Politics and Religion

Lady sues to get out of Obamacare, then declares medical bankruptcy
sufferinSuccotash 1640 reads

her suit would be dead in the water, and subject to federal sanctions for frivilous  litigation, and if she falls before the poverty line, she would be eligible for help getting her insurance under the  ACA. The suit was filed before the ACA was declared legal by the S. Ct. She sure wouldn't be subject to the mandate given her apparent poverty level.

She lives in Florida, not  California according to the original and more complete L.A. Times article. Rick Scott and the Republican legislature are posturing they won't accept Medicaid expansion funds.

California is not one of the states that threatens to opt out of expanded Medicaid and is going forward with setting up exchanges under Governor Jerry Brown with Republicans going along with it including none other than Kevin McCarthy, the #3 Republican in the House. But he's doing it "quietly" because on TV and in Washington, he's  a big "repeal Obama care" monger.

California Republicans Quietly Embrace Medicaid Expansion

We haven't seen the GOP note the fact that their #3 in the House is not opposing the ACA for Bakersfield, California who elected Kevin McCarthy. That kind of slipped under the radar for the GOP homeboys here but now they know. Glad to educate.

Original Article LA Times

Woman sues government over ACA

salonpas300 reads

She expected to be just fine without heath care. She expected to prove a point to the entire nation about it. She couldn't afford to make that point because she went absolutely broke because she didn't have health care. So the taxpayers will have to foot her $4500 hospital bill.

because she lost, if the jerk Governor Scott of Florida gets his ass outta the way, she will get insured in 2014.  That's where things stand right now.  Meanwhile, either a private hospital or a charity teaching hospital foots the bill.  I can't tell you whether you help foot the bill in Ga. as a federal  tax payer, but most of the bill will be footed by the state of Florida whose governor and legislature are currently this moment adamant that they will  block Mary from receiving insurance via the ACA when HHS sets up an exchange for Florida in by 2014.  She was admitted to the hospital; for what and how long I don't know; I hope she has the best possible outcome.

Actually Mary Brown was a plaintiff along with National Federation of Business the big symbol party for the lawsuit against ACA--the very entity that wants to give Mary the health insurance she needs so desperately as a 56 year-old who may or may not (I don't know) have a chronic illness and whose husband apparently also does have a chronic illness or more than one. She was filing against the mandate, (and against the ACA), which ironically she would have, and will be, unless her finances improve, excempt from. She didn't have insurance, and she didn't have the money to pay for it.  The 20something states who were plaintiffs and lost most of the opinion in the S. Ct. and all of the mandate argument, weren't in her position. Mary was badly informed by the goofball  lawyers who appended her as a plaintiff.And when  she understands what Governor Rick Scott, former CEO of Columbia HCA is trying to do to her, she isn't going to be a happy camper.

By the way, I have a little common sense" for you that's well known to people who do business with or in hospitals. Rick Scott, Governor of Florida who is blocking Mary Brown from getting her insurance after she lost and the government of the US won her particular lawsuit litigated in the S. Ct. (Roberts, J.) resigned HCA after HCA pleaded guilty to 14 Medicare felonies while on  his watch.They agreed to pay $600 million in fines which probably could buy you a pretty good weekend in the ATL.  Scott spent $75 million trying to get elected, and he defeated Bill McCullom who after losing a case in federal court as US Attorney went out and got drunk at what is called in your neck of the woods a "titty bar" and smacked a dancer while 50 sheets to the wind, and paid a settlement GOP's have an odd way of letting off steam after getting  their asses kicked in court.

Ironically the states fought and are fighting tooth and nail not to get Mary Brown insured.
Brown needed insurance; she couldn't pay for it; she didn't want the government to force her to get insurance, and she and her lawyers were too stupid to read the ACA exemptions for the mandate.  She is exempted from the mandate which as I think you  know salonpas will only be directed at a small # of people who, unlike Mary Brown, do have resources to pay for insurance but refuse to do so--freeloaders.  Mary Brown is not a free loader, and without filing the suit the ACA passed in 2010 before the suit was filed exempted her from said mandate.  So wtf did all the $1500 an hour lawyers including the lead lawyer include poor Mary as a frigging plaintiff any way when she didn't meet the criteria of a target for a forced mandate/tax/Ladyfrigging Gaga/ or whatever you want to call it.

The end result was that Mary "lost" in the Supreme Court along with her lawyers. And ironically, if you use a scintilla of common sense, Mary Brown who had filed bankruptcy last fall wasn't even qualified as a plaintiff for the suit, because as the government argued, Mary Brown was exactly part of the population whom the  ACA was trying to help and will help.

Until the ACA that applies to Mrs. Brown kicks in, she will have available a teaching charity hospital in Florida that will take care of her. Or if a private hospital admits her, they will try to collect, and possibly won't.

All of these high powered, high priced attorneys the state hired, failed to recognize that many of their co-plaintiffs would not be subject to the mandate since their income was under the  level the mandate targeted.

Thanks for preaching common sense Salonpas whatever the hell you meant.

"This is so ironic," Jane Perkins, a health law expert in North Carolina, said of Brown's situation. "It just shows that all Americans inevitably have a need for healthcare. Somebody has paid for her healthcare costs. And she is now among the 62% whose personal bankruptcy was attributable in part to medical bills."

Lawyers who represent Brown dispute the significance of her bankruptcy. They say her unpaid medical bills were only a small part of her debts and did not cause her bankruptcy. They say that she and her husband owe $55,000 to others, including credit card companies. And they say her financial troubles were caused by the failure of her auto repair shop.

Brown, reached by telephone Thursday, said the medical bills were her husband's. "I always paid my bills, as well as my medical bills," she said angrily. "I never said medical insurance is not a necessity. It should be anyone's right to what kind of health insurance they have.

"I believe that anyone has unforeseen things that happen to them that are beyond their control," Brown said. "Who says I don't have insurance right now?"

I'll answer that for Mrs. Brown.  The Republican governor of Florida, Scott, says she doesn't have insurance right now and the Republican legislature who will be under intense pressure from hospitals and med schools in  Florida to accept Medicaid Expansion funds so Mary Brown finally does get insurance.

You're welcome.

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 1:04:49 PM

The people/consumers pay every settelment awarded in a lawsuit.

Trickle down economics is a real thing.

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