Politics and Religion

Libs in government . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 307 reads

just don't think things through before they open their mouves.  (Thought I would use the BLM plural for mouths, so I would look kind of hip . . . . . ghetto, yes, but still kind of hip.)  

for showing no "regard" for her "safety" as demonstrators circle her home.
You can't make this shit up.  These Democrat/Socialist are happy to pull police protection for blocks and block in downtown cities and praise the occupiers ... but go to their neighborhood?  They very idea!
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

just don't think things through before they open their mouves.  (Thought I would use the BLM plural for mouths, so I would look kind of hip . . . . . ghetto, yes, but still kind of hip.)  

What a joke.  She didn't care that city blocks were being harassed (even supported the takeover.)  But as soon as her own property is assaulted she issues the order to clear CHOP.   Typical Democrat.
She could have done this weeks ago.  What an absolute loser.  But she's a Democrat so loser is synonymous.

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