Politics and Religion

Link : conservative mindset behind the Ryan pick
Priapus53 2085 reads

VERY revealing; "Social Darwinist" viewpoint that U.S has become weak because of "entitlement state" & turning its back on "Judeo-Christian" ethics. Bullshit; this piece written by conservative radio host Dennis Prager & shows where the pressure to pick Ryan came from.

As a secular Jew, I find this religious proselytizing from an Orthodox Jew like Prager to be VERY offensive. NOTHING has fucked up this country ( & the world for that matter ) than its idiotic reliance/crutch on organized religion, stopping world progress dead in its tracks with its "opiate like magic texts", conning the masses with stupid fairy tales & blinding the "sheep". to reality.

I'm disgusted that I belong to the same race as  Sheldon Adelson & Prager; my fervent wish is that they both lose their millions & then have to rely on Ryan "mediscare" as they live out their the rest of their aged & senile existences in a Miami old age home.

St. Croix192 reads

I know it's hard to fathom, but there are a few, not many, but a few conservative, Republican, laizze-faire Jews. Hide your children. Shit pria, you already got 90% of the tribe buying into a liberal egalitarian view. Are you pissed it's not 100%?

Let's see Shelley vs George (Soros). A guy running a casino and likes hookers, and a conservative to boot, vs Georgie. I'll take Shelley.

-- Modified on 8/14/2012 9:15:42 AM

Priapus53230 reads

So far ,BHO getting only 68% of the Jewish vote, down 10% from '08. That's because of conservative "Israel first" U.S. Jews who put Israel ahead of U.S interests & "falsely " think BHO selling out Israel ( why---because BHO hasn't visited Israel ?!-----have him send "Bibi" a pound cake------LOL ! ) I strongly support Israel's right to exist, but I'm an American first, which some of my conservative "landsmen" should do likewise.

Blacks call GOP "AA.'s" ( fairly or unfairly) "Uncle Toms"; Latinos call their conservatives "Tio Tacos"; I call conservative Jews "Fetter Fievels" ( Fetter = yiddish word for Uncle ) from my standpoint, that's fair , considering how nativist the GOP has become.

In that category I would put Prager, Adelson & Mark Levin ( I don't mind Michael Medved that much )

Ahhhh, the asshole Adelson -----a face that only a right-wing "goy" could love-------;)---LMAO !

St. Croix211 reads

Let me see if I've got this right. With Soros, maybe a cocktail party drinking chardonnay, finger food, discussing the finer points of an egalitarian country and world. Did I mention that 50% of the women at the cocktail party look like that ugly reporter from Democracy Now? The other 50% look like Rachel Maddow. Oh, and don't like cock, especially yours.

Adelson. I'm also thinking of a cocktail party, but with HOOKERS, at the Venetian. I'm thinking dinner at Delmonico's. No fucking chardonnay, but whiskey, and if you are going to drink wine, it will be red. Oh yea, ribeye, medium rare. Because Adelson likes you, he gives you $5K in chips. Play a little craps, blackjack, and more whiskey. Get one of them hookers to top off the evening at the Venetian.

Jesus pria, if you are going to pick a Jew, pick the right one, the fun one (lol).

-- Modified on 8/14/2012 12:23:16 PM

Priapus53197 reads

As for Adelson, you an eyewitness to hookers at his party ?

St. Croix274 reads

Now, have I been to Adelson party? No! If I was fortunate to be at one of his parties, would there be hookers? Not sure! Maybe not! But, I go back to my simply rationale, it's a FUCKING casino in Las Vegas. Gambling, drinking, hookers, is what they do. Shit pria, it's almost in their Mission Statement. Do you want me to repeat that?

I know you won't admit it, at least not publicly, but if you had a chance to spend an evening at the Venetian with all the trappings they can and will afford, or some Manhattan, West LA Soros environmental liberal feel good get together, you'd pick Venetian?

Ditto with Steve Wynn. Another conservative Jew. I like the Wynn and Encore as well.

-- Modified on 8/14/2012 5:41:48 PM

Say Prius, tell me again what Obama's alternative to the Ryan proposal is?  Being the expert at producing links to every darn pundit around, maybe you've go a lock on where Obama keeps his secret plan since he's never produced one.  Or maybe you have the secret link to Obama's budget for the past three years since he's never produced one.  Or maybe you know where the authorization documents are that permitted the government to sell guns to the drug cartels who then used them to kill Americans.  Taking cheap shots at anyone who offer proposals is pretty cowardly unless of course your guy has something better to offer.  I'll give you the same challenge that Laffy failed miserably at..... show me your guys proposal and let's see if its better than what others offer?

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