Politics and Religion

LMAO I continue to enjoy your immense protests
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 4983 reads
1 / 33

This place called Earth started off as a barren land of rock..as in no dirt...and soon as in a couple million years the sea  covered much more  of the earth than it does now..After tree seedlings were dropped off and trees started shedding leaves which decompose and turn to dirt , little by little over many  millions and millions of years, the rocks were covered with dirt  metres deep.
If anyone has noticed ,earthlings now rake up their leaves and twigs and take them to Mt Trashmore for burial.. Of course it looks like the sea is rising when in fact the land is merely sinking.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 870 reads
2 / 33
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1569 reads
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actually, it was kinda amusing, and I thank quad for a very brief and very cheap guffaw this afternoon.  It does, sort of, apply to Venice, but that city was built on marshes and lagoons and, unsurprisingly, has been sinking for centuries.

Following quad's 'logic' we can find  unexpected explanations for other phenomena:

1. America's aren't getting fatter, it's just that most garments are now manufactured in inpoverished third-world countries where the conceptions and dimensions of S-M-L-XL etc.. are much different from ours;

2. we're not losing our hair and balding, we're just growing more scalp;

3. American students aren't studying less and doing less homework, it's just that they're devoting more time to extra-cirricular activities and their non-school lives;

4. SAT verbal and math scores aren't declining, it's just that there's more vocabularly and more mathematical formulae to master;

4. TER's P&R board hasn't shifted to the right, it's just that the leftists have stopped posting and are reduced to lurking [and several of them  PM me about it  weekly to bemoan this, for reasons i cannot fathom];

5. the crime rates in major USA cities, especially NYC, haven't fallen, it's just that people have simply stopped reporting many crimes and have altered their lifestyles drastically so as to avoid many of the occassions and places which would increase the liklihood of their falling prey to criminal victimization;

6. the northern polar ice cap is isn't melting, it;s just that the Artic Ocean is expanding;

7. hobbying isn't really all that much fun, it's just that most other things are so much less fun;

8. the earth's climate isn't getting warmer, it's just that human body temperture has fallen from the age-old 98.6 F and we feel warmer than previous centuries;

9. BB players aren't hitting more HRs because of steroids, it just that new ballparks are being built on a smaller scale;

10. the fun parts of the various SOs and female others in [and out] of are lives aren't starting to sag, it's just that gravity has gotten so much more powerful and selective in it's effects;

11. drive-by shootings haven't decreased in major cities, it's just that the Crips and the Bloods and similar  groups are running low on ammo and have to conserve;

12. the holes in the ozone layer aren't growing, it's that the rest of the atmosphere is contracting;

13. there is no problem about medical access for the uninsured and the medically indigent, it's just that a toxic and pernicious culture of entitlement allows people to whine, shamelessly and incessantly and without compunction, about stuff they'd like to have but haven't worked hard enough to afford;

14. Haitians are not suffering unreasonably from the effects of the recent earthquake, it's just that the Haitan equivalent of FEMA  ain't up to snuff and the exacting standards of it's US counterpart;

15. 200K+ folks didn't die in the Asian/Pacific Tsunami in late 2004, they were just poor swimmers.

-- Modified on 1/24/2010 10:30:26 AM

dncphil 16 Reviews 916 reads
4 / 33

ALL experts are predicting a warming trend.  

They believe the temperature will get noticeably warmer starting in March, and will continue to heat up rapidly through September.  They do not expect the increased warming to continue after October, although there may be a 3 month correction for cooling in October.

However, they all anticipate another warming trend starting in March of 2011.  The next result is in the next 11 months you will see one cooling trend (in October) as opposed to two warming trends (in March of both years), with the net result of more warming than cooling.

marikod 1 Reviews 1437 reads
5 / 33

If you use the Top Ten posters list for the last 30 days, I'd say the posters on this list are about 6 on the right and 4 on the left.

     And if we treat the Top Ten list like the S & P 500 index which is capitalization weighted, then the left is way ahead.

      And in terms of which side has been accurate most often, well there's no contest.....

-- Modified on 1/24/2010 10:36:53 AM

-- Modified on 1/24/2010 10:37:32 AM

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1697 reads
6 / 33

Well, as of appx 320 PM EST, this was the breakdown for the Top 10 posters here:

1.   willywonka4u 537      July 2006
2.   fasteddie51  193      before November 2000
3.   cream240256  192      September 2006
4.   GaGambler    167      June 2004
5.   dncphil      152      June 2007
6.   marikod      140      September 2005
7.   Snowman39    136      January 2003
8.   Chengster    115      December 2003
9.   pwilley      107      March 2007
10.  ATLHunter     97      November 2003

liberal/leftists : willywonka, fasteddie [these fellows are doing yeoman work for their side].

conservative/rightists : GaGa, dncphil, snowman, ALTHunter [where has RWU kited himself off to? that's 250+ conservo posts this month not churned out and missing].

not sure how to characterize : marikod, chengster, pwilley, cream240256 [a quick and small sample of pwilley makes me think he'd go into the conservative/rightist category, and nothing posted by either chengster of cream stands out in my memory].

As to which side is more accurate, whichever side that is, please be sure that it probably doesn't include you.  You may now go back to your attempts to refute the Goldstone Report and to condemn the US bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'll certainly conceed your eclecticism if that will cheer you up.

You might also consider a side trip to the dictionary.  I recommend a quick peek at the following : parody, satire, irony, sarcasm.

Take a trip back about 3 years ago, when voices of the left predominated in this forum and had no lack of political clay with which to mold impassioned posts about GWBush, the GOP, and the Neo-Con-Men.  Well, the pendulum has swung, but it'll swing back.

Perhaps you simply didn't get the point of the post?  That's possible, and nothing to be ashamed about.  I'm sure any responsible adult, and irresponsible adults as well, in the vacinity would be hapy to explain it to you.  If not, please feel free to PM me.

-- Modified on 1/24/2010 12:55:10 PM

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1140 reads
7 / 33

I like to think that there's evidence that your contributions here oscillate from really silly to slighlty silly but,the trend lines in your case always point toward increasing and unbroken silliness.

No doubt you look absolutely fabulous in your tutu and your capezios, however.  Those are your strengths, i suggest that you make the most of them.

zorff 1107 reads
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Aw man that's damn hilarious.  I'm glad someone else here agrees with me regarding dumbass Phil's (we'll call him "DAP" for short) moronic view of everything.  What a goddamn clown.

zorff 1300 reads
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Doubt it.  He didn't complete high school.  He's stuck on 15.  Remember some of the shit you said at that age?

marikod 1 Reviews 1738 reads
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sending PMs to bemoan their missing brethren, we know that part of your post was not satire but was your perception of reality.

     That you have trouble characterizing my posts on a left-right compendium is not a good sign either, but you need look no further  than Ms. TJrevisited who has concluded that all of my misconceptions about life are bc I am liberal.

    But if you cannot characterize 4 of the top ten posters, doesn't that show your conclusion that righties are in control was a little hasty?

    True, Willy may be from another planet, and at the very least is sui generis, but I'm afraid we have to count his 537 posts on the side of left.

     I am, of course, deeply hurt to learn that my posts "probably"
will not be included on the "most accurate" side but do take some solace bc you were so wrong about everything else maybe you were wrong about this as well?

dncphil 16 Reviews 1268 reads
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Just as long as you read them, I'm happy.  Don't expect everyone to agree.

Also, it is kind of typical. Couple of insults and that's it.  

My dear, old, sainted mother once told me something about sticks and stones.  

Sincerely yours,


PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1367 reads
12 / 33

The other is when he loses his shit and starts going off on you and calls you every obscene name he can think of.  

It's actually pretty entertaining. Probably only happens when he forgets to take his medication.  LOL

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1177 reads
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I'm not able to chracterize 4 of the top 10 posters because i haven't read enough of their posts to get a clear enough idea of they each stands, and the posts I have read simply do not stand out in my memory.

I think you fancy yourself on the left, which is A-OK with me.  It's your Likudism to which i object and take exception.

I've been wrong about many things, but I'm pretty confident about my impression of your position in the right/wrong food chain.

You seem a tad more sensitive to criticism than i imagined.  Perhaps I'll start to refer to you as marykod?

BTW, if you look again, you'll see I've clearly characterized ww4u along with fasteddie as being left/liberal.  How did you manage to miss that?  

-- Modified on 1/24/2010 5:34:38 PM

marikod 1 Reviews 1312 reads
14 / 33

going to tell the Party about the search engine feature as my pro-Iranian posts on the P & R Board might not be good for my career.

     I did give you credit for Willy and Eddie and four on the right.
That left four uncharacterized that made your proclamation a bit premature and suggested you didn't have the facts yet, like say the Goldstone Report?

       As to “Marykod ,” that is actually kind of funny. You might want to brush up on your Japanese to figure out why that is so. On a side note, Number 6 on the Vegas Board did crack my user name a couple of years ago, without any help.  

zorff 1305 reads
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Typical of whom, DAP?  The left again?  lol.  

So your mother relied on tired old cliches like "sticks and stones" in her rearing of you, did she?  Ah ha...No wonder you're prone to such provincial reasoning.  Sounds like it might be genetic.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1480 reads
16 / 33

Sigh.  Your pro-Iranian sentiments are probably about as sincere as Charles Krauthammers' pro-Iranian ssentiments. I suspect you and CK are most comportable viewing the Iranians, like the Pallys, as potential colatteral damage.

I like marykod.  You don't interest me enough to make me want to spend additional time "cracking" your user name.  Kudos to number 6 on the LV board for his/her efforts.

Marikod - is that anything like bukkake?

dncphil 16 Reviews 975 reads
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Actually, it was rather sad.

With the richness of all the rhetoricl devices in English, from simile to alliteration to hyperbole, and the long tradition of sardonic insults, he comes up with "dumb ass."

And as a coupe de grace he uses the initials from dumb ass to form 2/3rds of the monogram.  

It really was right up there with a comment about my maternal ancestor wearing heavy military issued footwear.

With all due regards,

zorff 964 reads
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Bravo.  So how many delightful little zingers like this can we expect before you run out of Midol and run off crying about how mean everyone here is again?  One month?  Two?  Or maybe you switched birth control and got your hormones in tact this time.  Look forward to it.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 820 reads
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and mockery will always hurt him [LOL].

dncphil 16 Reviews 1443 reads
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But sometimes "old cliches" have wisdom which is why they are oft repeated.  

Indeed, the one in issue is perfect. My sleep will not be ruined by a rather unwitty insult that does not address the merits of anything ever said.

And now that you mentioned it, yes. The left does tend to go for personal attacks. Not the exclusive property of the left, but a fequent tool.  (Indeed, look at the comment that came before yours. Two insults in a row, and from the same side of the aisle.)

Fondly yours,


PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 960 reads
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were not mean.  They were just lunatics. And were incapable of controlling their tempers. And could only respond by putting the letters "-tard" at the end of every other word they used.

Sorry, I didn't mean to say "they."  The word I meant to use was "you."

dncphil 16 Reviews 996 reads
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The demise of the language has always been a sore point for me.  

And I had just posted on stronger literary devices, and this is the perfect illustartion.

Between the heading and the message, you should have had a contrast.  

If you had the title in the negative, and the message in the positive, it would have been more effective.  

Likewise, had you stuck with the traditional "sticks and stones WON'T...." but then toss in the punch line, it would have been better.  

With all due regards,

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1245 reads
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capezio boy, you definitely doth protest too much.

How can someone with such advanced language skills hold such simplistic political views? [Not that there would be any necessary correspondence between the two, of course]. That i believe is a rhetorical question.  Please feel free not to respond.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1170 reads
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how is it an insult to point out your dance hobby, which you proudly informed us of some months earlier? A hobby which necessitates the wearing of a tutu and capezios?  

Maybe you'd have been better off playing 3-on-3 shirts and skins?

dncphil 16 Reviews 1090 reads
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Since you asked, you didn't point it out. It was a snide comment about tutus and something else, that I don't remember.  (Was the original comment about capezios also?)

No, it doesn't require either tutus or capezios.

And, no. If you ever watched a dance class, you would understand that the scenery is much better than playing 3-on-3 with a bunch of guys.

Kind of like beach volleyball. Now, that is a great sport.

Similarly, I may have mentioned it in passing on occassion, but the relevance of that fact to the current post escapes me, except as a snide comment, of course.  (Wasn't that how it was intended.)

Now, it is true that people have commented on my debate style. But I think you will agree that all I did was address each point you made.

Until next time,

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1345 reads
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damn irresponsible posting can be habit forming.

I wonder how many of your playmates on the right in this forum look askance at your dance hobby, but say nada for tactical reasons?  Are you akin to  Roy Cohn of the TER rightists?

marikod 1 Reviews 991 reads
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which kind of amuses me. In fact, I have vested business interests in Azeribijan and Iran,  and am probably one of the few Americans in the entire country with a copy of the Iranian Civil Code in his office.

      Conversely, growing up in the sout,h I had my first bagel at the age of 28. So it is kind of a hoot to read your misguesses.

      But if you are planning to go into internet psychoanalysis anytime soon, my advice is "keep the day job."

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1167 reads
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But good luck on your business ventures in Iran, I mean that sincerely.  The US has little enough presence on the ground there, and even if it means someone of your unreconstructed Likudist ilk is Our Man In Tehran, well, I'm mostly OK with that, risky as that may be.  Try not to get crosswise with the mullahs, though.

Please let me know how loudly you plan to  protest if/when an Israeli attack on suspected Iranian nuclear power sites damages any real  or intangible properties you have there.

I suspect a dying field mouse will muster more volume.

Again, good luck with the business ventures.  

PS. Bagels ain't what they used to be, even in the NYC metro area.  Most of them now are simply glorified rolls.  Alas, there's nothing like the real thing.

zorff 1209 reads
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I concur; It does seem a little silly to lament the use of simple and direct language while embracing such a simple-minded view of the world.  Reading the dictionary cover to cover, unfortunately, doesn't make you a well read individual.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1008 reads
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(Also, slight contradition. A couple posts ago, it wasn't a slight.  Wa hapen?)


tjrevisted 2155 reads
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''That you have trouble characterizing my posts on a left-right compendium is not a good sign either, but you need look no further  than Ms. TJrevisited who has concluded that all of my misconceptions about life are bc I am liberal.''

I do think your liberal views are wrong when it comes to terror, THATS ALL!!! Dont twist things my friend..I APPRECIATE MOST OF Y9OUR VIEWs, even if i dont agree..

However on terror, I think you display a PROFOUND
missunderstandning on what ''terror'' actually is.. I actually LIKE you, A LOT..:) Really I do..

xoxo My friend..

-- Modified on 1/25/2010 6:12:25 AM

marikod 1 Reviews 2416 reads
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there will be a new major conflict with Hezbollah which has moved its missile sites north of Beiruit and apparently all around the country.

     This effectively means that Israel will have to destroy Lebanon to deal with the Hezbollah missiles. If you think war crimes were committed in Gaza wait till you see the civilian toll in Lebanon once the next conflict begins.

      Just to clarify, I do not own property in Iran, or do business with them. That would be a crime bc of the sanctions still in place.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1762 reads
33 / 33

think i'll toss james o'keefe some bail money.  maybe even donate a few shekels to ACORN!

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