Politics and Religion

Lying religious hypocritesteeth_smile
Priapus53 9104 reads

This question will make sense after you read the link; Don't you only see only 4 sandwiches, with
2 added dishes being side dishes/condiments ?

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 11:08:21 AM

Timbow1114 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
This question will make sense after you read the link; Don't you only see only 4 sandwiches, with
2 added dishes being side dishes/condiments ?

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 11:08:21 AM

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 6:11:36 AM

just because he isn't a whoremonger, doesn't make him anything other than who he is; dedicated.

Timbow1316 reads

Posted By: OSP
just because he isn't a whoremonger, doesn't make him anything other than who he is; dedicated.

Julie Costello" on Growing Pains until she was fired on series regular Kirk Cameron's insistence, for having posed nude in Playboy magazine.

Julie McCullough landed the role of nanny Julie Costello on the television show Growing Pains in 1989. She appeared in eight episodes until she was fired in 1990, which stemmed from series star Kirk Cameron's conversion to evangelical Christianity, a conversion that, according to The E! True Hollywood Story episode focusing on the show, served to alienate him from his fellow cast members, as he did not invite any of them to his wedding. He called for McCullough's termination because of his objections to her having posed nude in Playboy, and accused the show's producers of promoting pornography.


Timbow1573 reads

Posted By: Officer Cartman
If it was posted on E! and Wikipedia then it must be true.

I really, really don't. What exactly is all the outrage about? Maybe I just need a more vivid imagination, but I don't have a fucking clue.

Priapus532380 reads

There were 4 sandwiches, which corresponds to the # of people in front of & behind the camera.
One of the lying Bible thumpers said there were
10-15 people at the party. If you look at the  chintzy food spread, whoever paid for this has to be one of the cheapest moterfuckers ever.
Lastly, as Tim said, Cameron is a major jerkoff & this whole story proves it-----:)

Why does anybody give a fuck if he is too cheap buy more sandwiches? and why is it his responsibility to buy sandwiches for his own damn birthday? and why am I even commenting on this stupid ass thread?

I really can't imagine caring about anything less than I do about this nonsense.

Priapus531088 reads

since you find the op to be bullshit .

1. On the Cain thread, when I said I would bet his supporters there that he had NO chance of being POTUS, why didn't I get any takers ?

2. You don't think Evangelical voters don't prefer a An African-American Christian over a white Mormon ?

Or at least question number two.

Question number one is irrelevant to the primary process. By your line of thinking there never would have been a POTUS Obama, Clinton, or many others over the years that did not start off as the favorite in the polls. Not to mention your bet is unfair unless you plan on offering odds. Why would I accept even money on a ten to one bet, or whatever the actual odds are.

As for question number two, there is no winning with people like you, no matter who a person supports you can always come up with a bullshit reason to disparage their choice. If you don't like Obama, you hate blacks, if you don't like Romney, you don't like Mormons, there is just no end to this type of bullshit. Why can't I prefer Cain over Romney because I think he would make a better POTUS? without throwing race, religion, or fucking shoe size into the mix?

Since when does a voter need to check the polls to see what the majority thinks before casting his/her vote. news flash Pr, I don't want or need your "stamp of approval" before casting my primary vote. You need to present a lot more compelling argument than "he trails in the polls" to have the slightest effect on my decision.

BTW what exactly was the point to your original OP? Even after rereading it, and the link, I still don't have a clue as to why it was newsworthy. There has to be a point I am missing. Please enlighten me.

in the buffet today because Pri's posts are wacker and more off the wall than normal.

Why waste a nice weekend trying to figure out what kind of bullshit he is promoting today???   lol

Priapus53940 reads

You don't understand OP's about Iran & Religious hypocrisy---------I think you need a P&R 101 course------LOL !

Priapus531659 reads

My "stamp" of approval ?!-----What am I ? God ?--------since we're both non believers, little chance of that---------LOL !

In re to BHO, posted a # of VERY critical posts on him & may even vote for Romney next time, so
please don't hand me that "PC bleeding heart liberal crap that if you don't like BHO, you don't like blacks".

You don't belive race or religion enters into politics ?! Man------I didn't believe you were that naive.

Lastly, this shouldn't have a bearing on your decision, but I can confidently state that Herman Cain has as much chance of being POTUS as Goldwater did in '64.

As for the orig OP, I thought it was a statement on religious hypocrisy---if you think it was bullshit, no skin off my nose------I thought recent Brown-Warren OP was bullshit also :)

Prior to that I really had no idea who or what the fuck he was.

I still don't know what the OP was all about, and why the outrage over a few sandwiches. I'm not calling it bullshit, I just don't understand why it's newsworthy.

they are arrainged. It's too complex to describe right now but the gist is that the sandwiches and side dishes clearly show Kirk Cameron moonlights as a gay pornstar.

Pri just forgot to provide the link to the Subway sandwich decoder website.

I can usually find something sexual in just about anything, but all saw was some food and some douchebag blowing out candles. Maybe I am not as warped as the court appointed psychiatrist said I was? lol

or maybe if you move the picture a certain way the chick behind him flashes a beaver shot or maybe he's "blowing out" a cockshaped candle..maybe if we flip it upside down the room will breakout into an orgy..we can only hope..

Particularly when I've never heard of this guy he's complaining about. Is he someone terribly important? lol

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 1:01:22 PM

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 1:03:32 PM

There are 4 sandwiches on the table and he's blowing out candles!!!!

Of course this makes all religious people lying hypocrites. Probably racist antisemite homophobe xenophobe too.

Just stick your head as far up your ass like Pri does and it will all makes sense.

Otherwise, you'll just see this as the feeble, pathetic post by a religious bigot that it really is.

Priapus531102 reads

Why don't you talk about something you're familiar with, as say, "black & brown pawns of the left" ?

you think this fucking stupidest post of the year proves something.

Find me a Bozo jpg and post it to yourself.

Priapus532229 reads

Like shooting fish in a barell.

Don't make me pull up the links-------LOL !

or maybe you can redeem yourself by redoing the poll that you welched on with mr.nogood.

but yeah, pull whatever post you want and put it besides this incredibly pathetic post and let's see what the audience say...

unless you're too cowardly....hmmmm?

Priapus531862 reads

point is that just bc some of his posts deserve derision
Posted by mr.notrouble  , 6/25/2011 9:18:49 PM   [mr.notrouble has 9 reviews

------"that notwithstanding, mrnogood does raise some issues that i think actually do merit some thought"--------

Speaking about a man who says earth is on collision course with Planet X----------LOL !

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 2:24:42 PM


Strike 1.

Posted By: Priapus53
point is that just bc some of his posts deserve derision
Posted by mr.notrouble  , 6/25/2011 9:18:49 PM   [mr.notrouble has 9 reviews

------"that notwithstanding, mrnogood does raise some issues that i think actually do merit some thought"--------

Speaking about a man who says earth is on collision course with Planet X----------LOL !

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 2:24:42 PM

"No, the stupidest post was your support of mrnogood.
Posted by Priapus53 Posted by Priapus53, 10/15/2011 1:58:45 PM
 Like shooting fish in a barell."

   In a sea of fish you are the dumbest carp.

           It's spelled barrel

I am still sure there must be some dirty aobut the way those sandwiches are arranged, or maybe he shoves them all up his ass on the next frame?

Snowman392034 reads


REALLY, conspiracy theory ?!?!?!

Are we talking about the death of a President and the number of shooters? No

Are we talking about aliens crashing and their remains be hidden by the government? No

What are we talking about? The number of Subway Sandwiches to people ratio at a B- actors birthday party.


Priapus532068 reads

Or maybe it's old age; speaking of old age/dementia, I think Herman Cain has NO chance of being POTUS. Be willing to be you $ 50 on that.

Put up or shut up----unless you can't afford to lose $ 50-----;)

-- Modified on 10/16/2011 6:07:32 AM

Snowman392301 reads

I posted it as a joke, but the fact that you replied within 20 minutes early on a Sunday makes one wonder if there is not an element of truth...

In regards to Herman Cain, WRONG THREAD!!

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