Politics and Religion

May I offer you a banana? (eom) ;-)
RightwingUnderground 2701 reads


MDSTUDS20032141 reads

Do any animals do any thing like the hobby?

If it were not for condoms and pills we would have lot of offspring.
Are there any animals where the male has to give any thing to the woman to have before having sex?

As a matter of fact, yes. Scientists have documented several species of monkeys where the males would bring the females offerings of food, in turn for sexual attention.

Just about the only human behavior not duplicated among animal species is our tendency to wage war against each other. The closest equivalent are some ant colonies who have attacked neighboring ant colonies for food sources, and a few other examples of animals fighting over territory. Among animals though, fights are centered around resources such as water, food, breeding rights, etc. We are the only animal that routinely kills one another for reasons other than secure food and breeding sources.

That's the monkey's equivalent to our dinner date. Even with just one date, we're hoping to get some sex. :)

Well yeah, but hope and a buck will buy ya a cup of coffee these days.

Funnily enough, I never could figure out was the purpose of putting off sex. If I liked the guy and we clicked, well, why wait?

Funny story: A friend of mine set me up on a blind date once. We met at a dinner club for dinner and a show. It was pretty obvious there was chemistry there and we had a wonderful dinner. I had worn a short skirt, and well, with the exception of a thong or g-string to go with a lingirie set, I go commando. No nylons that night either.

So dinner is over, and we are getting up to go to the show, and he and I both look down and notice that well, I had....(how do I say this delicately?).....left a little bit of a puddle. (Still cracking up as I write this). The look on his face was PRICELESS. Utterly PRICELESS. I laughed, and you could tell, he was torn between being polite and acting as though he'd seen nothing, or doing the MaCaulley Culkin (sp?) fist pump from Home Alone. I could practically hear him doing the end zone dance and saying "Oh yeah baby, I'm gettin laid tonight! Who da MAN!" But he was very gentlemanly about it.

I hardly need add that his dinner got him what yoiu fellows are always hoping for LOL

PS. Six months later, this same man told me during an argument that he thought I was only interested in him for sex. That puzzles me to this day. Well yeah actually that pretty much was the reason. We had GREAT sex. I mean hanging from the rafters, emergency teams standing by, SEX. But we didn't really have much in common beyond that. But WHY was that a problem?? I still don't get it! LOL

I can imagine I'd have the same response. Unfortunately, the only woman that I got around all the bases with, to home plate, on a first date, was my second wife. Boy, did that turn out to be a big mistake. Not, the sex, just the marriage. :)

fasteddie511320 reads

The girl generally knows within the first 15 minutes if she's going to give it up for the guy, but we guys are the eternal optimists, and as long as you ladies will keep letting us buy you lobster dinners, we'll keep shelling out the dough thinking "tonight may be the night".

That's why I prefer the honesty between the client and the provider... buth know that by the end of the evening, they're going to get laid, and when it's all said and done, often it costs the guy less.

GaGambler782 reads

Just because you are willing to let women lead you around by the dick, promising to eventually fuck you. Don't presume to think that all of us are that naive.

I date all the time, and partly because of the hobby and the ability it gives to to get laid on demand, I allow a woman to string me along, not for many years at least.

Maybe with this revealtion about how wrong you can be about women, maybe a confession about your misguided left wing tendencies is in the works as well?

Why didn't anyone tell me I was supposed to hold out for the lobster dinner first!?!?!?!?! ;)

It's common for primates to give offerings of food. That's likely how we started walking upright to begin with. So the males could carry food back to the females and get some nooky.

I thought it was so we could carry the club to bash the female over the head and drag her by the hair back to our caves! :-)

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