Politics and Religion

Kasich blames G.W. Bush and congressional Republicans for massive deficits in 2000's.....
HONDA 153 Reviews 663 reads

Finally an honest assessment from GOP presidential candidate Kasich on how we ended up with deficits. Republican's blew the Clinton budget surplus and then proceeded to BLOW UP the Middle East. If you start two wars, enact a government sponsored Medicare Rx plan and refuse to increase taxes to pay for them you end up with budget deficits as far as the eye can see.  

Even as he intensified an effort to win the backing of conservative Republicans in next week’s South Carolina primary, Ohio Gov. John Kasich blamed former President George W. Bush and congressional Republicans for transforming years of projected budget surpluses into massive deficits.

brooks5105 reads


Where was Kasich in the Dem debate?  He sounds like Bernie.

Just like the he's "the most racially divisive POTUS we have had in modern times;" quoting GaG.

Guess he just shot himself in the foot along with any chance he had at winning the nomination. It will not, particularly, set well in S.C. where Jeb believes enough people there still view GW positively.  ;)

GaGambler105 reads

but that doesn't meant that HONDA and Kasich don't have a very valid point. Not letting Obama off the hook for increasing the debt even faster, but GW Bush spent money every bit as fast as any Dem I can think of.

Now I know this is a difficult thing for you to wrap your arms around, but just because the Republican in the form of GW Bush is also guilty doesn't let Obama off the hook for his contributions. I know you partisans struggle mightily with that concept. Yes, Bush spent money like a drunken sailor, and yes Obama was/is every bit as bad. and yes, things were run much better during the Clinton years, but a lot of the credit needs to go to Rubin and Newt. Clinton most definitely deserves a lot of the credit as well for not fucking things up where it came to the economy.

Liberals can spot racism a mile away, as long as it comes from conservatives.

But when it's one of their own, and right under their nose, they excuse, obfuscate, lie, deflect, etc.

When libs go after there own racists and the crazed left wing "The Nation" does a piece on Dem racism, I will listen to every word they spout about Trumps.

Wake me when that happens. LOL

bigguy3062 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
but that doesn't meant that HONDA and Kasich don't have a very valid point. Not letting Obama off the hook for increasing the debt even faster, but GW Bush spent money every bit as fast as any Dem I can think of.  
 Now I know this is a difficult thing for you to wrap your arms around, but just because the Republican in the form of GW Bush is also guilty doesn't let Obama off the hook for his contributions. I know you partisans struggle mightily with that concept. Yes, Bush spent money like a drunken sailor, and yes Obama was/is every bit as bad. and yes, things were run much better during the Clinton years, but a lot of the credit needs to go to Rubin and Newt. Clinton most definitely deserves a lot of the credit as well for not fucking things up where it came to the economy.

.....is more racially divisive than all the past presidents who supported slavery? Now that is really rich! What a crock! I guess righties have played NO role in the divisive racial politics since Obama came into office. If the GOP were being honest with themselves they would admit their role in the divisive racial politics we have being played out today. Donald Trump, the leading GOP candidate, has gone out of his way to insult every racial minority group in this country. Anyone wonder why he's so popular with his hordes of supporters. Let's be clear here, American born/naturalized Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims etc are not "guests" in this country, and they do not have to accept merely being "tolerated" by Whites. They have exactly the same rights that you and I have, and not one right less.

Posted By: mattradd
Just like the he's "the most racially divisive POTUS we have had in modern times;" quoting GaG.  
 Guess he just shot himself in the foot along with any chance he had at winning the nomination. It will not, particularly, set well in S.C. where Jeb believes enough people there still view GW positively.  ;)

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 5:06:29 PM

GaGambler102 reads

and for the record, I am NOT white. So I am assuming by "you and I" you are referring to you and Matt. Because I am not only a non white person, I spent much of my younger days in the highly racist South of 40 years ago. You want to talk about racism, sorry but you don't have a clue.

You don't have to be white to see Obama's racism, the only person living in the White House that I can think of even more racist than him is that "princess" wife of his, she who never had to suffer a day of her life, never went hungry, went to the best schools, lived the life that most of us can only dream of, and yet still plays the race card and tries to act the victim. The only people I can think of less qualified to play the race care were OJ Simpson and Clarence Thomas.

bigguy3072 reads

This is the typical thing that comes from the GOP supporters.
Just call someone else racist to cover up their own.
He is really a Trump supporter and trying to hide it.
When you listen to his leader it really makes GaGambler sound foolish to call Obama a racist.

Posted By: GaGambler
and for the record, I am NOT white. So I am assuming by "you and I" you are referring to you and Matt. Because I am not only a non white person, I spent much of my younger days in the highly racist South of 40 years ago. You want to talk about racism, sorry but you don't have a clue.  
 You don't have to be white to see Obama's racism, the only person living in the White House that I can think of even more racist than him is that "princess" wife of his, she who never had to suffer a day of her life, never went hungry, went to the best schools, lived the life that most of us can only dream of, and yet still plays the race card and tries to act the victim. The only people I can think of less qualified to play the race care were OJ Simpson and Clarence Thomas.

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