Politics and Religion

Link : public gives thumbs down to Ryan VP pick
Priapus53 1927 reads

As I said previously, a lousy choice on the order of such previous GOP picks as Palin & Quayle. It will help energize the GOP base, but it does absolutely NOTHING with independents, which Romney desperately needs to win the WH.

It POSSIBLY puts Wisconsin into play for GOP, despite fact that no Republican has carried the state since Reagan in '84.

Besides, Obama can easily win without carrying Wisconsin. But with "Mediscare-Social Security privatization" Ryan freaking out seniors, who are located in large #'s in Fla. & Ohio, bad news
for Mitt. If he loses Fla. & /or Ohio, game over.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 6:44:27 AM

to being greece.

appropriate analogy as obama is fucking future generations in the ass.

Priapus53175 reads

With these concerns that you have, if the voters choose BHO over Mitt, blame them, Mitt & a lousy VP choice.

Debt/deficit though very important, not only issue; electability key choice & Romney failing so far; getting a credible VP candidate ( IE Rubio ) also would have helped Mitt & your concerns.

GaGambler183 reads

I think you guys actually agree on this, and I agree with you as well. I don't really blame McCain for his horrible campaign as  anti Bush anti GOP sentiment was running so high, he had little chance to begin with.

Romney OTOH, or more accurately  ANY decent GOP candidate should have been able to wrest the presidency from a POTUS as weak as Obama, Romney didn't only shoot himself in the foot, but the whole country in the foot, as Obama will most likely have a cakewalk back into the White House.

and to those who say that he picked the best man for the job, I say bullshit, It doesn't matter even IF he were the best man, it doesn't matter if you can't get elected, and I can't imagine a scenario where Ryan makes it easier and not harder for Romney to win.

Oh well, fuck it. Just like the smart Greeks started doing  several years ago, I am going to start planning on how to best get some substantial assets out of this country and diversify myself if we continue on our current path.

if anyone thinks your kidding they don't know you.

if anyone thinks you're alone, they're:

Republicans don't have any decent candidates now or in the future. Huntsman is a decent guy but wii never get the nomination as long as ideologues and tea party is in control. He tells the truth and agrees science exists..

So start weeping.

ryan is the best pick if you know like i do that our current entitlement system is a ponzi scheme and will one day break us., federally, statewide, and locally. we are a society hooked on the gravytrain. I can see by your pic your helping foster the "social darwin, reps want grandma to die" propaganda so maybe you don't see it but ryan is a great candidate.

in all seriousness, how in the fuck could anyone look at ryan v biden and not puke? ryan is twice as smart as obama and 3 times as smart as biden.

the problem is with the gravytrain elecorate.

Moderate? you know what a moderate is? A moderate is someone who says to the other side, you get yours, ill get mine, and we'll have our grandkids pay the tab.

Fuck moderates.

Posted By: Priapus53
With these concerns that you have, if the voters choose BHO over Mitt, blame them, Mitt & a lousy VP choice.

Debt/deficit though very important, not only issue; electability key choice & Romney failing so far; getting a credible VP candidate ( IE Rubio ) also would have helped Mitt & your concerns.

GaGambler165 reads

Ryan is an easy target for attack ads, especially in states like Florida, where the Dems can make very effective fear mongering ads claiming that Ryan wants to take their medicaid away and leave them to die. It doesn't have to be true, it only needs to be effective.

Truth be told, I wish that Ryan was on the top of the ticket, he'd most likely lose, and I would have to get over his religious crap, but as you pointed out he is twice as smart as Obama, you fucked up about Biden however, Ryan is a thousand times smarter than Biden. Now lets see how Daffy is going to twist this into me being a racist, even though I grant that Obama, the black man, is much, much smarter than Biden, the white man. I am sure in his twisted way, he'll still my my statements racist. lol

but you can't lament bad outcomes when political considerations are your criteria for candidate selection.

There are NO candidates dummycrappers would'nt have found something to demogauge. its eveidenced by the fact they use the black card to excuse obama abject failures.

but hey, with biden, i play the bad hair card...

GaGambler225 reads

but I disagree with your premise. A "candidate's" main job is to get elected before he can do any good. Ryan quite frankly can do more good right where he is in Congress that he ever could as VP.

Ryan is no where near the political blunder that Palin was. but quite frankly he makes it easier, not harder for Obama to stay in office, and that's the reason I find myself agreeing with Pri that Ryan was a poor choice, yes strictly for political reasons, but those are the only reasons that count right now.

St. Croix173 reads

These two sides will be like watching the Yankees and the Red Sox. You hate them both, but they are fun to watch, especially if there are a few 98 mph fastballs targeted high and tight.

GaGambler426 reads

Maybe we can get Pedro to beat up on an old man again? lol

I know the PC crowd thinks we are just evil incarnate, but I would have bought a ticket to see the lions vs the Christians, and I would have bet heavily on the lions. rofl

I really can't think of how I could have any LESS respect for either side than I do now, but I am sure they will out do themselves before it's over.

and make the case why his solutions are the best.

if we end up electing socialist and rinos that's what we deserve.

but hey, wtf do i care, im not the one thats gonna pay the tab. you and st are.

get your wallets warmed up....

GaGambler178 reads

I expect guys like you who actually either draw a paycheck or pay yourselves are going to feel the brunt of this.

I wasn't joking either when I said I plan on getting a substantial amount of my money out of this country. Just in case. and I would advise that anyone who financially survived the last few years do the same.

The road map is in front of us, we all know what we have to look forward to, I don't plan on getting wiped out like the Greeks. I saw the writing on the wall and built my last house in 2004, I see this coming as well, and am making plans to weather this storm as well.

from the horse's mouth. the only recourse libbitards have is to curse you...how much does that bug ya?

meanwhile, instead of domestic workers getting good paying jobs and creating more domestic supply of our nations most vital resourse, some fucking columbian is gonna get it.

but obama can claim credit for creating jobs in the moving van and swiss bank account sector.

willy, read up. capital goes where it is treated best. you only get one whack at confiscation, ask fidel.

GaGambler165 reads

but I can count a couple of dozen already.

My vote in November is next to meaningless. My vote with my wallet while little more than a drop in the bucket in scale, still means something. My vote and the millions like me will have a serious impact, and there are only so many rich people to tax if people like me and you say fuck it and stop creating jobs.

Rebate checks were mailed out by insurance companies. Either you didn't read the link I gave you befor or

You want the facts to change because you don't like it, they don't!

GaGambler188 reads

I have started a new company in Texas for which I planned on hiring a couple of dozen employees. I am still going forward with my development plans, yet i have shelved any plans for more than a skeleton crew of full time employees, no more than two or three, because of Obama care. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I suspect that other small businessmen are making these same tough decisions. I can't speak for them, but I can tell you for absolute certain that Obamacare has cost two dozen Texans their jobs.

Priapus53179 reads

You & GOP going down same path that they did in '64 when they nominated Goldwater. Great for conservative ideological "purity", but LOUSY for winning elections.

Ryan will be SO heavily atttacked by the Dems by time of VP debates, that I don't think it will be quite  as lopsided as you & GAG think for Ryan; we'll have to wait & see.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 9:01:24 AM

doing the right thing.

i'll remind you of that next time you and everyone else here laments about how "BOTH PARTIES SUCK".

Posted By: Priapus53
You & GOP going down same path that they did in '64 when they nominated Goldwater. Great for conservative ideological "purity", but LOUSY for winning elections.

Ryan will be SO heavily atttacked by the Dems by time of VP debates, that I don't think it will be quite  as lopsided as you & GAG think for Ryan; we'll have to wait & see.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 9:01:24 AM

Timbow137 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
As I said previously, a lousy choice on the order of such previous GOP picks as Palin & Quayle. It will help energize the GOP base, but it does absolutely NOTHING with independents, which Romney desperately needs to win the WH.

It POSSIBLY puts Wisconsin into play for GOP, despite fact that no Republican has carried the state since Reagan in '84.

Besides, Obama can easily win without carrying Wisconsin. But with "Mediscare-Social Security privatization" Ryan freaking out seniors, who are located in large #'s in Fla. & Ohio, bad news
for Mitt. If he loses Fla. & /or Ohio, game over.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 6:44:27 AM

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