Politics and Religion

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 16 reads

...not liberal. This administration is loaded with leftist ideologues.

It's both glorious and frightening watching liberal heads exploding over the Supreme Court taking a review of the immunity case -- as if a top court review of a major novel application of a constitutional question is evidence of fascism.  
These people are certifiably insane.  Many are calling for open revolt (insurrection!)  Many are calling for the arrest of the SCOTUS conservatives.  Milder are calling for packing the court.  
And they ALL assert that the public re-electing Trump is "illegitimate" and NOT a form of "democracy."  Only they can save "democracy" by preventing candidates they don't like from running for office.  
To them, democracy is a result, not a process.  They don't actually believe the majority should rule, they never have believed that.  They believe in a specific outcome and anything is fair to achieve that end.  Just like the communists before the, if they have to murder 100 million people to achieve their goals, well you gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette.
Progressives are totalitarian in nature.  It's more clear than ever in how they behave these days.  They used to be more circumspect in revealing their inner convictions.  But now they feel emboldened to say out loud what they intend to do to people who disagree.  Throw their opponents in jail.  Prevent them from using banks.  Prevent them from employment.  Threaten them, beat them, kill them (Antifa wing of the progressive movement.)
It's a very dangerous time in the USA with these loons running around and having State power.

The discourse on “Resistance” Twitter is unreal. TDS liberals  are losing their minds.

...not liberal. This administration is loaded with leftist ideologues.

These days that is a distinction without a difference.

Then G.I. Joe Biden will LEGALLY be able to order order SEAL Team Six to assassinate Trump, according to Trump's own attorneys.  Now that's what I call being "hoist with his own petard!"

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: I really want the Court to rule that a president has total immunity...
Then G.I. Joe Biden will LEGALLY be able to order order SEAL Team Six to assassinate Trump, according to Trump's own attorneys.  Now that's what I call being "hoist with his own petard!"
Blood sugar is way off again, your not even making sense. That or you haven’t gotten your “Buttt Trump” time in under the stairs cause TDST1 is engrossed in the NatGeo story about what is it tonight? Australia?

Nutty  Rachel Madcow is saying that Trump, if elected, will remain president forever.  
What the hell are progressives smoking?
Presidents can be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.  In fact Obama executed an American citizen without due process.  So there is an example of a President getting away with murder. Of course if you count the hundreds of thousands killed by American weapons in non-declared wars over the decades, a murder here or there probably doesn't move the needle much.
But the recourse is, was, and will be impeachment.

Now BigPapasan has gone as far as fantasizing about the assassination of a former president. In this thread, BigPapasan once again clowns himself by attempting to analyze a legal issue. Here all we get is more  out of context, cut and paste legal “reporting” that only serves to expose BigP’s severe TDS.

His input here shows us how misinformed BigPapasan is on the actual nature of the immunity argument. If one were to take BigPapasan’s post at face value, he would be led to believe that Trump’s attorneys introduced the claim that a president could order the assassination of a political opponent at the hands of Seal Team 6…

What really happened:

The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer
So it turns out it wasn’t Trump’s team introducing a ridiculous scenario into the argument, but a biased Biden appointed judge.

Now did Trump’s team answer “absolutely yes”, as BigP (unwittingly?) infers? The answer is “No”.

who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter
I only question whether BigPapasan’s inference was unwitting because it’s not clear whether BigP has the intelligence and actual understanding of the law to fabricate a lie. Is it more likely that he’s just eating up MSM and Democrat talking points and mindlessly regurgitating them? That very well may be the case. BigPapasan is so wracked with TDS, he’s become nothing more than a parrot of idiocy.

A few short weeks ago, I posted this:

"Joe Biden's easy path to victory in November...
Posted by BigPapasan, 1/17/2024 12:27:28 AM

A couple of weeks before the election, Biden will order SEAL Team Six to assassinate Trump and his running mate.  He will win the election because he will be running unopposed.
Biden will also be immune from criminal prosecution so he will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025.  In order to criminally prosecute a president, he first must be impeached AND convicted.  If Biden is impeached and he thinks he may be convicted, Bazooka Joe will order SEAL Team Six to kill enough senators so that he wouldn't be able to be convicted by 2/3 of the Senate.
That's all there is to it!"

Go back to the drawing board, CKS.  Don't you know that you righties are too dumb to compete with me?

My previous post was a little tongue in cheek.  Biden wouldn't have to kill any senators.  You see where I wrote "impeached AND convicted?"  That's what Trump's lawyer argued - Trump would have immunity unless he was impeached AND convicted.  It's an impossible standard to meet; there have been four presidential impeachments and ZERO convictions.  The 2/3 standard can never be met because neither party will ever have 67 senators.  Trump's lawyers knew that but didn't want to admit that Trump could kill anyone he wanted to with impunity and immunity.  What I said previously was also true - if Biden thought there were 67 Senate votes to convict him, he could kill as many senators as he wanted...with impunity and immunity.

My posts were in the vein of Swift's "A Modest Proposal" but again, you're too dumb to realize it.

CKS will have to use google to figure out who Swift is. Right now he probably thinks Swift's first name is Taylor. LOL

BigPapasan entered this thread with a Trump assassination fantasy:

Then G.I. Joe Biden will LEGALLY be able to order order SEAL Team Six to assassinate Trump,
Later in the thread, he backtracked:
My previous post was a little tongue in cheek

..you're so ignorant of the real news that you don't know Trump's lawyers argued he was immune from prosecution if he ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate his rival.  I would feel sorry for you and have pity on you for being so stupid but I don't because you CHOOSE to be so stupid.  It must really suck to live in the dark like you do.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Wait, what?  You are so deep inside your righty news cocoon that...
..you're so ignorant of the real news that you don't know Trump's lawyers argued he was immune from prosecution if he ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate his rival.  I would feel sorry for you and have pity on you for being so stupid but I don't because you CHOOSE to be so stupid.  It must really suck to live in the dark like you do.
Did you read CKSs response becuse you didn’t read what actually happened… 🙄 That or your just as mentioned above allowing your TDS to color your judgment OR your just being intellectually dishonest!

The Jusge asked a TRAP question and trumps lawyer said  

“If he were impeached and convicted first…my answer is [a] qualified yes, there is a political process that would have to occur first.”

Love how you cherry picked and took it out of context to fit a narrative!  

As for living in the dark? It is pretty dark under those stairs where you and TDST1 spend soooo much time in your “BUT TRUMP” two man circle jerk.  

PS Icky secretly hates you 😕 again he just puts up with you Because your TDS approaches his own insane label of the disorder.

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