Politics and Religion

lol pwilley gambler would atleast have to consider putting Bachmann on the ticket. eom
HankWilliamsJr 5750 reads
1 / 32
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2027 reads
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First in the primary, and second in the general. I voted for him in the primary just to get Hilary to STFU. I voted for him in the primary because he ran as a progressive.

I will not vote for him again because he has governed as a moderate conservative in a time when our nation desperately needs progressive pro-working class policies.

Priapus53 1084 reads
3 / 32

I was so fed up in the 80's with lousy POTUS choices, that in '80, I voted fo 3rd party candidate, while in '84, I sat out the Presidential election.

I could certainly exercise those options in '12.

Rocket203 2626 reads
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Priapus53 2051 reads
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Rocket203 1008 reads
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Michele Bachmann is my preferred choice. She stands for everything I believe in. Now why would I waste a vote on Herman Cain when he clearly has no chance of winning. Herman Cain biggest accomplishment was selling pizza.  

Mitt Romney I would never vote for, this guy passed Obama Care in his own state, talk about a horrible record.  

I voted for Obama last year, yeah I was sold on the "hope and change" BS, and hes done a horrible job as president. Its either going to be Bachmann or Romney to get the GOP nomination, I follow politics on a daily basis so its a given.

As of now I prefer Obama over Romney, I'd rather vote the for the devil I know, than the devil I don't know. Think about that quote.

Rocket203 732 reads
7 / 32

You can't compare Romney's record to Bachmann's, Romney is a complete liar and a flip flopper.

First he was for abortion, now hes pro life. First he was for Obama Care now hes against it. And it wasn't the fact that Romney passed the health care law in his own state, it was that the bill was similar to Obama care, which Romney is supposedly against now.    

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1220 reads
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he is more convoluted than TrannyBoy, and makes even less sense, if that's even possible.

Rocket203 1190 reads
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I'm not sure what's too hard for you to understand.
Unlike Romney, Obama is clear about his policies, Romney on the other-hand is a "flip flopper".

I respect candidates more who stand by what they believe in, instead of "flip flopping" on the issues.

Bachmann will get the nomination so I won't have to vote for Obama.

Rocket203 1741 reads
10 / 32

What am I supposedly suppose to be joking about? The polls clearly show that Bachmann is leading in Iowa, she's captivating and she has a plan to get this country back on track.

And Gamblersbrother who are you voting for in the 2012 election? I'd like to know which candidate you support.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1421 reads
13 / 32

he's a blantant Socialist like you?  Personally, I'll probably vote for him again because the alternative will be either a nut-job or a bland boob like Romney or Pawlenty

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1642 reads
14 / 32

Did you vote for Anderson in 80?

Posted By: Priapus53
I was so fed up in the 80's with lousy POTUS choices, that in '80, I voted fo 3rd party candidate, while in '84, I sat out the Presidential election.

I could certainly exercise those options in '12.

pwilley 59 Reviews 1392 reads
15 / 32

Interesting choices.........?  Anyway, if you tend to like what you hear from Bachmann, then you would probably be equally impressed with Herman Cain although his chances to get the nomination are pretty slim.  I'm still hoping the conservatives will find another candidate but one thing for certain, I wouldn't support Obama under any circumstance.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1200 reads
16 / 32

I can't understand why anyone who likes Bachmann would vote for Obama, or vice versa.  Can you enlighten us?

inicky46 61 Reviews 717 reads
17 / 32

Mainly because Bachmann's policies and beliefs are antithetical to Obama's.  Romney's policies are closer to Bachmann's than Obama's are.  The fact that Romney passed health care in his own state is more important to you than that Obama passed it for the entire country?  So you'd vote for Obama?  I can't wrap my mind around that.  Still, if Romney is the nominee I'll be happy to have your support as a fellow Obama voter.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1276 reads
18 / 32

-- Modified on 7/26/2011 6:11:38 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 1265 reads
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I hate dynasties in government. I had my eye on McCain until Bush beat him in the primaries, and when he put Palin on the ticket with him.

But, I wish Chuck Hagel would run. Why? I don't know. I just like him, his personal history, and I've found him to have more integrity than most politicians. If he did, I'd probably vote for him. Also, Bloomberg, but he would have to run as an Independent. He's too much a pragmatist for the idealistic Tea Party to accept him. Given the Republican field to this point, I can't see voting for any of them unless perhaps some of them begin to reveal their bundlers. Well, maybe that will make me want to vote for them even less. If Ron Paul wasn't such an isolationist I would seriously consider voting for him. So, so far it looks like Obama again. Too bad Clayton Powell isn't available. I'd even give a close look at Kay Bailey Hutchinson. It's truly interesting how so few, with truly great personal character are running. Perhaps it's the public scrutiny, or knowing what one has to become to be part of the system: losing oneself, and all that they truly believe in and value.

-- Modified on 7/26/2011 6:25:49 PM

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1198 reads
20 / 32

There is a serious flaw in that logic.

Posted By: Rocket203
You can't compare Romney's record to Bachmann's, Romney is a complete liar and a flip flopper.

First he was for abortion, now hes pro life. First he was for Obama Care now hes against it. And it wasn't the fact that Romney passed the health care law in his own state, it was that the bill was similar to Obama care, which Romney is supposedly against now.    


BreakerMorant 2349 reads
21 / 32

either in 2012. I cannot remember the last time I have been so disenchanted with both parties. Oh yes, I have displeased with both parties in the past, but this time it's different.

Frankly, both Mr. President Obama and the Speaker of the House gave some of the strangest speeches I have heard. Were both having a hissy fit? I think both parties should take a page from NFL and learn how to negoiate. At this point I wish I could have a magic wand and have Robert kraft - owner of the NE patriots and Jeff Saturday- lineman for the INdy Colts as President of the United States and Speaker of the House, respectively.

Do what is best for America. Is that so hard to do?

joleneineugene 836 reads
22 / 32

Didn't vote for him in the first place, won't vote for him this time. Won't vote for anyone currently running; don't trust any of them any further than I could toss a boulder.

I will do as I usually do when I don't like who's running: write in a person I think would be great as POTUS, but who also has sense enough to never run for any office.

BreakerMorant 2340 reads
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as an American and Patriot I was pulling for Obama to succeed with his "Hope and Change" message. Yes I voted for McCain. He was a Vietnam Vet and those guys have been the best leaders I have ever come across in my life and career.

President Obama has not succeeded in leadership, the economy, his promises or projecting a vision for this country that is positive. He lies. That speech last night confirmed my position that Obama does not know what he is doing. It was strange.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1058 reads
24 / 32

The level of partisan posturing and point-scoring is pathetic.  The "full faith and credit" of the US has become a political football.  If they fuck this up the economy, the stock market,  and the housing market will be in  the toilet (well, the latter's already in the toilet but it can still get worse).  The damage that  will be done to our reputation as the most stable economy in the world, and the default place to go to invest in government bonds, will be trashed and it will be along time, if ever, til that's repaired.

pwilley 59 Reviews 1137 reads
25 / 32

He would never run for any elected office, although he's been known to run down to Costa Rica a time or two.  He's been observed in Colombia, Atlanta, Vegas and even hosted a beerfest or two.  I think he would do you proud.

digem-all 1120 reads
26 / 32

While he has disappointed me is some regards, he has accomplished much during his term thus far and when compared to the current crop of Republican candidates, it's a no brainer>

During his term...

Passed Healthcare reform (finally...but did not go far enough)
Saved the US Auto industry (Could you imagine the employment rate if he didn't do this)
Passed Stimulus Bill (over 288 Billion dollars of tax relief to the middle-class and kept several states from even more severe budgetary issues)
Finally getting us out of Iraq in combat operations mode
Killed Osama bin Laden
Made Al-Qeda irrelevant and killed more AQ leaders

Pretty effective I think...

joleneineugene 966 reads
27 / 32

three are exactly why I wouldn't vote for him:  

__no one has the authority to tell me I MUST have healthcare - not even my boss
__no business is ever too big to fail if they aren't using common sense business practices, and
__the stimulus bill didn't stimulate anything of any lasting value that I've yet heard about  

Your fourth hasn't been accomplished yet; troops are still over there and he's talking about sending a few more again.

Bin Laden, I'll give you that.

Al Qaida is still active and doing its dirty war-mongering.

So no, I won't vote for him.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2348 reads
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I can guarantee you though, it won't be any religious nut case like Bachman, or Palin, or Huckabee. If Christie can be convinced to enter the race I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

I have not ruled out the possibility of voting for Obama under certain circumstances. I would "consider" it if the appears that the GOP was going to regain control of Congress, or if someone like Bachman wins the GOP nomination, or if Obama manages to morph from a JImmy Carter into a Bill Clinton "and" the GOP nominee is even worse than Obama.

If it comes down to Romney or a Romney type candidate I will more than likely hold my nose and vote against Obama, which I guess means I will vote GOP, but a lot can happen in a year.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1054 reads
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GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2496 reads
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thanks for the kind words though.

of course that's what I said about becoming a TER moderator until they told me how many people would go ape shit learning that someone like me was going to be a mod. Add the fact that I could fire Willy's worthless carcass, and who knows? Maybe being POTUS wouldn't be such a bad gig after all. lol

joleneineugene 2451 reads
31 / 32

Just to nitpick a minute, DA.

The government makes laws and rules they expect me to follow. It doesn't necessarily mean I will. (Obvious one, I'm a provider. That in itself, when talking about time and companionship provided, is perfectly legal. It's the BCD aspect that the laws make a stink about.) Until the government starts laying fines at my feet for not following the myriad laws, or until they take me to the hoosegow (robbing banks for a dollar just to get food and medical treatment anyone?), I'll follow only the laws and rules that make sense to me.

Don't get me wrong. Believe it or not, I think making health insurance mandatory is a good idea for the reasons you state (and auto insurance which I dutifully pay every month), but, that isn't only how it's currently laid out as I understand it. Right now, that law comes with other things that aren't part of HEALTH at all. As such, I'll fight it in its present incarnation.

Refusing to bail out the car companies would not have eliminated the entire industry. Letting them fail would have made those companies either put on their overalls and dig in to dig themselves out, or they'd have had to join the lines to the soup kitchens. I didn't say it would be nice, but other companies fail without getting government funds - and big ones (think of all the retail places) - and it doesn't shut down an entire industry. Letting them fail would have hurt like hell - and yes, it would have damaged the ancillary companies - but it wouldn't have killed us.

I won't debate with you about Al Qaida, because in truth, I don't really see the difference in the damage done between a centralized murderous group of people and just cells of those same murderous-minded people. It still isn't over for us with them. A small ember that's left behind in an ill-tended campfire can still create a massive forest fire.

-- Modified on 7/27/2011 2:08:52 PM

General_Sherman 1522 reads
32 / 32

And I'm gonna hold ya to it!  Any Presidential run will be terminated by me and my men.
PS:  On to Richmond!

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