Politics and Religion

Lol. +1teeth_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 321 reads
randomvr3012434 reads

I mean he was hysterical and laughing at the stupidity of this country's laws, culture, the US Congress, Republicans  and how people put up  with that:

1. So it is murder to have an abortion when the mother can't afford to bring up a baby but it is OK to burn the baby in a hot car!    Just say "I forgot I put the baby in the car seat".

2. Those domestic violence restraining orders!    So, the estranged husband is told to keep away from his estranged wife?    So the NRA fights in courts to help  the guy can get guns and ammo.   He goes to his estranged wife's house, tie up his own children age 4 thru 11 and execute them, then kill his wife and her husband.    All he has to do now is claim some "mental disease".

3. The Republicans said they don't have money to pass a bill to extend unemployment benefits to millions.    Then they go and pass a bill to provide $287 billion in tax cuts to companies without even considering how to pay for it.

4. Republicans in the House vote 38 times to repeal the new Health Care Law and fail.   Now they want to sue the President for giving employers time to provide health insurance for their employers under the same law.

My friend suggests we change the old "God, Guns and Guts" and just keep Guns!    If there was God we would not be seeing children executed everywhere from their own homes to elementary class rooms.    If there was Guts, people would have acted to put the country on a different path by voting out of office all the Congressmen and Senators who are responsible for what the country is today.

sounds like something a liberal would do.

When a baby is put in a car seat and left to burn in hot sun, does it matter if the person who did is liberal or not?    What the world is seeing is the lack of value for human life in this country

and you bitch about God, Guns, and something else that starts with G, perhaps gold I can't remember.

... it is people, it has nothing to do with America, or Republicans.  


I'm done, come back with a better topic... if you can?

Posts 3 & 4.   Yes, that is what the world is laughing about!    "it is people, it has nothing to do with America".    Unfortunately the "people" you referring to live in America, LMAO.   Tilt your head and may be you can view things better.

I'm a citizen of this country from European descent, but I don't identify as an American.

I don't vote, and I don't adhere to the majority view.


Posted By: csekhar73
Posts 3 & 4.   Yes, that is what the world is laughing about!    "it is people, it has nothing to do with America".    Unfortunately the "people" you referring to live in America, LMAO.   Tilt your head and may be you can view things better.

86H13LTP470 reads

even better I'd love to step to one side and say you can behead that fuck right now if you want because it hates America

I'm proud to be who I am.  


You are too dense to realize, yours is the majority view I oppose.(but we know why you are here)

Since when did America own the patent on emergency services?

Denmark was so stupid that they decided to call a chunk of land sitting off the ass crack of the North Pole "Greenland".  

Really, what can anyone really say about Denmark these days? It's a European country that most people don't notice. Sure, people pay less attention to Andorra and Litchenstein, but really, who gives a flying phucky phuck about Denmark? I mean really.  

Denmark is one of those countries that the USA could wipe off the map ON ACCIDENT. America accidentally farts in an elevator, and the Danes are left to the dustbin of history. "Whoops! Sorry about that! We didn't mean to nuke you to oblivion. Just call us Mister Butterfinger!"

A lot of people around the world like to criticize the United States. That's because the USA is one of the few countries in the world that actually matter. Everyone in the world knows about the USA. But most Americans can't find Denmark on a map. Why? Because Denmark doesn't actually matter.  

Even people in other countries realize this, though they don't often like to admit it. The Brits used to call Tony Blair "Bush's Poodle". You'll notice that no one ever said that George Bush was Tony Blair's Poodle. Why? Because the United Kingdom is only marginally more important than Denmark, and we've already established that Denmark doesn't matter.  

That's not to say that the USA doesn't have it's faults. It most certainly does. But people in countries that do not matter should not point them out. If they were smart, then they would remain silent on all the internal workings of the USA, out of a sense of fear and self-preservation.  

After all, we're the nation that invaded the wrong country. You never know what might happen.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Denmark was so stupid that they decided to call a chunk of land sitting off the ass crack of the North Pole "Greenland".  
 Really, what can anyone really say about Denmark these days? It's a European country that most people don't notice. Sure, people pay less attention to Andorra and Litchenstein, but really, who gives a flying phucky phuck about Denmark? I mean really.  
 Denmark is one of those countries that the USA could wipe off the map ON ACCIDENT. America accidentally farts in an elevator, and the Danes are left to the dustbin of history. "Whoops! Sorry about that! We didn't mean to nuke you to oblivion. Just call us Mister Butterfinger!"  
 A lot of people around the world like to criticize the United States. That's because the USA is one of the few countries in the world that actually matter. Everyone in the world knows about the USA. But most Americans can't find Denmark on a map. Why? Because Denmark doesn't actually matter.  
 Even people in other countries realize this, though they don't often like to admit it. The Brits used to call Tony Blair "Bush's Poodle". You'll notice that no one ever said that George Bush was Tony Blair's Poodle. Why? Because the United Kingdom is only marginally more important than Denmark, and we've already established that Denmark doesn't matter.  
 That's not to say that the USA doesn't have it's faults. It most certainly does. But people in countries that do not matter should not point them out. If they were smart, then they would remain silent on all the internal workings of the USA, out of a sense of fear and self-preservation.  
 After all, we're the nation that invaded the wrong country. You never know what might happen.

and tells her he is going to kill her.... yet was out of jail a week later to kill 6 people. Why didn't California lock him up? Why cant states do more to protect people besides thinking of taking firearms? This guy would have done the same with a knife there is no doubt at all. In fact in the worst state firearms are only used around %55 of all domestic partner homicides.  
      Because the prosecution pled down domestic violence charges he was still legally able to buy a firearm. The NRA didn't pay for his attorney or talk the DA into pleading it down. The fact is too much of this is ignored until someone is hurt or killed and then we blame the tool used. Stating made up facts because they fit your agenda wont convince me of anything other than you are willing to lie cheat and steal to reach your goals.  
       "Haskell was charged with domestic violence for allegedly punching his wife in the face in front of their children in 2008, but he was able to plea down to simple assault instead of domestic assault, keeping him free and clear to buy a gun."  



Posted By: csekhar73
I mean he was hysterical and laughing at the stupidity of this country's laws, culture, the US Congress, Republicans  and how people put up  with that:  
 1. So it is murder to have an abortion when the mother can't afford to bring up a baby but it is OK to burn the baby in a hot car!    Just say "I forgot I put the baby in the car seat".  
 2. Those domestic violence restraining orders!    So, the estranged husband is told to keep away from his estranged wife?    So the NRA fights in courts to help  the guy can get guns and ammo.   He goes to his estranged wife's house, tie up his own children age 4 thru 11 and execute them, then kill his wife and her husband.    All he has to do now is claim some "mental disease".  
 3. The Republicans said they don't have money to pass a bill to extend unemployment benefits to millions.    Then they go and pass a bill to provide $287 billion in tax cuts to companies without even considering how to pay for it.  
 4. Republicans in the House vote 38 times to repeal the new Health Care Law and fail.   Now they want to sue the President for giving employers time to provide health insurance for their employers under the same law.  
 My friend suggests we change the old "God, Guns and Guts" and just keep Guns!    If there was God we would not be seeing children executed everywhere from their own homes to elementary class rooms.    If there was Guts, people would have acted to put the country on a different path by voting out of office all the Congressmen and Senators who are responsible for what the country is today.

86H13LTP401 reads

I laugh at Denmark . The Nazis took it in 6 hours . Six F-Ing Hours !! That's hilarious !!!  

Maybe remind that douche bag friend of yours if it wasn't for Americans with fortitude and guns he'd be goose stepping around town.  

Six F-Ing hours !! LMAO !!

Denmark, the 4th Happiest country in the world!    Douche  Bags are all here promoting USA as the biggest shooting gallery in the world.

Would you rather have a bottle in front of thee
Would you rather have a frontal lobotomy?  

Posted By: csekhar73
Denmark, the 4th Happiest country in the world!    Douche  Bags are all here promoting USA as the biggest shooting gallery in the world.    

Not just Denmark, it is what people all over the world think of us.

I love Europe and have been there at least 25 times.  

But it is dying as it commits cultural suicide.  

When the % of Moslems in any country reaches 30%, it will become like Lebanon.

A few years ago I read an article about this happening in Denmark.  They interviewed a 50-year old Danish gay guy, and asked him if he was worried because if Denmark ever had a strong Moslem influence, which it was and is heading to, he would be dead - literally.

He responded that for the past 30 years he has been enjoying life so much that he doesn't know how to fight for it.  

That is a good view if you are 50 years old, and are on your way out.  If you care about your young nieces and nephews, the selfishness is huge.  

Every year I go to Europe, I see more and more cultural suicide.  My nieces and nephews will not see the Calabira or Lyon or Sevile or Strasborg that I knew.

You can even win every time. That doesn't mean your life/way of life won't eventually die.

Ask a WWII Vet, if this is the America he sacrificed for?

I'm not arguing your point, I'm not saying your wrong, or saying people shouldn't fight for their way of life.

You posted this about Denmark before, didn't you?

Posted By: dncphil
I love Europe and have been there at least 25 times.  
 But it is dying as it commits cultural suicide.    

 When the % of Moslems in any country reaches 30%, it will become like Lebanon.  
 A few years ago I read an article about this happening in Denmark.  They interviewed a 50-year old Danish gay guy, and asked him if he was worried because if Denmark ever had a strong Moslem influence, which it was and is heading to, he would be dead - literally.  
 He responded that for the past 30 years he has been enjoying life so much that he doesn't know how to fight for it.  
 That is a good view if you are 50 years old, and are on your way out.  If you care about your young nieces and nephews, the selfishness is huge.  
 Every year I go to Europe, I see more and more cultural suicide.  My nieces and nephews will not see the Calabira or Lyon or Sevile or Strasborg that I knew.

I may have posted about Denmark before.  I have spent a lot of time in Europe.  (Just got back 5 weeks ago, going again in 7.)

The things I see overseas make me think about the U.S. more.  I understand Natchez, Mississippi better every time I go to London.  

I hate the idea of fighting for a life style.  But sometimes not fighting means losing.  

One of the Scandanavian countries - forgot where I saw it - has a huge phallus  in a public park, as an "art" installation. The Scandanavians like it.  Someday, when there are a significan number of Moslems, and I don't know the magic number, that will come down.  Scandanavian freedom will begin to fade.

The choice is either given in and become dominated, or fight for freedom.  

(Most of my trip reports are on travel sites.  Not here.)

Why is this happening?  

Do Moselems flock to Europe, or are Europeans converting?

There are a few reasons

First, Europeans are not producing enough to replace their population and care for their aging population.

You need more than two children per couple to keep the same population.  (More because some die.)

If you only have a birthrate of 1.5 per couple, the population will decrease dramatically over a relative short span.  You need to import workers to care for the elderly.

Second, Moslems are emigrating in large numbers because their home countries are so terrible.  However, after fleeing, they want to re-create their native culture, which is why you have large sections of Paris that are pretty Islamic (and London)>

Third, the Moslems in Europe have a much higher birthrate.  If you have 1.5 babies per "French" couple, and 4.5 babies per immigrant Moslem couple, well, to the math in 3 genertions.

Finally, even without the Moslems, European culture decided to kill itself by being European instead of French, German, English, Italian, etc.

When I first went to England in 1971, pubs were English.  There was one small shelf of very expensive alcholol from outside the U.K., and there rest was Brit drink.  The same with food, sadly in England, happily in France.  Now you are likely to find non-Brit alcohol as much as Brit/

I am just using that as one example.  The same thing applies to all aspects of culture.  It is become "Euoprean" instead of local.  

The language is English. the new Latin, as evidenced by the lyrics in almost every song in the European music festival

I don't know many who want to be burdened with the debt that accompanies a newly born baby.


Don't fear I think we will remain the most western, of western countries.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I don't know many who want to be burdened with the debt that accompanies a newly born baby.  
 Don't fear I think we will remain the most western, of western countries.

I forgot one other factor leading to the death of Europe.  Emigration.

The rates of emigration of Europeans - native French, German, English, Italian, etc - are very high.  As anyone who lives in a U.S. city knows, there are many Europeans wanting to emigrate to the U.S.  I could not begin to count the number of Italians, French, English, even Swedes, living in the U.S.

If you go to the American Embassy at 4 a.m. in London, you see the lines begining to form to get on the emigration lists.  

If you talk to people in any depth, everyone has a cousin or best friend living in N.Y., L.A., Dallas, or any other major city in the U.S.

What ever lefties here think of the European paradise, the number that want to leave is disproportionately higher than AMercicans wanting to move to EUrope.  (Excluding people like George Clooney who have a house there, but don't really "live" there.)

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