Politics and Religion

Like I said, you'll never get it. But, I don't want to be like you and constantly . . .
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 107 reads
2 / 27

Clearly the guy on the video is a "plant". Coupled with your recent attempts to get this board shut down, in the language of our people, you're acting "mishugas".

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
-- Modified on 8/26/2016 9:53:10 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 216 reads
3 / 27

If Trump knows he is lying, he will accuse Hillary of lying.
If Trump says something that sounds bigoted, he accuses Clinton of being a bigot.
If Trump walks into a wall, he accuses Clinton of being clumsy.

This is just an extension of that gambit. Nothing to lose sleep over.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 171 reads
5 / 27

...if Will Quigg is the KKK Grand Dragon, we don't have as much to worry about as we thought. With a face like that not many self-respecting white people are going to admit being of the same SPECIES let alone any other affinity.

-- Modified on 8/26/2016 10:54:08 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 108 reads
6 / 27

ANYTHING to distract from the simple fact that the Grand Dragon of the KKK, the organization most referred to when the Hillary shills are busy pushing real threads to page 2, endorses Hillary over Donald.

I could care less what the website is. I could give a shit if the dude is a plant. As if that never happens on the other side you silly little lemmings.

The point is, none of you did anything but try to diminish and delegitimize while ignoring the obvious. Like I was expecting any different.

Yes, no doubt the three of you are "with Her".Too bad you've lost the capacity for independent thought.

And finally: Why does Laffy insist on calling Donald Trump my hero despite the my obvious opposition to his candidacy:

You see, he found out I met with Sheldon Adelson in 2014 who promptly told Trump about my trike and my piano fetish. Trump thought it was cool, so he sent me a blonde, brunette, and redhead from his stable of beauty pageant contestant prospects for my opinion and pleasures.  
Adelson, being the mentsch he is, promptly donated 10 million dollars to Trumps campaign fund and had Israel Today write a puff piece editorial about Melania's past life as a Slovenian weather girl. All to make sure Laffy would have a reason to be jealous of me.

Imagination? Fantasy? Rantings of a lunatic fringe?
Some of it is, sure. But no more so than the bullshit offered up by Laffy our resident narcissist.

Now, you want to explain why anyone from the KKK would endorse YOUR hero, Laffy? How about you, iq30?
Posted By: DoctorGonzo

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 124 reads
8 / 27

... little lemmings when anything even remotely besmirched their koolaid candidate.

Fucking idiots still try to paint me as a Trumpeter.
Much easier to paint them as trolls.

I'm not voting for ANYONE for president this year

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 108 reads
10 / 27

We're as different as different can be.

Laffy thinks that Trump is only fit to be fed to the pigs.

Whereas I have often maintained that Trump is NOT fit to be fed to the pigs.

followme 104 reads
11 / 27

the people at the church you go to beg for beans and bucks will be very disappointed in you.

Mary is the Mother of Jesus not Moses

Jochebed is the Mother of Moses.

You need to spend more time at Bible study after Church services.

You're Welcome
In Moochers We Distrust

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 83 reads
12 / 27

If you really want to help, then stop being such a fucking sociopath, asshole.  

Posted By: Laffy

 Just trying to help............

followme 110 reads
17 / 27

Catherine Schamberger Ruth

You're Welcom

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 105 reads
18 / 27

... unfortunately, there are a few here who see something wrong in my enjoyment of the Trump entertainment program and equate it with my supporting his candidacy, which has always been absurd.

bigguy30 thinks I'm a Trumpeter because I stood firmly against the Iran deal. My reasons and explanations did not hold any water against his eloquence in renaming me DoctorBozo.

Laffy insists on emulating the Nazi-inspired creed of "Tell a lie long enough and loudly enough, and people will believe it", although I'm not sure if he hates me because I call him on his bullshit, because i'm a militant pro-Zionist Jew and unafraid of expressing myself as such, or because I won't tell GaGambler he's an idiot for supporting Trump.
To the latter point, I didn't know it was my responsibility, but if it makes Laffy happy and gets him to stfu about it once and for all..

   GaGambler, I disagree with your support of Donald Trump for POTUS, and agree Hillary has the chops, but lacks the trustworthiness. Now what are the current odds Laffy lets this go now? Fat and slim, or slim and none?

No WB, I like reading your posts. There's substance.

As for Trump,you both seem to overlook the fact pigs are natural cannibals, and Trump himself is a Chazer. You're both right.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 97 reads
19 / 27
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 125 reads
20 / 27

... who are always so quick to point out the unsavory reputations of Trump endorsees...

and yet remain unfailingly silent when anything comes along to besmirch their Goddess.

you know I don't support either candidate this year. But Hillary is boring to watch, at least Trump is entertaining... and will continue to be entertaining in that slip on a banana peel vaudevillian way until the day this foolish country elects him president.

Then it stops being entertaining.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 117 reads
21 / 27

that the sole purpose of this board is to rip those on the other side of the political aisle a new asshole every chance that you get.  The idea of engaging in substantive conversation and discussion is clearly beyond his scope.

By the way, if you are now a "Trump groupie" does that mean that you have parking privileges for the Trike at Trump Tower the next time you visit New York?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 88 reads
22 / 27

IKR o_O :P

Laffy reminds me of the monkey that grabs a tidbit out of the jar but then cant get its fist out of the jar without opening its fist and releasing the tidbit and refuses to open its fist even at the risk of getting caught because it means letting go of the tidbit clasped in its fist.  

OTOH - The trike did get me VIP parking at the Trump here in Vegas awhile back. No Trumpeting needed.


Posted By: PitchingWedge
that the sole purpose of this board is to rip those on the other side of the political aisle a new asshole every chance that you get.  The idea of engaging in substantive conversation and discussion is clearly beyond his scope.  
 By the way, if you are now a "Trump groupie" does that mean that you have parking privileges for the Trike at Trump Tower the next time you visit New York?

bigguy30 81 reads
23 / 27

You just can't let it go!
I think you should read the thread posted above this one.
Trump new campaign CEO does not like Jewish people either.
So I wonder why you keep defending a proven race baiter like Trump?

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... who are always so quick to point out the unsavory reputations of Trump endorsees...  
 and yet remain unfailingly silent when anything comes along to besmirch their Goddess.  
 you know I don't support either candidate this year. But Hillary is boring to watch, at least Trump is entertaining... and will continue to be entertaining in that slip on a banana peel vaudevillian way until the day this foolish country elects him president.  
 Then it stops being entertaining.
-- Modified on 8/27/2016 7:45:11 AM

bigguy30 189 reads
24 / 27

So when people write things on here.
They usually expose themselves and that is what Doc has done with this thread.

Doc you cried five days ago about the tone of this P&R area.
You are no better than the rest of us.
Thanks for the laughs and showing your own stupidity and hypocrisy.

Doc I like the picture of you and PitchingWedge. Lol
Posted By: DoctorGonzo

bigguy30 210 reads
26 / 27

So is that clear enough for you old clown?
You cannot even back up this garbage thread now.
Thanks for the laughs this morning. Lol

Posted By: DoctorGonzo

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 113 reads
27 / 27

repeat the same thing in every post so I won't say this a third time.

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