Politics and Religion

Medicare costs rising (NYT) - another O-man lie?(e)
nuguy46 1764 reads

reality is going to bite the seniors ...if they believe the liar-in-chief!!

this is only the beginning of rising healthcare costs...no matter what the O, media cheerleaders and leftards on the board spout off..


a medical imbecile. This board is full of those on the right.  They'll find out soon what medical care costs when they hit their first significant medical or surgical illness.

JE16, what you fail to mention is that Ryan's plan currently affects no one over age 55.

I'm one of those on the right that is currently being affected by a significant medical and surgical illness. On Wednesday afternoon, August 29, I was in a plane crash at the Millville, NJ, airport. I have no recollection of the crash. Last thing I remember is we were at 50 feet, just crossing the runway threshold, gear down, flaps down, on speed, on centerline, with the left engine pulled back to idle, simulating an engine out landing. What went wrong, I have no idea..wind gust, something on the plane broke, tire blew out..no idea. The fist EMT on the scene though both the pilot and I were dead. Very sad to say the pilot did die from massive head trauma the following morning. EMT asked my name, and I told him. He asked where was I, and I told him. He asked what just happened, and I said we just landed. He said, no, we had just crashed. I wanted to argue with him until I saw the bones protruding from my left forearm. I also thought it a bit odd that my left ear was resting on my left shoulder. I was splinted, and flown to the Atlantic City trauma center. Conscious all the time. Results were...broken right leg, shattered left arm, (took 5 hours of surgery to repair, with metal plates, rods, and pins), 4 broken ribs, severe concussion, (2 new dents in my forehead from that), and broken neck, (C1 and C2), with no nerve damage or paralysis. Thank God for that. I've had X-rays, CT scans, and MRI's. 3 weeks in the hospital and rehab center, and home this past Wednesday. I have nothing but the highest praise for the medical care I've received. 3 nurses come to my home twice a week to check on me, and help with the rehab. Between my primary insurer, (Tricare for Life), and Medicare A and B, I have not had to pay a penny out of pocket. Am I one of the luckiest SOB's on the planet? You bet I am. Doctors say full recovery in 4-5 months. Can't wait to fly again. It's in my blood.

While it's a miracle that you are alive and didn't sustain head trauma, significant thoracic trauma like a pneumthorax, hemothorax or cardiac injuries, or major blunt abdominal trauma, I'm sure glad you're on the mend.  You know what could have been the result of your  Fx C1-C2, so you were very lucky there was no cord trauma.   Those are really significant injuries, and I know they're painful.  I have flown small planes since before I went to med school, but confined to Cessnas and Pipers,  and it's hard to figure out what in the world happened since you were so close to landing and nothing happening earlier while you all were on final as to wind.  Something or some things seem  to have broken on the plane for sure, and there are thousands of better pilots with way more hours than I have who can analyze better.  I wonder what's left of the engine that might tell you or parts of the plane.

There have been several recent incidents of birds flying  into engines on landing, but the ones you usually hear about are the major airlines, and they usually have at least 3 other engines to get down on which isn't the case with a small private plane with a single engine.

It's terrible about the pilot who was your friend. I sure hope your ribs, Fx right leg and left arm heal with minimal pain/sequelae, and that your neck causes you as little pain as possible.

A story like this diminishes the petty political bickering immediately.  Again I'm really very sorry this happened. Fortunately you have ideal coverage with Tricare able to pick up the gap.

While it's true Ryan's voucher plan is ten years off and impacts the under 55, I'm still envisioning what would happen to that population though, once they reach whatever the age for Medicare might be in case it changes with the upcoming budget negotiations or knowing Congress, the ones after the can could be kicked down the road.

I hope you're healing is fast.  I know everyone around you and your  friends are glad to have you home.  Take care. Please let us know how you're doing.

Posted By: jerseyflyer
JE16, what you fail to mention is that Ryan's plan currently affects no one over age 55.

I'm one of those on the right that is currently being affected by a significant medical and surgical illness. On Wednesday afternoon, August 29, I was in a plane crash at the Millville, NJ, airport. I have no recollection of the crash. Last thing I remember is we were at 50 feet, just crossing the runway threshold, gear down, flaps down, on speed, on centerline, with the left engine pulled back to idle, simulating an engine out landing. What went wrong, I have no idea..wind gust, something on the plane broke, tire blew out..no idea. The fist EMT on the scene though both the pilot and I were dead. Very sad to say the pilot did die from massive head trauma the following morning. EMT asked my name, and I told him. He asked where was I, and I told him. He asked what just happened, and I said we just landed. He said, no, we had just crashed. I wanted to argue with him until I saw the bones protruding from my left forearm. I also thought it a bit odd that my left ear was resting on my left shoulder. I was splinted, and flown to the Atlantic City trauma center. Conscious all the time. Results were...broken right leg, shattered left arm, (took 5 hours of surgery to repair, with metal plates, rods, and pins), 4 broken ribs, severe concussion, (2 new dents in my forehead from that), and broken neck, (C1 and C2), with no nerve damage or paralysis. Thank God for that. I've had X-rays, CT scans, and MRI's. 3 weeks in the hospital and rehab center, and home this past Wednesday. I have nothing but the highest praise for the medical care I've received. 3 nurses come to my home twice a week to check on me, and help with the rehab. Between my primary insurer, (Tricare for Life), and Medicare A and B, I have not had to pay a penny out of pocket. Am I one of the luckiest SOB's on the planet? You bet I am. Doctors say full recovery in 4-5 months. Can't wait to fly again. It's in my blood.

JE16, thanks for your wishes. Despite the political positions on this board, there have been several occasions where we all come together to wish others well. Hope you kept up with your flying.

The plane was a Beech Baron, A55, twin engine. Both engines were ripped off during the crash sequence, which is a good thing, hence no post crash fire. Approximately 70 gallons of avgas remained in the tanks. A fire would have been unsurvivable, as the rescue squad had to use the jaws of life to gain access to us. Thanks again, and I am truly one fortunate man.

What's up with the air traffic @ the proving grounds?

WOW sounds like you one lucky fella.  

Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Everyone of these spam posts by nuguy who has no life except to spam this board follows a pattern.  Read the headline; fuck what the article says and means; run and post it on the fuckboard.

The Times article is very old news because it's point has been discussed in tons of medical controlled circulation for years.  It doesn't say at all that Obamacare or Obama is raising CMS billing costs in the first place.  In the second place it reoports one of many very old situations that raise both Medicare and private insurance billing as well as the Medigap insurance that is part of Medicare for those who can afford it. It simply reports aggressive and fraudulent over-coding that causes over billing and the author wasn't smart enough to ask a doctor who knows computer software why CMS bureaucrats are too dumb to use the IT resources at their disposal to stop this over-coding in a NY heartbeat.

There are so many other situations in medicare where people unintentionally or intentionally overbill medicare.  The #1 cause of overbilling and fraud in CMS is for DME--ie hardware durable medical equipment as in for example at the most basic, wheel chairs, crutches, the scooters advertised ad infinitum on cable TV channels.

Again this is what happens when someone so typically medically stupid on a fuckboard who  knows nothing about medicine, medical economics, or billing gets excited when they see a headline that they think can consume some time for them by posting it on the fuckboard.

The  article points out simply that 1700 of 440,000 or .386% of physicians overbilled medicare because they used ER codes  that are inappropriately high for the visit(how these aren't rejected by the computers insurance companies or medicare uses is beyond me because the day I sent the first bill like this it would be) or they sometimes use ER codes for routine office visits.

This again has not a thing to do with Obamacare, in  fact the fraud measures in place by 2014 will cause these inflated codes to be caught by computer software and its programs.  I don't even write C# or other codes, but it would take me a few minutes to set up batch files for CMS that would stop this over-coding on a dime and penalize docs who do it--that .386%.

If you're seeing routine office visits, no matter how complex, they hve their own teir of codes and have for decades so there is no excuse to over-code.

This is simply put, an article about over-coding, done by generations of a tiny fraction of percent of docs that got an imbecile like nuguy to cum all over itself.

It's a lot of hot air sound and fury from an idiot signifying nothing about Obamacare, nothing about Obama and an old problem that CMS should have been able to stop decades ago with a few macros in place.

I give this 69 S's for a colossaly fucking stupid post, but it's nuguy's default.

-- Modified on 9/22/2012 3:28:11 PM

It has zero to do with Obama or ACA. What it points up is the age old dictum that since CPTs started in 1978 and became mandatory in 1996 included as part of HIPPA when it was passed, CMS's IT people haven't been smart enough to write a simple program that would catch coding inappropriate to the situation and trigger a request to the doc for chart notes and an explanation.  The article is about bureaucratic stupidity that doesn't catch the .36% of docs doing this over-coding that has been going on since 1978.  You could use what Bush called TheGoogle to figure out how many presidents we've had as well as Sec HHS under them since then.  Most of them were Republican but that's lost on the two ND and Nuguy morons.

-- Modified on 9/22/2012 4:14:28 PM

The Ryan plan would END Medicare for a voucher system.
When the cost of your care exceeded the Ryan voucher, you are on your own!!!

Republicans saying Democrats are cutting Medicare, is like Jack the Ripper reporting Dr. Phil for abusing women!

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