Politics and Religion

Maybe Obama is only half wrong. (eom)
NCJimbo 3298 reads
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Obama said government is the answer in a speech a few days ago. It is NOT IMHO, it is part of the problem. What is your thoughts?

xc222ea 47 Reviews 2352 reads
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It's people who thought government was part of the problem who got us into this mess. What we learned over the last eight years is that you should not turn over the Federal bureaucracy to people who have a disdain for government.

I suspect Obama was talking in specific terms about the bailout. There is wide spread agreement among conservatives and liberals that ONLY the government is in a position to ameliorate the current crises.

So in other words, I appreciate, might even sympathize with your perspective in the abstract but you can be damn sure I don't want you to be anywhere near the essential government agencies. Let the bureaucrats try to save your ass so you can go on with your point of view.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1308 reads
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Capitalism is the problem. In the US capitalism owns the government.

holeydiver 113 Reviews 1820 reads
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RightwingUnderground 1664 reads
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". . . ONLY the government is in a position to ameliorate the current crises"

When such strong statements are made it diminishes the role of the private sector in the eventual recovery. Ultimately, it is NOT the government that will fix this. It is the private sector (whatever the hell that is becoming). Yes, government can be a catalyst or a boost, but acceptance of such flat assertions may get the ball rolling faster but it may also allow for government's involvement and role to become far too great and mismanaged. A relatively small group of politicians and bureaucrats cannot possibly make the correct choices regarding the efficiency and proper areas for investment or spending.

People accused Bush of fear mongering his way into your private life. BHO is doing exactly the same thing to take more control of your public life and get into your wallet.

One major problem we have is that too many people now believe that either there should never again be an economic turn or that the pain can and should be removed from them. Improper an excessive government involvement can lessen the pain but it is only kicking the problem down the road, making the eventual day of reckoning more severe (just ask Japan).

dncphil 16 Reviews 2733 reads
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Personally, I disagree.  The thing that rings true in my mind is Reagan's statement that some of the most feared words in the U.S. are, "Hello. I am from the government."

If you have a business, what is the reaction in your stomach when you see an envelope from city, state, or fed?

If the IRS contacts you, do you have confidence in your heart that you will be able to work out a mutually fair result without needing legal assistance?

If you are a home owner, and see a letter from the city (or county) what is your initial feeling?

And here is the final test: You are reading an article in your local paper.  The article is describing cost over runs on a government program that has not achieved the results anticipated.  Do you slap you thigh and say, "Gosh, imagine that. The government goofed."

Or do you roll your eyes and say, "Figures."

With that last question in mind, Obama has said htat 800 million is needed ASAP, and we may need a second stimulus also.  

Do you believe that in two weeks they can work out a program to spend a trillion dollars in a smart way?  Wild guess - What per cent waste would you anticipate.

tallslim26 26 Reviews 1196 reads
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Obama will definatly increase the amount of government involvement as he will implement a myriad of social programs meant to artificially increase the social standards of those who have contributed the least to society and who at the same time take the most from it. This makes him no different from most Democrats.

The fact is though, those who claim that less government is the solution are not on the right track either. The problem is not big government on its own, its bad government, its bad and evil men, traitors, in the government. Conservatives don't understand that to take care of the subversive elements who have taken control of our nation we need good patriotic people who have the power to take them down.

leglover1955 5 Reviews 1634 reads
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I may be off point here. But, Government does and still plays a big part on the way things are today. Think of all the taxes that we pay.
They are paying for all those  make me feel good programs.  How about we as voters vote on props., that many a politician backs, only to slide in thier own props. that would never get passed otherwise. hmmmmmm.
I can only comment on San Francisco politics. The so called Supervisors of this city, wants more taxes from businesses and it's population. Businesses cannot survive, and pack up and leave. That equals loss of jobs, in turn more homelessness. More taxes will take care of that, to help support the homeless. hmmmmmm
Then there are the drug programs, city beautification, etc, etc.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the California Budget can be easily fixed if every Californian will pay A thousand dollars each. If that is the case, I am paying more than enough taxes. Now they want more? hmmmmmm

leglover1955 5 Reviews 1199 reads
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"Obama will definatly increase the amount of government involvement as he will implement a myriad of social programs meant to artificially increase the social standards of those who have contributed the least to society and who at the same time take the most from it. This makes him no different from most Democrats."

I hope he doesn't make the same mistake our current did. Giving out stimulus checks to those that didn't even contribute. All of a sudden the jails were jammed pack with people with drug charges. Then sent to drug programs that don't work for 99%.

kerrakles 1657 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 2179 reads
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People hate the lackeys that run it. Lackeys love their capitalist masters.

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