Politics and Religion

Bitches be crazy!
CallNumber9 2 Reviews 2481 reads

Kristen Schaal from the Daily Show channeling MLK and Wendy Davis.

Most of the time I get a chuckle from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report but there are times when they hit so deliciously close to home my jaw drops

Posted By: CallNumber9
Kristen Schaal from the Daily Show channeling MLK and Wendy Davis.  
 Most of the time I get a chuckle from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report but there are times when they hit so deliciously close to home my jaw drops.  

So if the senator was an African-American Woman. Kristen, could have said something like IDK, "nigger bitches be crazy".

Would that be satire, or a derogatory statement?

GaGambler714 reads

Haven't you Dems been carping for years about how evil the filibuster is? But I see you are fine with it when it suits your cause. Can anyone spell H-Y-P-0-C-R-I-T-E???

FWIW I am glad she did it, I happen to agree with her position, but the irony of the Dems celebrating a succesfull filibuster isn't lost on me.

I will further admit that some of the stupid shit that comes out of the mouths of Republicans like "rape kits clearing you out" or that "you can't get pregant by rape" are just mind  boggling and for a woman to make such ridiculous statements is even worse.

That Wendy Davis did her filibuster the old fashioned way by staying on her feet for 12 hours talking non stop.

That is how it is done. If the Senate filibusters were of the same variety as Ms. Davis' the Senate would be a lot more interesting and we would actually see who is on the side of what instead of the usual threaten  a filibuster and then go off golfing.  

The Republicans use it to cheat while Wendy used it to speak.

GaGambler644 reads

I call bullshit.

You can't have it both ways, and I even agree with Wendy Davis, but unlike you I am not a hypocrite.

Now if what you are saying is that the GOP obstructs by simply "threatening" to filibuster, that's an even stupider statement on your part, and makes Dems look like idiots for not calling their bluff.

You are damn right the point is lost on me, because you are obviously full of shit.

Who said anything about being a "hypocrite"? If you're going to use filibustering then let's do it the old fashioned way by standing and talking and dominating the floor of the Senate until you can't anymore. That is how it used to be done.  

And you're right the Democrats in the Senate look like feeble wussies because Reid is unwilling to call their bluff. This has been a major disappointment for me in Reid's leadership.

From the attached article: Filibustering as routine action at almost at every step of the way.


Ground zero in the filibuster debate is Senate Rule 22, the cloture rule, which requires a 60-vote supermajority, to end debate. The rule is routinely invoked, often as soon as a measure is brought to the floor for consideration and before debate takes place. As a result, 60 votes are needed to block a threatened filibuster and move legislation through the Senate.

GaGambler631 reads

Wendy Davis gave fair notice of what she was going to do, just like the GOP has done on a few occasions. The only difference is the GOP in Texas made her go through with it, the Dems in the US Senate just fold their tent and go home. Sure looks to me like the Dems are at least as much to blame as the GOP, and to call what Reid does "leadership" is a huge stretch, even for a lib.

Personally I am all for it when the GOP does it, and I support Wendy Davis for what she did as well. IMO the less that gets done the better, I wish someone had done the same to both The Patriot Act and ACA, the country would be a lot better off without either of them.

I blame the GOP for using the filibuster to excess to block the normal process of the Senate and I blame the Democrats, Reid especially, for not standing up to them and folding like a cheap suit.

Didn't I make that clear before?  

And Davis knew she had to do it, she came prepared

GaGambler826 reads

It's this partisan hypocrite that can't admit that he's trying to have it both ways that I have an issue with.

please if you are going to attack someone make sure you use proper grammar so you don't lose your point on idiotic word usage.

that you are completely wrong.  He finds it so amusing when someone incorrectly points out a mistake that has not even been made.  In fact, "stupider" is a real word and GaGa (who, to be sure, is truly annoying) has used it in proper context.
It goes like this: stupid, stupider, stupidest.
Here's an example. CallNumber9  may be stupid, however,  GaGambler is often stupider.  But cece is clearly stupidest for her incorrect "correction.

I find myself compelled to defend (omg) Cece on this one.

       If only Priapus could be here  here to advise us with his worn copy of Strunk and White. But in the absence of that master grammarian and spell checker, I must point out that the comparative form of “stupid” is “more stupid,” and the superlative form is “most stupid,” according to many authorities. Other authorities will at least say that “more stupid’ is preferred when addressing members of the Algonquin Roundtable, or the P and R Board. And merely because the word is in the dictionary does not mean it is corrrect rammer. Yo-are you down with that?

     Indeed, this is the general rule for all words ending in "id," unless you enjoy writing that "Inicky is the lucidest poster we have while GaGambler is the tepidest."

Now you know what’s coming – we must change your example to:  

“GaGambler is often stupid, Cece may be more stupid but Inicky is clearly the most stupid poster for his incorrect 'correction' of CECE’s correction.

GaGambler672 reads

First off, for joining this stupid "debate" to begin with, and secondly, for being wrong.

Maybe an ESOL class would be helpful for you geniuses?

but the original stupid poster never refuted my point that he is a hypocrite, and his arguments are getting stupider and stupider in his attempts to defend the indefensible, and also proves what a partisan hack he truly is.

because, as pointed out in the prior post, merely because a word can be found in the dictionary does not make it grammatically corrrect.

The weight of grammatical  authorities supports Cece, although I will give you some credit for your first point.

GaGambler602 reads

This board is getting "more stupider" by the day.

...I wanna fuck the weirdness out of her. She's the only woman I've ever seen that makes me want to buy a horse costume.

But really, the woman is such an accidental tease. Look, she even drives Laffytunes crazy.

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