Politics and Religion

Keith Olbermann to Bush - RESIGN
The Moose 26 Reviews 2741 reads

Sure, it won't happen, and forget Barry Bonds, as Keith hit 756 home runs in one night w/this Special Comment....

Olbermanns condemnation of the Libby commutation would resonate louder if only he had the same moral outrage against those that have let and have been let go of serious crimes against this country. The Moose, please take a close look at the pardons issued by the previous administration, and the crimes from which they were pardoned from. Then, rate the "crime" that Mr. Libby committed (and no, he did NOT out a covert CIA agent nor was he convicted of that)then get back to me with that rating.

and, for the most part, they would be right...and it is something that MANY presidents have done.

And wherein lies the problem.  

This is just one reason (but a good one) why the approval ratings of both the executive branch and the legislative branch (and likely the judicial branch, if it were polled) are at historic lows...the common man has no faith in the process anymore.  "It's all about money, screw everyone who isn't your ally, and nothing changes it" is what most people likely think...and why would you blame them?  Between this sort of thing (and years of similar politics...Shrub just is more smug about it than ANYONE IN HISTORY), the fact that the majority of "little guys" in this country have been squeezed to where they can mostly only focus on just taking care of their own life, and the fact that NONE of the candidates that have any realistic chance of winning the election next year suggest that it would REMOTELY CHANGE, there is little to suggest to me that people who aren't already bleeding hearts or religious/social conservatives (which makes up most of the "swing voters" AND the non-voters) will suddenly become energized to really THINK about how things are in our current governmental climate...which means that it will continue to be the blues vs the reds, about 50/50, and whoever has the more telegenic candidate or whoever lies better or whoever is marketed better (speaking of Shrub) will win, and the loser will scream bloody murder for four years.

Yes, this may be the best country in the world in many ways, but this process is in serious need of repair.

RightwingUnderground2195 reads

"more smug about it than ANYONE IN HISTORY"

"majority of "little guys" in this country have been squeezed to where they can mostly only focus on just taking care of their own life"

"common man has no faith in the process anymore.  "It's all about money, screw everyone who isn't your ally, and nothing changes it" is what most people likely think"

It is interesting how people's perspective of historical importance seems to begin when they are born.


"approval ratings of both the executive branch and the legislative branch"

Push for a constitutional legislative term limit amendment.


"this may be the best country in the world in many ways, but this process is in serious need of repair."

"Democracy may be the worst form of government, but it's better than all the rest" *unknown*


Oh yea...
Clinton did it too.
...What was the subject this time? I wasn't in the mood for a laugh so I didn't click on the Blubberman link.

-- Modified on 7/4/2007 2:15:25 PM

you are.

Thanks for the point of your post mainly being just to critique mine.

RightwingUnderground1726 reads

that your words HAD to be more cogent and sensical than ANYTHING Blubberman could have said.

-- Modified on 7/4/2007 3:51:53 PM

Friggin New Guy2087 reads

blubster has become a hack

you can always count on his diapers to be full

. . . who Keith Olbermann is, exactly. It only matters whether you agree with his opinion.

You leftys always raise the Medusa Head and say Republicans are mean, criminals, heartless, etc. etc.

Bush won Bush won and he is not going to resign!! hahaha haha haha.

And speaking of Libby---WHAT A JOKE!!!! HA HA HA.

Stalinist railroad job!  That's what his trial was.  Why didn't Fitzgerald charge the person who did out that stupid b*tch with a Crime??    FITZGERALD KNEW ALL ALONG WHO OUTED THAT DUMMY.  aND HE DIDN'T CHARGE ARMITAGE W/ANY CRIME.  

Libby never should have gone to trial!  PERIOD.  Sandy Berger should be in prison for stealing secret gov docs and destroying them.  He did it to cover up Willie's total foreign policy incompetence.  

Fitzgerald is a disgrace-- he's nothing but a hack---worse that that dumb ass prosecutor of the Duke players.  

Ha ha ha ha--- America knows you leftys are a bunch of LUNATICS!!!!  YOU'RE NOTHING BUT LUNATICS.

Please go smoke some weed and mansterbate and then give yourself a nice warm herbal enema and then take a valium and have a good 10 hour sleep.

prosecutors!  Oohh oooh how dare he.  He fired 8 federal prosecutors!!!!!!  

I don't need to read what Doc said.  Bush and republicans can do no right at all in Docs opinion  (he's still a super good guy though).  Someday, Gonzo will have------AN EPIPHANY---YES--AN EPIPHANY---and become------ a libertarian REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!


Hey---maybe you'll have an epiphany too!!!!!

That's my new word for the day-- epiphany epiphany epiphany.  Now I'll even remember how to spell it.

In WhoCaresLand, we don't care who the messenger is.
We concern ourselves with the message.

Do you have anything cogent and intelligent to say about his editorial piece? Then please, by all means, play your tune.

I happen to agree with him completely.

Actually Doc I have never seen Keith Oberman..I haven't watched CNN since Fox came out and I could watch balanced News.  I usually don't go to posted links except those posted by ladies and I respectfully decline your invitation to see what Oberman has to say.I will ask the clerk at Wal Mart what they have to say about Oberman. Post the best two [paragraphs of what he had to say and I will read it but I am sticking to my no opening posted links rule.

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