Politics and Religion

Let me get this straight. . . .
remylabeau 3121 reads
1 / 48

Attracted to her? I felt like Larry David in that episode where he gets permission from Cheryl to have an affair but can't because the chick had a picture of her and George w. Bush framed.  

religion....i don't care....none of my girlfriends/ fiances were atheists...( I'm not sure I know of any attractive women who don't believe in god)....but fuck, politics...not only can I not be in a relationship with a Republican, I don't think I can handle 60 minutes in the same room...lol sorry, that probably came off really offensive but I guess this is a forum where I can be honest :)

TectorGorch 17 Reviews 562 reads
2 / 48

There are a couple of great seeming providers named "Reagan" this or "Reagan" that.  Feels like a deal killer.

remylabeau 501 reads
3 / 48

Ha! Would be happy to have a conversation between rounds with a provider named Amy "Roosevelt" or Jamison "Kennedy".

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 688 reads
4 / 48

...charge me extra for:


But if she looked anything like Mary Matalin, even one hour is out of the question.  Then again, her husband James Carville is butt ugly too.

followme 487 reads
5 / 48

That some of the best sex you ever had was not with a FNC watching Republican Provider.?  

2016 = GOP Wh, Senate and House

JackDunphy 579 reads
6 / 48

Who could possibly give a shit about a hookers politics? Most of the p4p girls I pork are libs and it affects me not how I view them sexually.

If a girl wanted to call herself Barbie Hussein Obama, and she was hot, young, talented and accepted my sub market offer, I could give several rat's asses. Or is it I COULDNT give several rats asses? LOL

Both of the regs I see are libs and we joke and laugh about our political differences. I can't imagine me being less attracted to any p4p gal for her political views. That's what civie dating is about, not a hooker.

Fk, some of these dudes in this thread need to check their man card for an expiration date. Her face, legs, boobs and ass give me wood, not her position on the Death Tax or on the Planned Parenthood vids. LO

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 567 reads
7 / 48

And on her facebook profile she has that "Don't tread on me flag" posted. She's in love with Rubio and she just goes on and on about how she hates Obama. It's a constant blah,blah,blah with her.But she's hot and a sexual dynamo. She's the one girl where I actually do like to CIM with her.

-- Modified on 9/6/2015 10:49:10 PM

remylabeau 576 reads
8 / 48

Normally I'd agree with you. Lets separate the bedroom from the board room, right? But....i gotta be honest that experience I had just turned me the fuck off. Now, was she the hottest provider I've ever seen? No....if she was, would I be in complete agreement with you? Probably. But.....ill be a little more detailed....not only was this provider discussing her opposing political views, she also gave explicit hints towards being right wing extreme and a sense of prejudice or exclusion towards anyone not white/protestant ( keep in mind , im caucasian....this is probably why she felt comfortable disclosing all of this in front of me). We did a round 2 after this l.  The whole time I felt like I was fucking Ann Coulter lol ( eeewwww....shes such a horse face). I came, but it was difficult. I dunno, maybe my testosterone levels are dropping and im starting to think with that frontal lobe a little more than I did when in the company of an attractive, naked woman, yea? Isn't that a good thing? The 4 relationships of my life have all been with attractive but insane women. I'm approaching 30 so maybe the pendulum will swing with more balance between looks and brains. Wouldn't be bad of we could get a providers opinion on this whole thing.  

I guess a good piece of advice in the industry may be not to bring up politics, cause ya never know what end of the spectrum the other person may be at. I mean none of us engage in the hobby for intellectual stimuli.  

also, not so much into the "hate fuck" stuff. Lol funny up top on the post about the chick that goes on and on about Rubio lol.

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 1:11:09 AM

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 1:23:48 AM

ed2000 31 Reviews 499 reads
9 / 48

You spent time with a white provider who expressed views of racial and religious prejudice or bias, who also appeared to be a right wing extremist. And your first inclination to describe her (in your OP) did not include any of that but instead you referred to her as a die hard  FOX News watching Republican?  

I can certainly understand not wanting to spend any time with a bigot, but then again you went back for seconds. Your overly broad generalization and implication that hard core FOX News watching Republicans are also bigots will no doubt put you in good stead with some people here. You most likely will find some level of camaraderie with at least a couple of folks here who agree wholeheartedly with your absolutely bigoted conclusions.

The fact that you’re not yet 30, and you chose 4 insane women to engage in relationships and you believe in a further generalization that "none of us engage in the hobby for intellectual stimuli", all lead me to believe you simply have some growing up to do

just_a_dumb_q 510 reads
10 / 48

As a social liberal, economic center-left, and atheist provider (we atheist ladies are out there - just prob doesn't come up in the middle of all the naked fun)...  

I try to always find something attractive about clients, whether it be interests, creativity, physical traits, demeanor, attitude, etc, and I focus on that so I can have a good time, too; most clients have several attractive traits & some are downright sexy, so it's not as much work as it sounds (my screening helps).  My focus on the positive is reflected in the happy faces of my clients when we're done (and I'm using an alias so as not to be misconstrued as an ad, just one provider's perspective).  If I saw pics of them next to W, I would really have to wipe that mental image from my mind to keep up my positive thinking!  

I also usually refrain from talking about politics & religion other than criticizing how ridiculous it is to have laws against what we do, and I feel comfortable making disparaging remarks about sexually oppressive attitudes, which obviously has a religious overtone.  Other than that, I only bring up sensitive topics when I know my opinion is genuinely wanted to regulars whom I've ascertained aren't diametrically opposed to me.  There are so many other innocuous but interesting topics to talk about to avoid the disillusionment.  

I do know that some clients are on the other side of the political spectrum from me because of things they say (which I can tell they think I will automatically agree with, but instead they get a non-committal response), but I certainly don't expect to see eye-to-eye on politics with clients. As long as they don't sound too BSC or show me their W pics before we indulge, it's all good.  If I were in the dating market, political and religious attitudes would have to align fairly close to mine; thankfully I have no interest in that.

remylabeau 567 reads
11 / 48

Lol wow ed.......take it easy man. I'm going to go ahead and use some Ted Wells language here, even though it is not the premise of this original post, but yes IMO it is " more likely than not" that the majority of people who watch fox news for anything other than entertainment are prejudice, racist, or bigots. Sorry Ed.  Perform a double blind study if you're that adamant . But buddy! Thank you so much for letting me know how many new friends I'll be making cause that's exactly why I joined the club! ( if you can't sense the sarcasm, you're definitely not within my generation).

Your comments about my relationship history, age, and "overly broad generalizations" lead me to believe you don't understand the basic difference between causation and correlation..but honestly, who gives a fuck! This is exactly where to get out your "overly broad generalization" thoughts. If you'd like to label my comments and I as you have, which I'm simply going to articulate as uhhhhh, "a bigot of bigots"? , that is fine with me but since you lack the ability to extract the accurate premise behind my original post I'll lay it out for you....the brain is as attractive as the body or looks aren't everything or my dick gets soft when attractive women vomit stupid shit.  

you question my reasons for going for seconds? Do you think I need to uphold some form of integrity or something behind the circumstances that occurred that evening and the comments I've made here on an internet public forum? This is a satirical observation, a humorous event in my life that can only remind me of one of the funniest episodes of Curb, a series im sure you're unfamiliar with because (uh oh! Here comes another overly broad generalization) since you watch shitty news you probably watch shitty shows as well......am I growing up before your own eyes?  

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 4:17:00 AM

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 4:18:44 AM

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 4:19:58 AM

remylabeau 579 reads
12 / 48

Very well put....i think the eloquence of your words rushed a little blood to my penis. Beautiful and an atheist. Please, feel free to pm me so we can set something up lol. :) are you able to pm my alias? I'm new here.

TectorGorch 17 Reviews 486 reads
13 / 48
marikod 1 Reviews 673 reads
14 / 48

I think you are talking about the Fox Opinion shows- Oreilly, Hannity, Kelly, Greta.

        Is opining that “it is more likely than not that the majority of people who watch fox news for anything other than entertainment are prejudice, racist, or bigots” a reasonable opinion”?

      I don’t think so but of course we can’t measure this.  But IMO you leave out a huge segment of the Fox Opinion demographic that is neither “prejudice, racist, or bigots.”  This is the segment that is simply not very intelligent and is actually engaged by “Fox News Contributors” who blame everything on President Obama. It never really occurs to this group that policy criticism without an alternative is pretty meaningless. So yes there are problems with Obamacare but what’s the alternative? The Iran agreement has flaws but what’s the alternative? And so on.

      I don’t think we have many intellectuals watching the Fox Opinion shows for anything other than entertainment. But let’s not call the majority who do watch racist and bigots – they just aren’t very bright

pot/kettle 566 reads
15 / 48

what political beliefs your doctor or dentist have before you go see them

GaGambler 529 reads
16 / 48

and to answer your actual question, yes  you can PM an alias.

BTW, since she too is using an alias you don't even know for sure that "she" is even a she, much less a hottie. Your OP was dumb enough, you are now entering SPOTY territory.

ed2000 31 Reviews 655 reads
17 / 48

Neither causation nor correlation has anything to do with my judgment of your bigotry. You were the one that injected those 3 additional factors that I used to form an opinion of your frame of mind and lack of maturity. If they weren’t important or relevant then why did you bring them up? They all reflect a lack of experience that could possibly have contributed to your obvious lack of maturity. BTW, Do you check the political leanings of everyone you deal with in your work life, social life or other service people you hire?

Integrity? You are the one that said you learned of her bigotry, THEN you went back for more, then you came here to complain about her. So yes, you don’t live up to your own standards.

Regarding your hatred of white conservatives or Republicans, just how many white Democrats do you know that hold racial bias? You think they aren’t nearly as plentiful? Maybe you need to better tune your radar.

But then again, why are you still engaging me? You think I’ve got nothing you can use.

I just wish I could be there the first time you try to see that provider who rejects you because you're too young.

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 2:46:02 PM

remylabeau 619 reads
18 / 48

I'm reinforcing the notion that what's between the ears can be very attractive.  However can we safely assume she likely is attractive? I mean in order to p4p I think we know what's on the resume
 not to sound sexist, but seriously where the fuck am I ?

just_a_dumb_q 598 reads
19 / 48

OP - what GaG says is true - you have no idea of how hot or not I am.  You can guess that I am probably a provider (although some use an alias to pretend to be something they are not)... and that I have political views... but it's hard to call out an alias.  

And GaG, for those of us who are very passionate about politics and have put a lot of thought into our positions, it can be an enhancement or distraction to the attraction to someone.  I know you probably think that's just asinine, but vive la difference.  Do you know who John Oliver is? I'd do him in a heartbeat (even though he won't win any Calvin Klein ad work soon) just cause I find him politically smart & witty and thus sexy... his other attributes overcome his rather goofy look!  And Trump - man, it's hard to get past that "winner" hair - but even ignoring that, he's even more dog-poo ugly cause of the words that leave his mouth.

remylabeau 547 reads
20 / 48

Someone a couple posts above said the name can be a deal breaker....that was obviously just an over exaggeration. For me, all I am mentioning is that it did have a profound effect on how attractive I found the provider after the conversation. I will likely not be seeing the provider again but I don't think any guy here no matter how big a deal the politics is actually picks and chooses providers.....i mean I don't even read bios on a providers website....

remylabeau 606 reads
21 / 48

Yes I know who JO is....not the biggest fan of his show but if you've ever seen his stand up he's gotta a decent joke about climate change, polar bears, and his detachment from emotion.  In your post I thought you actually stated being a provider. Honestly, as soon as I saw atheist and provider in the same sentence for some odd reason an image of se cupp entered my mind lol.

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 4:46:54 PM

pot/kettle 496 reads
22 / 48

Choosing a provider to spend 60 minutes with on the basis of her political beliefs is a little odd.  After all, as I asked earlier, do you research the political beliefs of your physician before you put your health -- and perhaps your life -- in his/her hands?

I mean, here's the deal.  You are worried about political words or feelings that may come out of a provider's mouth and likely won't come out of her mouth until the final 10 or 15 minutes of the hour you are spending with her.  Or, to be more precise, those political opinions won't come out of her mouth until a few minutes after you have likely cum in it.  Or on her face.  Or her tits.  Or wherever your cock is pointed at the time.

So, in the big picture, and with your cock "recovering" after round one, does it really matter who the fuck she wants to vote for in the 2016 election?

remylabeau 746 reads
23 / 48

Ed, at this point I just find you to be an odd person who's....i dunno....feelings seem to be hurt. Not going to comment on the integrity, would take too long and I'm way too self-deprecating to care.  Not gonna comment on hating the ethnic race that I happen to be a part of or more specifically white conservatives. Will comment on the comparison between white Republicans and democratic ones. Yes through my very short 29 years of life ( I always blush when you refer to me being too young) I have noticed a discrepancy between the two groups with more racial bias leaning far towards Republican white. I mean, its hard for me to remember a political scandal involving racial comments or racism in general and democrats as opposed to Republicans and any sort of racial scandal. There was Harry Reid who simply said that " Obama would win the white vote because he was light skinned". There's a point for you.  

you're last comment strikes me as the oddest as if you feel such an extreme connection and identity with the hobby that you think a provider not accepting my references, screening info, and time because of my age would even bother or offend me. Can't say it would but, If they have a 30 years and up restriction than I would have to respect that man.   You are officially the creepiest person I've met on the board yet but are right regarding my engagement....can we consider this our last engagement? Thanks man and have a good life.

remylabeau 539 reads
24 / 48

No, I got your point. I was just telling you I'm likely not even going to know their political opinions before seeing them. As I said, I rarely even read a bio reinforcing the fact that we are all more intrigued by the pictures, correct? I hope you're getting the point here. No I don't weigh in political beliefs when seeking a provider. But read through my messages. If i were in the middle of a session and just cuddling between rounds the last thing I want to hear is the n word or your opinions on super conservative social policy. Does that clarify everything?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 701 reads
25 / 48
ed2000 31 Reviews 705 reads
26 / 48

Clearly my offense with you is that you started out implying that most or a majority of Republicans and conservatives were racists. Then you attempted to justify yourself with the old “one can’t be bigoted towards bigots or even so, it’s a good thing”. Indeed there are racists almost everywhere and a higher than average quantity trend to the right, but your gross exaggerations can’t go unanswered. When I’m included (indirectly or not) in such a group I do take offense at such ignorance (it has nothing to do with “feelings”.) In your mind you probably think you didn’t intend to include me, because of course you didn’t know me, but you did include me. That’s why it’s called bigotry.  

You have now softened your stance a bit but I was expecting your next move to be “. . .  but I have a conservative friend”. Like most bigotry, yours is probably founded in fear or most likely misconception. Misconceptions that will never end if you continue to refuse to communicate or deal with that which you don’t understand yet you think you know fully. Labeling me as creepy is a fraudulent mechanism intended only to discount me.

If Harry Reid is your only example you do indeed live with your eyes closed. You might trust Nate Silver, someone fairly well respected when it comes to reporting statistics. There would seem to be far more white Democrats that you should also hate. More Democrats than you realize. Many of them providers I suspect. I guess you just haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them yet

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 605 reads
27 / 48

Ya know, kiss ass on the ladies and maybe, just maybe he might get lucky..Don't hate the player, hate the game you started.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 698 reads
28 / 48

... or however long I book time with her. I want my sessions to be about me, not her political bent.

If she's a Gawd-fearing Fox-watching Bush-loving (double entendre definitely intended)Evangelican Christian fucking to put food on the table and is especially good at satisfying MY needs, I'll book her again.

But I probably wouldn't bring her to the family Passover Seder.
Posted By: remylabeau
Attracted to her? I felt like Larry David in that episode where he gets permission from Cheryl to have an affair but can't because the chick had a picture of her and George w. Bush framed.  
 religion....i don't care....none of my girlfriends/ fiances were atheists...( I'm not sure I know of any attractive women who don't believe in god)....but fuck, politics...not only can I not be in a relationship with a Republican, I don't think I can handle 60 minutes in the same room...lol sorry, that probably came off really offensive but I guess this is a forum where I can be honest :)

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 647 reads
29 / 48

Gee ed... if I'd known you were just a creepy old Republican...

LOL!!! That's just too funny.  

I guess one has to actually meet you to understand how hilarious that is.

If only more people from opposite sides of the aisle got together to compare notes over dinner... we might get somewhere.

ed2000 31 Reviews 654 reads
30 / 48

I might have to get a T-Shirt made. I concur on all your points

remylabeau 659 reads
31 / 48

Yes she is. I could definitely tolerate 60 minutes.

remylabeau 611 reads
32 / 48

Damnit Ed, its really hard not to want to respond to you. Did you not notice from my post I actually tried to be discrete about the fact that the provider was racist? It wasn't until other posters started remarking the situation wasn't all that intolerable until I disclosed a little more content. In addition, I'm not sure where I softened my stance....it sounds like I just became progressively more a dick as I reread our correspondence. Again, have a good life..........Creep :) (sorry, I'm just entertaining myself at this point).

-- Modified on 9/7/2015 10:37:31 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 575 reads
33 / 48

What you considered as clever code words for racist i.e. “died hard FOX News watching Republican”, was nothing but a display of bigotry. I was (and am) perfectly sympathetic with you not wanting to any spend time with a racist, let alone intimate time, but you chose to double down on your bigoted stance that Republicans are racist

YairMarx 633 reads
34 / 48
GaGambler 548 reads
35 / 48

What if you were spending some down time with an ebony lady and she started in about "Black lives matter"??? Would you find that a turn off as well, or do you save your ire strictly for conservatives?

I can think of a LOT of topics I don't want to talk about when between the sheets, but you seem to be bothered by only one. Kind of narrow minded of you, wouldn't you agree?

remylabeau 681 reads
36 / 48

Matter who. Yes, in that situation I might be annoyed if that provider happened to be the female version of " conspiracy brotha" from undercb. But......the fact that it hasn't happened is why you don't see me writing about it, hence my one direction......when it does though I'll make sure to start a thread hopefully as long as this one for ya.

remylabeau 510 reads
37 / 48

Ed!......your ATF got released from jail today!

lol, c'mon ed....that was pretty fuckin funny. Your turn.

GaGambler 637 reads
38 / 48

Your posts, and quite frankly YOU, make no sense at all.  

You come on here hoping to bash conservatives that you try to paint with a broad brush as being racists, and then start backpedaling, crawfishing and otherwise trying to weasel out of your OP.

Please come back when you actually have a clue.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 536 reads
39 / 48

It clarifies a lot if you think all conservatives call black people niggers. It clarifies your complete ignorance of anybody that disagrees with your opinion. Unfortunately, it also clarifies how dumb the youth of America are today.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 506 reads
40 / 48

The judge is satisfied marriage licenses to gays are now being handed out. By all but Davis and her son(nephew?) Bloody-fucking Hell.

And now that this bitch is free the first thing she does is pick up a fucking microphone, then she is going to be turned into a hero and wind up making a fortune for refusing to honor her oath of office. What's going to happen the NEXT time she refuses to grant a marriage license to a gay couple? Will Huckabee present her as his choice for VPOTUS? Will she become the next Sarah Palin?

Bloody-fucking Hell. What bullshit. If she had ANY real integrity, she would resign her position because she simply can't honor her oath of office AND her religious convictions. Bloody-fucking Hell.

ed2000 31 Reviews 646 reads
41 / 48

And on top of that you think this woman and her circumstance applies in any way, shape or form to me. I attempted to attribute your problems to a lack of maturity but I think now I was right all along. You do seem to be nothing more than a real bigot

remylabeau 609 reads
42 / 48

Ed, you are insignificant in my life and I am insignificant in yours. Our entire relationship is a joke. The reason I am even here is for entertainment purposes. If I cared to point out the flaws in all of your posts that in itself would characterize my life as pathetic....so, if you care,entertain me.

remylabeau 619 reads
43 / 48

Well, lets clarify your command of the English language. This is something I love to do. I'll make things very elementary for you, ed, and GG. My OP had no inference of race involved whatsoever. My 1st response to ed contained - more likely than not and MAJORITY. In my field, I've trained for years even without thinking to use keywords and phrases like these whenever making a statement with such gravity. So, if anyones taken any logic courses or taken the LSAT possibly way back in the day, you'll understand this can't be translated into a conditional statement which ed, gaygambler, and this guy are in error of doing so.  IF YOU ARE A FOX NEWS WATCHING REPUBLICAN, THAN YOU ARE RACIST. Anyone who is not an idiot, would never make this conditional statement ( btw, if you can translate the aforementioned sentence into a conditional statement, you get a star). This is where causation and correlation play a part and this completely flew by eds brain. So, what do I feel? What do I think? How do I translate this message? Yes, I do believe there's a higher correlation between right wing political ideology and a belief in racial or ethnic superiority. This will take forever to support in argument but I'm sure we can all reference hundreds of specifics from jim crow laws to the war on drugs.  If you can't agree that there is a degree of correlation, and that relative to democratic or liberal ideology, conservative rhetoric may have an undertone of racial inequality, than you're kidding yourself. The fact that I had to explain this.......would you like to reword your statement possibly to a question of how dumb the elder generations of America are today?

ed2000 31 Reviews 756 reads
44 / 48

You consider people who challenge you as insignificant and their only useful purpose is to entertain you. That is unless you might come across as pathetic, in which case you care deeply what people think.

remylabeau 607 reads
45 / 48

so ed, how do people who view you as insignificant and purely as entertainment have pathetic lives compared to those on an internet public forum ( please understand the disconnect there) who would value your opinion or comments?  How do you jump into thinking that people who challenge me are insignificant as opposed to the more obvious implication that we are thousands of miles apart, no nothing personal of each other, cannot even identify one another, and only exist in each others lives through the world wide web as the reason why you are insignificant in my life. Am I correct in assuming from your statement that I am significant in yours? Because if that's so......I am truly flattered!  

Posted By: ed2000
You consider people who challenge you as insignificant and their only useful purpose is to entertain you. That is unless you might come across as pathetic, in which case you care deeply what people think.

GaGambler 554 reads
46 / 48

Would have learned at an earlier age just what the hell a "paragraph break" is used for. For you to criticize anyone for their lack of command of the English language puts you into SPOTY territory.

You actually get dumber by the post. GayGambler??? are  you related to TrannyBoy? He was the last idiot with so little wit as to try and use that as an insult.  

Why don't you find someone willing to rent you a clue and THEN come back and try this again

remylabeau 467 reads
47 / 48

And if I'm going to insult you, I think by now you can rest assure it'll be obvious and blunt enough for you to know it.  

Here's your INDENTATION (the word you're looking for). What I'm trying to get accross is the logical reasoning, translation, and comprehension of basically all my posts. I think we all know from any forum, TER or not, once you start insulting ones grammatical errors, you basically have nothing else. I'll take that as a compliment.  

lol sorry about the handle. Seriously I'm sorry. That's either my phone or myself by mistake. Why would you use that in the first place? Does it stand for Georgia gambler?

ed2000 31 Reviews 538 reads
48 / 48

You were justified regarding your original concerns you’d be judged pathetic should you continue along the path you were treading, but you're clearly not insignificant.

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