tough when you have no comeback, and you are forced to defend an indefensible position. Get used to it, things are going to get much worse from here. The further into the GE we get, the more real facts about your guy is going to come out and there will be fewer and fewer places for him to hide.

Lash out at me all you want, you know full well I am a business man, not some trust fund baby. It's one of the reasons I am willing to fight so hard to keep what I have earned. I have worked my ass off for over thirty years, and I'll be damned if I let you or your hero take what's mine without a fight. If you ever make something of yourself, maybe you'll appreciate where I am coming from.

Timbow2050 reads

Liberman  will probably vote with the REps a lot so the odds of the DEms having 60 votes are not as good as I said.

RightwingUnderground1997 reads

In all fairness, as bad a Carter was, he didn't create the mega-inflation all by himself. He did nothing to correct it and he also exacerbated it.

But its origins (IMO) date back to the Nixon years when everyone started to panic in the early 70's when inflation spiked above the historical 1%-2% area, climbing all the way to 5%-6%. So what did Nixon do? Imposed wage and price controls. Wrong enough thing to do, but the temporary measures stayed in place for much longer than planned. When the controls were finally removed, inflation was already into double digits. Finally ending the Gold backing at the same time and OPEC's intentional oil rationing certainly contributed.

Inflation dropped temporarily before Carter took over, but the roller coaster was already in motion. There was little Carter could have done, but unfortunately for us, he did even less. He was no leader. He fired his cabinet and indirectly blamed the American people.

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