Politics and Religion

Links! Or, are we just suppose to take your word for it? (eom)confused_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 107 reads


So Omar Mateen, Muslim, registered Democrat, and fan of Hillary as reported by his Bernie supporting Muslim friend, kills a night club full of gays as a display of support for the Islamic State and their standard treatment of gays.

In response the NYT and all manner of Lib organs insinuate it was because conservatives are dubious of Transsexual bathroom laws or supporting the same position on gay marriage the Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama declared in 2012.    

Now in the most disgusting display of this amazing, shameless, hateful blood libel, the NYC gay pride marchers carry a banner saying Republican Hate Kills.    No word on Democrat or Muslim hate though.  Hey, by this logic, maybe we could blame Dylan Roof on the Democrats and the Black Panthers or something?

In the final assessment, have they No Shame?

And do you think him being a "registered Dem" has anything to do with this?  

This is what some libs do with "registered" R's or talk radio listeners, or Fox News viewers, or whatever so lets not us do it.  

This guy didn't kill bc he may have voted for Obama and thinks there should be "free" college.

He killed bc he was proly conflicted about being gay in a religion where gays are killed in many parts of the globe and he killed bc he bought into extremist bullshit and he killed bc he was mentally unstable

er, the hateful Blood Libel in question is that Omar Mateen's murders are the fault of Republicans.

I think the fact he was a Democrat, and Hillary fan is exculpatory evidence, ladies and gentlemen of the jury.  It is not necessary to prove that his being a Democrat caused the murder, in order to prove that the murder was not caused by Republicans, and therefore the accusation it was is a vicious hateful blood libel.

The "well the Nazi Party supports Trump so blah blah blah."

We many times cant help who chooses to endorses us but are responsible for whom we endorse.

The Communist party supported Obama. I hate Obama. But does that mean he is a Commie bc he was endorsed by them?

Your argument is weak bc it is based on "well the Dems do it." Of course it is asinine to blame R's for these murders. Any sensible person would agree.

Both parties engage in this nonsense and they both have the audacity to claim the higher moral ground.

OK, one more time: Not accusing Dems!!!  Saying if he is a Dem Hillary fan, he IS NOT A REPUBLICAN, and therefore the accusation is obvious hateful libel.

Any sensible person agree? yes, that is the POINT, as in since mainstream Democrats and Liberals don't agree, they are not sensible.  Not responsible for Omar Mateen, but are responsible for non-sensible accusation.

Jeesh people, this isn't all that hard

bigguy30106 reads

Then in November and Trump loses.
You can cry in your beer, with all of your klan meeting buddies. Lol

Posted By: digdirkler
OK, one more time: Not accusing Dems!!!  Saying if he is a Dem Hillary fan, he IS NOT A REPUBLICAN, and therefore the accusation is obvious hateful libel.  
 Any sensible person agree? yes, that is the POINT, as in since mainstream Democrats and Liberals don't agree, they are not sensible.  Not responsible for Omar Mateen, but are responsible for non-sensible accusation.  
 Jeesh people, this isn't all that hard

Will we have a celebration next week when you have finally played the race card for the one millionth time?  I hope so because you've earned it amigo.  Was that racist?

Posted By: bigguy30
Then in November and Trump loses.  
 You can cry in your beer, with all of your klan meeting buddies. Lol  
Posted By: digdirkler
OK, one more time: Not accusing Dems!!!  Saying if he is a Dem Hillary fan, he IS NOT A REPUBLICAN, and therefore the accusation is obvious hateful libel.  
  Any sensible person agree? yes, that is the POINT, as in since mainstream Democrats and Liberals don't agree, they are not sensible.  Not responsible for Omar Mateen, but are responsible for non-sensible accusation.  
  Jeesh people, this isn't all that hard

bigguy30117 reads

We already know the real deal with you on here.

Posted By: ROMMEL
Will we have a celebration next week when you have finally played the race card for the one millionth time?  I hope so because you've earned it amigo.  Was that racist?  
Posted By: bigguy30
Then in November and Trump loses.  
  You can cry in your beer, with all of your klan meeting buddies. Lol  
Posted By: digdirkler
OK, one more time: Not accusing Dems!!!  Saying if he is a Dem Hillary fan, he IS NOT A REPUBLICAN, and therefore the accusation is obvious hateful libel.    
   Any sensible person agree? yes, that is the POINT, as in since mainstream Democrats and Liberals don't agree, they are not sensible.  Not responsible for Omar Mateen, but are responsible for non-sensible accusation.    
   Jeesh people, this isn't all that hard

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