Politics and Religion

LMAO! Ok Willy, some real funny shit in there so I'll throw you a prop on that post. LOL...eteeth_smile
JackDunphy 605 reads


As Buggy with our biggest GOP cheerleader here, I think it might be time to ask ourselves if the GOP actually could produce any real investigations with the Obama administration.  

They pissed and moaned until the cows came home about Obamacare, but now that's bitten the dust.  

They pissed and moaned about Benghazi, but even Republican Fox News viewers think the GOP is doing this to play politics.  

They pissed and moaned about the IRS, but as it turns out, Democratic groups were targeted too, no conservative organization had their paperwork denied, yet Democratic ones did. Forgetting, of course, that this had to do with Super Pacs. Some might remember that Steven Colbert set up his own Super Pac. How did the IRS treat him? They didn't treat him at all. There was no requirement to send in your Super Pac paperwork to the IRS. Aren't we also forgetting that Super Pacs were breaking the law, and it wasn't clear which laws had been nullified by recent Supreme Court decisions? Why, yes we are.  

So that leaves the *actual* scandals of the Obama administration.  

The mess at the Veterans Administration. Except the Inspector General of the VA had sent Congress several letters informing the mess, and Congressmen didn't even bother to read it. Whoops.  

There's the actual scandal of NSA spying, but the GOP won't investigate that because they hate the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution.  

There's the actual witch hunt of whistleblowers in the Obama administration, but the last time a Republican was in the White House, their reaction to whistleblowers was to out a whistleblower's wife as a CIA agent.  

There's the actual scandal that the Obama administration has targeted journalists for helping whistleblowers. But again, mum is the word from the GOP.  

There's the actual scandal that the Obama administration quietly killed legislation that prevented Congressmen from profiting from insider trading. Of course, the GOP voted lock step with Democrats on that one.  

There's the actual scandal that US intelligence was used to target and destroy the Occupy movement, and used federal agencies to coordinate police departments to use violent tactics against them. Of course, the GOP was happy that was done.  

There's the actual scandal that the Obama administration has been working on the TPP, a free trade deal in secret.  

But on all these things, mum's the word from the GOP.  

Whoa, what's this? Did Hillary Clinton fart while she was giving Congress her testimony on Benghazi? News at 11

Why wouldn't the Federal government not use violence against OWS? Which was nothing more than a false political campaign for the left.

Posted By: willywonka4u
As Buggy with our biggest GOP cheerleader here, I think it might be time to ask ourselves if the GOP actually could produce any real investigations with the Obama administration.  
 They pissed and moaned until the cows came home about Obamacare, but now that's bitten the dust.  
 They pissed and moaned about Benghazi, but even Republican Fox News viewers think the GOP is doing this to play politics.  
 They pissed and moaned about the IRS, but as it turns out, Democratic groups were targeted too, no conservative organization had their paperwork denied, yet Democratic ones did. Forgetting, of course, that this had to do with Super Pacs. Some might remember that Steven Colbert set up his own Super Pac. How did the IRS treat him? They didn't treat him at all. There was no requirement to send in your Super Pac paperwork to the IRS. Aren't we also forgetting that Super Pacs were breaking the law, and it wasn't clear which laws had been nullified by recent Supreme Court decisions? Why, yes we are.  
 So that leaves the *actual* scandals of the Obama administration.  
 The mess at the Veterans Administration. Except the Inspector General of the VA had sent Congress several letters informing the mess, and Congressmen didn't even bother to read it. Whoops.  
 There's the actual scandal of NSA spying, but the GOP won't investigate that because they hate the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution.  
 There's the actual witch hunt of whistleblowers in the Obama administration, but the last time a Republican was in the White House, their reaction to whistleblowers was to out a whistleblower's wife as a CIA agent.  
 There's the actual scandal that the Obama administration has targeted journalists for helping whistleblowers. But again, mum is the word from the GOP.  
 There's the actual scandal that the Obama administration quietly killed legislation that prevented Congressmen from profiting from insider trading. Of course, the GOP voted lock step with Democrats on that one.  
 There's the actual scandal that US intelligence was used to target and destroy the Occupy movement, and used federal agencies to coordinate police departments to use violent tactics against them. Of course, the GOP was happy that was done.  
 There's the actual scandal that the Obama administration has been working on the TPP, a free trade deal in secret.  
 But on all these things, mum's the word from the GOP.  
 Whoa, what's this? Did Hillary Clinton fart while she was giving Congress her testimony on Benghazi? News at 11!  

It was the kickoff of his re-election campaign. They were singing his song. The media was in full force propping it up. It existed because O needed a distraction from his disastrous first term. Class warfare. If you can't see that OWS and O have exactly the same message then I should be selling you something.

BTW, you know how to shut up OWS? Have the Fed print money and invest it into Wall Street driving up the stock market and making the 1% even richer on the backs of the middle class. Haven't heard a peep out of OWS since "Quantitative Easing" started.

Wow. That's got to be the dumbest sentence I've read all year.  

I'll refer you to this secret government document that some have been calling the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  

"Congress shall make no law...prohibiting...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

You voted for Cantor didn't you? :-D


Posted By: willywonka4u
Wow. That's got to be the dumbest sentence I've read all year.  
 I'll refer you to this secret government document that some have been calling the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  
 "Congress shall make no law...prohibiting...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."  

JackDunphy556 reads

...but you are wrong on virtually everything.

So you're sticking with the IRS "faux" scandal that was just "a few rogue agents in Cincinnati" that forced people in DC to plead the 5th and resign? Really? LOL.

And Willy, why didn't you tell us the ratio of conservative/liberal groups damaged by IRS was 20-1? Yeah that sounds like a "non partisan" scandal to me. LOL

The other big thing you fail to mention is that ALL of the liberal groups had a ruling made on their status and the conservative ones did not.  

Why is that important? Without IRS ruling on the tax status of any particular group/organization, it can not appeal its ruling thus leaving it in "limbo." And as long as the conservative groups were in limbo, they posed no serious threat to hurt Obama and his cronies.

But lucky enough for you, the head Obama butt munch, all those emails just vanished like a fart in the wind. Try telling that to IRS if you ever get audited and tell me what they say. When is visiting day in your local prison again?

So its either a case of a massive scandal/cover up or just more evidence that Obama is a horrid and inept executive and that big government is wasteful, mismanaged and incredibly incompetent.  

So Willy, which one is it?

I'm going to take a wager here and say you got 99% of your info from Fox News. Not that that means anything. I'd just like to point that out.  

Oh, by the way, did you know that some years back Fox News was sued by two of their journalists for forcing them to lie to their viewers. Fox News won the case, and are now legally allowed to lie to their audience without any repercussions. I dunno what made me think of that.

JackDunphy635 reads

Come on Willy! It was YOU that devoted a whole paragraph to the IRS scandal in your OP, but NOW you saying you aren't interested in it? You have to have no short term memory to pull that off. LOL

You wouldn't answer my question b/c you can't answer it. It forces you to either acknowledge the ineptness and stupidity of Obama/Big Gov't or accept that his admin is corrupt to its core.

That's why I asked. And I understand why you dodged. LOL

But I do like your posts and glad you are back bro.

-- Modified on 6/19/2014 10:58:04 PM

GaGambler604 reads

As for your actual post, like Jack I disagree with just about all of it, but I am trying to work, post on TER, and watch both baseball and FIFA futbol all at the same time. So I really don't want to have to refute your post item by item.

I did want to welcome you back though, and I am glad you don't have another knife stuck in your back.

I've just been too busy to post here lately.

is that division in politics has caused people to turn a blind eye to human suffering and come across as loving their parties more than human beings.  When those elitists from both parties don't give a damn about people like me and you.  And the must hate the once called "middle class".

The only reprieve I have found for such corruption in politics, is to make a difference where I can.  My cause, most of my adult life was helping addicts recover, and giving a hand to pull up as many as I could.  

What gives me satisfaction and joy in my life now is helping homeless veterans whose spirits have been broken.  I support an organization that houses 21 men who have found themselves homeless and hopeless after returning from wars where they fought, come home disabled, damaged, discharged from the military.  Some have waited up to 4 years to get their benefits and were living under bridges.  No decorated war veteran should ever be HOMELESS.  And it kills me inside, to see so many post of my Facebook about their grumblings with the gov and how much they love the veterans.  I started a campaign to try to get people to just commit to $1 a month to sponsor a veteran.  But they turn a blind eye, grip about the broken gov, and I swear these people just like to blow hot air and don't want to be part of the solution.  And the most of them that gripe are conservatives that sit on their asses all day, spout patriotic crap.  And can't come off one dollar that would be one cup of coffee!  

I see people's faces too, when I stop to give part of my food to a homeless (most are veterans) they will turn their head.  WTF is wrong with people today?  At least half my friends have been in treatment facilities for alcohol or drug use at some point.  Most treatment centers in this area of Ga are funded by the State and charge on a sliding scale.  When did these recovering people get on their high horse and think suffering Americans are trying to steal their money?  They should take a hard look at the elitists, that have caused a system to steal our money through inflation, over-pricing homes, and deflation to those that live around people that foreclosed.  Sorry, the suffering Americans didn't cause this.  The elite are still going out to fancy restaurants, have large walk in closets with clothes that still have tags on them, 100's boxes shoes, vacations..

The middle and poor have been screwed, and it is truly up to us to help each other.  And I am scared my fellow man cares more for money than human life

JackDunphy490 reads

right up until you took a cheap, partisan shot at conservatives. I'd be willing to bet conservatives give WAY more money to veterans groups, on a pp basis, than liberals do.  

Helping vets should be a non-partisan issue, without any finger pointing, and you went and made it a political one devoid of fact with your post.  

Did you ever stop and think YOU may be a part of the very same problem you wish to solve?

But what do I know. I just sit on my ass all day.

GaGambler543 reads

When a conservative gives money, he most likely is giving his own. When a lib gives money, what he does is give away someone else's, usually the money of said conservative.

There is a huge difference between "giving" and having your money forcibly taken from you. Personally I love to give, but I deeply resent any actions taken to forcibly take my money against my will.

It was just an observation that my friends that spew the most hate are conservatives.  

I don't belong to either of those clowns or jokers.  I just know that helping people is the only thing that makes me feel better and part of the solution.  When I was younger, I had more time and energy to give to addicts.  Now, I don't have enough time to sit on my ass.

Sorry you were offended at my observation, I am sure probably mostly conservative men supported me while I escorted.  :)

Sounds like the opposite would be a better alternative. You give a drug addict something for free, that sends the message, I'll give you a reward for using drugs. That's like getting rewarded for doing the drugs you already wanted to do.

Drug education is taught in public school. The science is in, drugs do not improve your living conditions. There is no upside to drug use.

would you not then try to help and pull up as many as you could that had a desire to be free from that hell?  I didn't help users, I helped people when they hit rock bottom and had no where else to turn.  I would never let a using addict, on hard drugs like heroin, cocaine or meth anywhere near me.  It wasn't monetary, it was a support system of one recovering addict helping another through 12 steps.

It is monetary for me with helping veterans because they have exhausted all their resources waiting on the government to get their entitlements.

salonpas515 reads

.......won't miss Church on Sunday, profess to know God intimately and claim to have read the Bible from cover to cover. These are the worst hypocrites I've ever met and there is a special place reserved in hell for 'em.

Posted By: salonpas
.......won't miss Church on Sunday, profess to know God intimately and claim to have read the Bible from cover to cover. These are the worst hypocrites I've ever met and there is a special place reserved in hell for 'em.

I got a fucking lawyer, and stood up those stealing, conniving, money stealing assholes that steal through  churches and prey on old widowed men.  Yes, oh Yes! them mother fuckers got a for sale sign in their yard now!

I said what I wanted to say, probably should have started my own thread of discussion.  

Sorry Willy, yall carry on.

calling out The Incompetent One and "cheerleading" for GOP are 2 entirely different things

Calling out incompetent politicians is not the same thing as cheerleading.  

But in your case, I highly recommend you put down the pom-poms. I just sayin'.

Obama is a train wreck.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
Calling out incompetent politicians is not the same thing as cheerleading.  
 But in your case, I highly recommend you put down the pom-poms. I just sayin'.

Obamacare is wildly unconstitutional and must be fully repealed. It is an unprecedented power grab giving the federal government power over every aspect of you life and sooner or later whether you live or die (just ask Jane Sturm). Do you really trust a serial liar like Obama with this much power?

How you can see the IRS scandal as anything but a constitutional crises and a threat to democracy is startling. The executive branch using the power of the federal government to retain that power should make your skin crawl.

Benghazi political? What isn't political to the Left? They make everything political. They are in a perpetual attempt to destroy the Republican Party so they can undermine the Constitution unimpeeded.

The backlash is coming though. Mark my word you will be crying and punching pillows on November 4th.

This will be fun.  

"Obamacare is wildly unconstitutional"

1) The Supreme Court disagrees with you.  
2) It's wildly unconstitutional? On what grounds?

"It is an unprecedented power grab"

Really? Is it worse than the Espionage Act of 1917? Or the Alien and Sedition Act? Or the Non-Detention Act? Or a dozen other laws you've never heard of?

"giving the federal government power over every aspect of you life"

Well, I've got to give you that one. It is well known around here that I work for the Federales, and in that capacity, I'm going to have to tell you to stop talking.  

"Do you really trust a serial liar like Obama with this much power?"

The power to do what exactly? Tell me to get private for-profit health insurance, just like I have to go buy insurance for my house and my car?  

"How you can see the IRS scandal as anything but a constitutional crises"

Because it isn't. You're just being a hysterical sissy bitch.  

"The executive branch using the power of the federal government to retain that power should make your skin crawl."

My skin crawl? You know what makes my skin crawl? Charlize Theron's role in Monster. Yeh, I know, I know, she did a damn good job with that role, but why on earth did Hollywood have to find a fucking hottie like Charlize Theron, and put her in enough make up to make her look like an ugly hick, all while she's playing the role of a deranged provider? Fuck. Sometimes when I watch a movie I don't want to see something that matches reality perfectly. Next time, dress her up in the same outfit she had on in Snow White and the Huntsman, and don't forget to let me see her fucking tits.  

"Benghazi political? What isn't political to the Left?"

Well, Christmas wasn't political to the left for years. But Fox News had to go ruin that shit too. Now whenever I see a fucking Santa Hat I wanna kick Bill O'Reilly in the fucking nuts.  

"They are in a perpetual attempt to destroy the Republican Party"

No they're not. The Republican Party is doing a damn fine job of doing that on their own. Whoops, sorry. I meant to say, "Tea Party".

"This will be fun."

Really? You come across as burning with rage.
 "1) The Supreme Court disagrees with you.  
 2) It's wildly unconstitutional? On what grounds?"

1) Nope. 5 out of 9 judges disagree with me. 2 of those were appointed by Obama himself. 2 more by Clinton. You might as well say Barack Obama disagrees with me.

2) On the grounds of the 10th amendment. It is stated in plain English. Can you even tell me what that amendment means now? What can't the government do now under the guise of good intentions?
"Really? Is it worse than the Espionage Act of 1917? Or the Alien and Sedition Act? Or the Non-Detention Act? Or a dozen other laws you've never heard of? "

What's most telling about this statement is that you had to go all the way back to 1917 to find a bill you think is worse than the one you support. Also, I'm not sure who, from then to now, was ever victimized by that except for your commie heroes intent on undermining US security.
"Well, I've got to give you that one. It is well known around here that I work for the Federales, and in that capacity, I'm going to have to tell you to stop talking."

That adds up. As a benificiary of a bloated, ever growing beaurocracy you would be all in for more government expansion. You are yourself government waste. And not only do you have no problem being part of a trillion dollar deficit, you brag about it.  I know you are joking when you tell me to stop talking, but the underlying truth is it burns you that you cannot make me (along with all other opposition).
"The power to do what exactly? Tell me to get private for-profit health insurance, just like I have to go buy insurance for my house and my car?"  

You don't have to buy auto insurance. Every one now has to buy health insurance. And what power? How about the power to deny you coverage because you don't eat a Michelle approved diet, or exercise enough, or drink too much or wear enough sunblock, or you spend too much time in the dangerous ocean, or use the wrong kind of light bulbs.

"Because it isn't. You're just being a hysterical sissy bitch."

Can't argue with this logic.

"My skin crawl? You know what makes my skin crawl? Charlize Theron's role in Monster. Yeh, I know, I know, she did a damn good job with that role, but why on earth did Hollywood have to find a fucking hottie like Charlize Theron, and put her in enough make up to make her look like an ugly hick, all while she's playing the role of a deranged provider? Fuck. Sometimes when I watch a movie I don't want to see something that matches reality perfectly. Next time, dress her up in the same outfit she had on in Snow White and the Huntsman, and don't forget to let me see her fucking tits."

Right. You have no problem with the fact that the president is now allowed to use the power of the federal government to retain his own power and punish his enemies.  
"No they're not. The Republican Party is doing a damn fine job of doing that on their own. Whoops, sorry. I meant to say, "Tea Party"."

Not according to the polls (and word on the street). Unless, of course, Obama is successful in flooding the country with illegals and giving them amnesty so they can vote Democrat.

GaGambler508 reads

Well, whoever you are, I like the way you think.

Of course Willy makes the likes of Che, Hugo, Raul and Fidel look like right wingers compared to him, so I doubt that you will be agreeing with him too often.

"You come across as burning with rage."

I think I just figured out why you're a hysterical sissy bitch. You can't tell the difference between laughing at you and rage.  

"1) Nope. 5 out of 9 judges disagree with me."

You do know that Supreme Court decisions do not have to be unanimous, right? Oh, and who was it that wrote the majority opinion? Why I think that was Chef Justice John Roberts.  

You also have no appreciation for work of the court. They don't hand out rulings willy nilly. Go and actually *read* a Supreme Court ruling sometime. I recommend the Heller decision. Scalia wrote that opinion, and did an amazing job.  

"On the grounds of the 10th amendment."

Let's review the 10th Amendment.  

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

So, in order for Congress to enact a law, those powers must be laid out in the Constitution.  

I refer you to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1:

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises".

and Clause 3:

"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes"

The Supreme Court found the individual mandate to be Constitutional under Clause 1.  

"What's most telling about this statement is that you had to go all the way back to 1917 to find a bill you think is worse than the one you support."

No, what's more telling is that your ignorance of US history, while you bloviate about this being the worst legislation in all of US history. You're like a squirrel who wakes up in a new world each day, declaring that today was the worst day ever.  

"I'm not sure who, from then to now, was ever victimized by that except for your commie heroes intent on undermining US security."

Ah, I understand now. People having to pay for health insurance is a "Constitutional crisis", but the suspension of haebus corpus and Due Process is something we can all poo-poo and ignore.  

"That adds up. As a benificiary of a bloated, ever growing beaurocracy...."

Blah, blah, blah. I thought I told you to stop talking.  

"You don't have to buy auto insurance. Every one now has to buy health insurance."

No you don't. Move your ass to some cabin in Montana and I bet nobody will notice that you haven't paid your health care insurance.  

"How about the power to deny you coverage because you don't eat a Michelle approved diet"

Really? You're one of *those* people? Do tell me, what the fuck is wrong with *voluntarily* growing some vegetables in your back yard, and the White House telling parents that it's important to limit how much junk food you're feeding your kids? You act like helpful suggestions are dictates from up on high. That's why you're a hysterical sissy bitch.  

"Right. You have no problem with the fact that...."

You skipped over the most important point here. Charlize Theron's tits.

-- Modified on 6/20/2014 1:13:16 PM

We all agree on the tits

Posted By: willywonka4u
"You come across as burning with rage."  
 I think I just figured out why you're a hysterical sissy bitch. You can't tell the difference between laughing at you and rage.  
 "1) Nope. 5 out of 9 judges disagree with me."  
 You do know that Supreme Court decisions do not have to be unanimous, right? Oh, and who was it that wrote the majority opinion? Why I think that was Chef Justice John Roberts.  
 You also have no appreciation for work of the court. They don't hand out rulings willy nilly. Go and actually *read* a Supreme Court ruling sometime. I recommend the Heller decision. Scalia wrote that opinion, and did an amazing job.  
 "On the grounds of the 10th amendment."  
 Let's review the 10th Amendment.  
 "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."  
 So, in order for Congress to enact a law, those powers must be laid out in the Constitution.  
 I refer you to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1:  
 "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises".  
 and Clause 3:  
 "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes"  
 The Supreme Court found the individual mandate to be Constitutional under Clause 1.  
 "What's most telling about this statement is that you had to go all the way back to 1917 to find a bill you think is worse than the one you support."  
 No, what's more telling is that your ignorance of US history, while you bloviate about this being the worst legislation in all of US history. You're like a squirrel who wakes up in a new world each day, declaring that today was the worst day ever.  
 "I'm not sure who, from then to now, was ever victimized by that except for your commie heroes intent on undermining US security."  
 Ah, I understand now. People having to pay for health insurance is a "Constitutional crisis", but the suspension of haebus corpus and Due Process is something we can all poo-poo and ignore.  
 "That adds up. As a benificiary of a bloated, ever growing beaurocracy...."  
 Blah, blah, blah. I thought I told you to stop talking.  
 "You don't have to buy auto insurance. Every one now has to buy health insurance."  
 No you don't. Move your ass to some cabin in Montana and I bet nobody will notice that you haven't paid your health care insurance.  
 "How about the power to deny you coverage because you don't eat a Michelle approved diet"  
 Really? You're one of *those* people? Do tell me, what the fuck is wrong with *voluntarily* growing some vegetables in your back yard, and the White House telling parents that it's important to limit how much junk food you're feeding your kids? You act like helpful suggestions are dictates from up on high. That's why you're a hysterical sissy bitch.  
 "Right. You have no problem with the fact that...."  
 You skipped over the most important point here. Charlize Theron's tits.

-- Modified on 6/20/2014 1:13:16 PM

86H13LTP633 reads

And all the emails were lost .  

I'm sure one could look no further than the techs for this site to say computers come and go all the time but not the emails that in the case of the IRS went through 3 different severs .  

We the people find the IRS GUILTY !!

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