Politics and Religion

Lou Dobbs says he may enter the political arena....
jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2159 reads

Lou Dobbs, after leaving CNN, (fired or resigned, who knows), said he is considering running for one of the New Jersey senate seats of Robert Menendez, or Frank Lautenberg. Fat chance of winning either seat. His outspoken views on illegal immigrants will not go down well with all the hispanics in New Jersey, legal or not, and there are at least a million of them. More coming everyday. Habla espanol, Lou?  

-- Modified on 11/20/2009 7:28:44 PM

Dobbs is so Full of S---!

If he had a following he would still be on TV.

He was basically asked to leave CNN because, according to Dobbs, they apparently are moving away from what he called "advocacy journalism" and toward a more neutral style of reporting.

whatever cachet Dobbs has comes by virtue of his presence in the media.  Once that's gone, the counter starts ticking down on his 15 minutes.  Xrist, i wouldn't think 98% of American "media personalities" are capable enough to bus tables, wash dishes, deliver groceries, hand out flyers or sweep the streets.

Garden State Hispanics, illegal or not, notwithstanding, LD has about as much political viabiity as does Sarah Palin.  Even less if that's imaginable.  At least she somehow managed  to get elected to something.

Next stop for Lou Dobbs?  The answer to a trivia question, most likely.

-- Modified on 11/22/2009 12:50:35 AM

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