Politics and Religion

Me knew it to be true . Ya donkey fetish give it away
James_Connolly 418 reads

Ya and sunken chest lad go to furries conventions be dressing as donkeys and shag each other .  


randomvr3012328 reads

So was it:

1. Stand Your Ground
2. Bad guy with a gun
3. Good guy with a gun gone bad
4. Good guy with a gun just acquired a mental disease
5. Law abiding owner just snapped

Bottom Line:

Five people died from shots fired from a GUN.

Put the law breaking felon in prison until his body corrupts into a necrotic, stinking, gelatinous goo. The "Gun" was merely an inanimate tool used in a felonious way.

I never thought I needed a gun in my 72 years and so did any one in my family and extended families spread all over US and they # over 200.    I'm sure there are millions who think that way.    As our future President Hillary Rodham Clinton said "it is a minority of Americans who cling to their religion and guns".     With fast changing demographics (Hispanics, Asians) sure the gun culture will die its natural death in a decade.

It's the loss of many our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th 6-7-8-9 and 10th Amendments that have made the "gun culture" so rabid. If anything I foresee a wondrously bloody revolt with bankers and corporatist's bullet ridden bodies rotting in the streets.  
Kinda gives me a case of the warmies just thinking about it. :D  

Posted By: csekhar73
I never thought I needed a gun in my 72 years and so did any one in my family and extended families spread all over US and they # over 200.    I'm sure there are millions who think that way.    As our future President Hillary Rodham Clinton said "it is a minority of Americans who cling to their religion and guns".     With fast changing demographics (Hispanics, Asians) sure the gun culture will die its natural death in a decade.

because of the Rodney King decision. It still doesn't make sense today. But now we ALL have video recorders built into our phones so that the police can abuse us and then rely on unwavering protection from their historic "Blue Wall".

When and where did HRC make such a statement?

Posted By: csekhar73
As our future President Hillary Rodham Clinton said "it is a minority of Americans who cling to their religion and guns".
It closely resembles one made by BHO after which his opponent, HRC pounced on him, critically denouncing the "bitter clinger" claim.

home of ya President , Mrs. Clinton, Jesse Jackson more n more  

Rahm hire a wanker from me adopted yank city to facilitate the hide lie .

When people die in mass shootings does it really matter where it is and who it is?     A life is taken away in the end.    It is not conservative or liberal and it is not democratic or republican.

Ignorant people like you are the reason we have these guns and people are dying.

have been killed in Chicago's KILLIN FIELDS the past six seven years ! Ya don't know the answer because ya god damn head be shoved up ya lefty arse like ya politicians because admittin the problem be the entire race of the killers be the cause and not the gun is political suicide .  

Me grew up I a kill zone ya fuck ya an actually be feelin fo those black pieces of shit in Chicago because they can't get help even from those who's job it tis to help them. Lousy Jew mayor , patsy top cop , bogus mayor and most be all the stupid wanker black ass president of the United States .  


Posted By: csekhar73
When people die in mass shootings does it really matter where it is and who it is?     A life is taken away in the end.    It is not conservative or liberal and it is not democratic or republican.  
 Ignorant people like you are the reason we have these guns and people are dying.

Your display of Racism will not help solve any problem.    Why don't you go and work for Ted Nugent or that Bundy!    You will make good company.

GaGambler627 reads

Cornhole is the exception to that. Cornhole has ZERO redeeming qualities and I rarely if ever even address him directly.

Asians seem to be at the top of his hate list, but he does manage to get around to Blacks, Jews et al.

I think Cornhole must have either lost his wife to a smarter Asian guy, a black guy with a bigger dick, or a Jew with more money. I think I covered all the bases. lmao

GaGambler543 reads

Come on fess up cornhole, we all know you haven't got anymore teeth left to kick out than you have branches on your "family stump" and just out of curiosity, have you quit fucking your sister yet so the rest of us can get a turn, just like we have with your wife?

I have one last question for you, was it a "rich Jew" a "smart Asian" or a "big dicked black guy" that stole your woman from you and turned you into such a bitter racist POS? Or was she just a slut who fucked everybody but you, and you don't really know what race the guy that made you look bad really was?

It's not that I really care why you are the racist POS that you are today, but I have booked a few bets and I'd like to pay off the winners

to quote a profit " I may not know what course others may take "  

but as for you ya copy watch ya brought it on now ya can deal with it .


What's up with his dislike toward Asians?  It doesn't bother me much what he says about asians cuz asians are the superior race either way. Haha  Ever see photos of Area 51 aliens?  Those extra terrestrials look like Asians which means we are far more intelligent and evolved than others.  Roflmao :D

Oh and his wife might possibly have been a donkey.  Either that or she cheated on him with another donkey.  

Honk honky donkey cornhole.  "DONKEY!!!"   LMAO

me seen an old pot belled man workin a smart phone ats a tall table near the b

Ya and sunken chest lad go to furries conventions be dressing as donkeys and shag each other .  


At least ga can write and put together a solid argument that is understandable.  As far as the racist charge, that's hog wash at it's best. It would be like saying congress can not enforce laws. Get my point? I hope so.

Here is one more for you, from Tennessee!    LMAO.   So are you going to blame the neo cons.

The Federal Government along with State Governments are clandestinely supporting these "Mass Shootings" in hopes of garnering enough voter support to severely modify and ultimately rescind the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Didn't you see how enraged Obama was when the FEMA supported massacre at Sandyhook failed to get a massive gun control effort passed?  

   Our civilian police forces are now FULLY MILITARIZED; but no cop wants to go down a city street kicking in doors knowing that 95% of the inhabitants are armed no matter how much Kevlar he is wearing.  
Making guns/gun owners a social pariah on Network and Cable TV is an early stage of gun confiscation and rescinding the Second Amendment. When the 2nd Amendment is gone our enslavement to a totalitarian corporate plutocracy will be frighteningly swift. We all will be soon chanting "Sieg Heil; GE. Sieg Heil; Pfizer. Sieg Heil; Coca Cola. Sieg Heil McDonald's, Walmart, Halliburton, American General" etc etc etc.

Posted By: RRO2610
  The Federal Government along with State Governments are clandestinely supporting these "Mass Shootings" in hopes of garnering enough voter support to severely modify and ultimately rescind the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Didn't you see how enraged Obama was when the FEMA supported massacre at Sandyhook failed to get a massive gun control effort passed?  
    Our civilian police forces are now FULLY MILITARIZED; but no cop wants to go down a city street kicking in doors knowing that 95% of the inhabitants are armed no matter how much Kevlar he is wearing.  
 Making guns/gun owners a social pariah on Network and Cable TV is an early stage of gun confiscation and rescinding the Second Amendment. When the 2nd Amendment is gone our enslavement to a totalitarian corporate plutocracy will be frighteningly swift. We all will be soon chanting "Sieg Heil; GE. Sieg Heil; Pfizer. Sieg Heil; Coca Cola. Sieg Heil McDonald's, Walmart, Halliburton, American General" etc etc etc.

86H13LTP495 reads

Check their shit . They run a number that says guns are the leading killer of children in America . If you dig deep enough on that asshole blog deep in the fine print it says Children and **TEENS** !! Their number includes teens . How old are most of those gang banger thugs again ?  

That's right ! Fuck that worthless BLOG run by a lefty trash slut !

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