Politics and Religion

LOL...now, now PW, he wan't talking about you, it was....regular_smile
gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 539 reads

...the guy on his other side, who I believe is an Independent.

First, when we say the media is biased, be are obviously meaning generally.  No one thinks every news agency is.

That said, here is the latest example.

Biden said that we should recall TR's "talk softly and carry a big stick,"  adding that he assures us that Obama has a big stick.

It is a very funny gaffe.  But it got 1/1000th of the publicity as would have happened if a GOP had done something equally silly.  Had Palin said it, it would be the source of jokes for weeks.

(Hey, look at Ford.  He was one of the most physically adept presidents we ever had.  A major sports player.  But he takes one fall, and it was parodied so many times it became his image.)


a more substantive example. Instead of looking at the nature of "the media" trying looking at the nature of the "message." It was more like one of those jokes that is told at a public gathering, that everyone nervously laughs at, but is in such poor taste that no one, after that, repeats to anyone else. First, it alludes to the president's penis. You've probably gathered by now, that vaginas can be talked about in public much more readily than penises. If you haven't noticed there are plenty of feminine hygiene commercials, but little or none regarding male hygiene. One remember a "jock itch" commercial many years ago, and it lasted for about a week. Second, Biden's comment feeds into a racial stereotype. Few people, even in the press are going to want to be seen as having picked up on that stereotype. A comedian; yes, news reporter; no. Third, the press generally tries to show some respect to the one holding the office of the presidency no matter how it is. Given my first two points, that would be hard to do and make this an on going news story. So, I see this as a more likely explanation than yours.   ;)

How many times has Pri posted something with GOP as old white Christians?
How many others repeat things.

At least this was something that happened that day, unlike Pri which just pops up with old white guys every other day.

Yes, Biden's comment does feed into the stereotype which makes it worse.  (Actually, I think it makes it funnier.)  But the fact that this feeds into it really makes it even better fodder for late night comedians.

And your third point "the press generally tries to show some respect to the one holding the office of the presidency no matter how it is" makes me ask what cave were you living in during the years from 2000-2008?

Posted By: mattradd
a more substantive example. Instead of looking at the nature of "the media" trying looking at the nature of the "message." It was more like one of those jokes that is told at a public gathering, that everyone nervously laughs at, but is in such poor taste that no one, after that, repeats to anyone else. First, it alludes to the president's penis. You've probably gathered by now, that vaginas can be talked about in public much more readily than penises. If you haven't noticed there are plenty of feminine hygiene commercials, but little or none regarding male hygiene. One remember a "jock itch" commercial many years ago, and it lasted for about a week. Second, Biden's comment feeds into a racial stereotype. Few people, even in the press are going to want to be seen as having picked up on that stereotype. A comedian; yes, news reporter; no. Third, the press generally tries to show some respect to the one holding the office of the presidency no matter how it is. Given my first two points, that would be hard to do and make this an on going news story. So, I see this as a more likely explanation than yours.   ;)

You're proving media bias by providing it in comparison to a hypothetical that hasn't happened?

Biden is certainly gaffe prone, but you'll notice the Obama administration doesn't put him in front of a mic every damn day.

Palin, on the other hand, has said an amazing number of absurd and ridiculous things. Every time she gets in front of a TV camera you can expect something ridiculous is going to come out of her mouth, and if not that, something that proves again that she's the dumbest human being ever to seek federal office in our nation's history.

Phil, did you happen to catch Jon Stewart's interview with Chris Wallace a while back? Stewart hit the nail on the head. There is a bias in the media. It's for sensationalism and laziness.

To say it hasn't happened is silly.
On the one side you see what happens when a conservative makes a mistake.  Fodder for days.  Be it Palin, Ford, Bush, you name it. How many examples do you want?  There are scores of examples where a conservative makes a mistake and it is major coverage.

The other side is a Dem makes a dumb comment.  Last week Obama confused the names of the Malvinas and the Maldives.  L.A. Times, N.Y Times, ABC, CBS - not a peep.

Biden makes this dumb comment. Not a peep. A couple weeks ago Biden called Franken one of the great legal minds of the senate. Not a peep.

Biden said that when the Market crashed in the 1929 FDR got on TV and calmed the nation.  (HINT, there was no TV and FDR wasn't president.

These are just off the top of my head. I can't begin to think of half of the dumb things Biden has said.

Obama said people in Austria spoke Austrian. Silence.

You go to extreme hyperbole by saying every time Palin goes in front of cameras it is something stupid.  It is "stupid" to you because you disagree with it, but many of them are not "stupid" in the sense of gaffes.

Here is your challenge. Show something "stupid' in the sense of a gaffe that she made in the last two months. But you say every time. _NOT SOMETHING BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH, BUT STUPID.

Posted By: willywonka4u
You're proving media bias by providing it in comparison to a hypothetical that hasn't happened?

Biden is certainly gaffe prone, but you'll notice the Obama administration doesn't put him in front of a mic every damn day.

Palin, on the other hand, has said an amazing number of absurd and ridiculous things. Every time she gets in front of a TV camera you can expect something ridiculous is going to come out of her mouth, and if not that, something that proves again that she's the dumbest human being ever to seek federal office in our nation's history.

Phil, did you happen to catch Jon Stewart's interview with Chris Wallace a while back? Stewart hit the nail on the head. There is a bias in the media. It's for sensationalism and laziness.

The editing of the Zimmerman tape was one of the most dishonest things I ever saw.  Show me one time where Fox edited a tape to give that type of false impression.

Likewise, Rather's expert told him the document was possibly forged. Show me one time where Fox ran a story after being told that it was based on a forged document.

Yes, Fox has it's bias. Everyone does.  But show one story that they ran, either doctoring the evidence or having been told in advance it was fake.

salonpas954 reads


Here's a small playlist highlighting examples of Fox News bias.

1. Fox News Edits a Democrat to Make Him Look Worse


2. Fox News Edits Criticism of McCain Out of Daily Show Clip?


3. Fox News Crops Out Comedy From Catholicism Satire?


4. Fox News Gives North Korean Nukes the Iraqi WMD Treatment?


5. Fox News Hides Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's Debate Meltdown?


6. Fox News Dishonest Editing of Obama Judicial Nominee Goodwin Liu?


7. Fox News Edits Out Jon Stewart Beating Bill O'Reilly?


8. Fox News Hides Obama's Centrism?


9. Fox News Dishonest Edit of Obama as Exclusionary?


10. Fox News Edits Criticism of Palin Out of Tina Fey SNL Clip?


Can't blame you.  Martha McCallum and Julie Banderas, among many  others, are very hot . . . .   :-)

FistFullOfFifties471 reads

Conservatives think everybody is bias, except them. They are also the ones that lean into the urinal, practically hugging the porcelain, in fear someone might see their little stick in peripheral vision.

watching guys at urinals.  Is that why you carry so many fifties??   LOL!

...the guy on his other side, who I believe is an Independent.

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