Politics and Religion

A few points of clarification before this shit spirals completely out of control
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 3702 reads

No, liorr did not bet me on the Tigers/Yankees series. He called me out, and then pussed out when I told him to either put up or shut up. He is not guilty of welching, but he is guilty of being a big mouth who shows his true chickenshit colors when his bluff is called.

Similarly with the "bet" between mrnt and Pri. Mrnt called Pri out, but Pri never accepted. Hence, no bet.

Even though I am one of the chief offenders, I'd like to echo a point that others have made. This is getting a bit juvenile, and even a bit boring. Let's go back to insulting each other and fighting over matters that are "on topic" and stop the off topic foolishness, except where it comes to sports of course, hijacks that relate to sporting events are always allowed. lol

and while I can't speak for admin, I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of these off topic, "talking to oneself", and downright silly posts are going to start finding their way to the trash bin.  Enough is enough.

This will never be a civilized place, but I would hate to see it turn into something akin to the Sports Board before the ghostly "Sports Mod" stepped in to restore a bit of order to the place.

OK, back to our regularly scheduled backbiting, name calling, and petty arguing. lol

Priapus531099 reads

So, GaG, when Liorr talked to you, did you need a Klingon translator for his Ebonics-Pig Latin dialect ?-------LMAO !

Getting back to fighting for matters that are "on topic" : Herman Cain's 9% Federal sales tax is a fucking joke. I've lived in Ca & Nv & the state-local sales taxes are over 8%. You add the "Cain9" tax" & that goes to over 17%. 45 states have state-local taxes. That will NEVER fly & neither will Cain. He will NEVER be POTUS.

People certainly have the right to vote for whomever they choose, but, IMO, if you vote for Cain, you're pissing your vote away.

Time to continue getting drunk, and almost time to start rooting against the Jets. The favorites have been doing quite well this week, the only real upset was the Bucs, maybe it's time for a really bad Miami team to pull one out of their ass and beat the Jets who are favored by a touchdown?

Primary votes are never "pissed away" voting for a third party candidate in the GE is a different story though. That said, movements have to start somewhere, look at how quickly the Tea Party has become a force to be reckoned with, despite people like you dismissing them every step of the way.

see if YOU get any sleep tonight lol

Hope i don't interrupt you and your bff saying goodnight to each other lmao

Look at the shit flying just north of this thread.  What were you thinking (or drinking) to imagine you could bring rationality to this poop-throwing monkey house?  I do think you inadertantly came up with a better name for this board: The Backbiting, name calling, and petty arguing Board.
You are just a cock-eyed optimist.  With the emphasis on cock.

no action" queebie WEASEL we all know he is, and his side kick "Nicki" showed his skirt too, I'll be more than happy to stick to the regular program.

My mission has been accomplished.

-- Modified on 10/18/2011 6:56:30 AM

First, use an attempt to calm things down as an excuse to fling more shit.
Then, after getting your ass kicked, declare victory!
What more could you possibly do to prove yourself completely lacking in credibility?
I'm sure you'll think of something!

knew the bet was bullshit, and you want to talk about credibilty?

You should be well into your 1.75 liters of vodka, shelled out a grand for a fake pornstar, beat up a few crack dealers, and have your chest implanted with hair by now. Afterall, it's 8:20 am...PST.

Now leave me alone and everything will be fine, ok?

Fake resume?  Are you still riding that tired-assed routine?  What's even funnier is you don't even accurately rememeber the trash talk you're refering to.  Or is it just the mr.notruth is lying again?  What a surprise.  You "knew the bet was bullshit?"  And "Mr.NoBalls" didn't?  Then how come he didn't post on your thread?  You can't have it both ways.  Oops!  Of course you can!  You're mr.notruth.  Hint: don't even use the word credibility any more.  You wouldn't know it if it bit you on the ass.

He did'nt post on my thread because he was too chickenshit to put his money where his mouth was. That's why he's Mr.NoBalls.

Since he did'nt accept the wager, there was no wager as GaG has explained to anyone with an IQ above iceplants. I guess that does'nt include you! Since there was no wager your "vote" did'nt mean a fucking thing except that you maybe thought Mr.NoBalls Hypocracy In a Sandwich Message was brilliant. I can see it's appeal to a pantsshitting godhater, pathetic as it was.

You've tied yourself in knots. Go swig some vodka.

I'd suggest SingTFU up I'm having too much fun with you.

Posted By: inicky46
Fake resume?  Are you still riding that tired-assed routine?  What's even funnier is you don't even accurately rememeber the trash talk you're refering to.  Or is it just the mr.notruth is lying again?  What a surprise.  You "knew the bet was bullshit?"  And "Mr.NoBalls" didn't?  Then how come he didn't post on your thread?  You can't have it both ways.  Oops!  Of course you can!  You're mr.notruth.  Hint: don't even use the word credibility any more.  You wouldn't know it if it bit you on the ass.

especially now that you're doing it above as Nathan Bedford Forrest.  You must have two keyboards out there in your mom's garage.  Better hit the books or you'll flunk that GED course.

you're behind. You continue to flail away instead of shutting your piehole. That's good.

Now your latest venture into stupidity has me, a Basic Member, posting under an alias, which again, anyone with an IQ above iceplants knows, is a feature reserved for VIP Members.

So, you fail Nicki. You fail at voting me off the island, you fail at trashtalking, you fail at lying about my posting....face it dude, you just fail.

Now get back to that gloryhole at Rikers where you can do what you do best.

So you're not Nathan.  So what?  And do you really think I care enough about bullshit on a hooker/john board to go sleuthing around like you apparantly do.  And you continue to claim you don't lie?  LMAO!  Virtually every post you make has some distortion or another in it.  I could give a shit if you're voted off the island or not.  So keep on declaring victory while the rest of the world laughs at your sorry ass.  Interesting about the Rikers crap, as it was some time ago.  What do you do, archive this shit?  Go back through days of old posts to dig around?  Nothing better to do, I guess. Man, you are just sad.

I'll let you have the last word.

-- Modified on 10/18/2011 11:47:01 AM

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