Politics and Religion

Kari Lake bribe -- big money interests trying to stop Trump
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 263 reads

A tape recording of a telephone conversation between Kari Lake and AZ GOP honcho Jeff DeWit reveals that big money interests from "out east" offered to pay her off if she didn't run for AZ senate this cycle so as not to help Trump.  
DeWitt further implied that if anyone found out about the bribe attempt, he could be killed.
DeWitt resigned from the AZ GOP today.  Not exactly a denial.
Why does big money / deep state fear Trump so much?  

RespectfulRobert72 reads

A little something called January 6th, for one. People tend to not like insurrectionists. Crazy, right?

Yes, it must be noble motives -- that's why the secrecy and the threat of being murdered.  

…before yapping your gums about something you know nothing about.

without military involvement or loss of life DURING the insurrection?  The only death during the insurrection was the woman shot by a policeman, and she didn't die until hours AFTER the riot was over.  This was another overreach by the Dems, calling this an "insurrection" when it more accurately resembled the riots they were sponsoring all across the country during the summer.  The Dems keep saying "nearly ten people died: which is a total lie that can easily be looked up and discredited by anyone with a computer or a telephone with internet access.  

There has never been a successful insurrection anywhere without some military involvement supporting the insurrectionists.  The first thing third world dictators do to take over a country is to get the generals on their side so they have some firepower.  Without military support, it's just a riot like any other riot.

RespectfulRobert53 reads

He didnt know the definition of an insurrection either. So here it is:
"a violent uprising against an authority or government."  

Note it has NOTHING to do with the success or failure of the uprising, nor does it have ANYTHING to do with "military involvement" or "loss of life." Per your bizarre logic, if a bunch of men beats the hell out of some innocent bystander, but that person doesn't die, then therefore it was NOT a violent act. Only in Trumpville would that make sense.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: You sound like Lost.
He didnt know the definition of an insurrection either. So here it is:  
 "a violent uprising against an authority or government."  
 Note it has NOTHING to do with the success or failure of the uprising, nor does it have ANYTHING to do with "military involvement" or "loss of life." Per your bizarre logic, if a bunch of men beats the hell out of some innocent bystander, but that person doesn't die, then therefore it was NOT a violent act. Only in Trumpville would that make sense.
So by that logic there was a whole summer of insurrections all across this country perpetrated by BLM and ANTIFA.

For someone who considers himself a Francophile "tu sais rien."

it is successful.  The term is used AFTER the fact, and usually involves an armed militia or armed guerrillas seizing power from an existing government.   Otherwise, it does not even rise to the level of an attempted rebellion with without weapons.  The defenders (Capitol police) having weapons does not elevate a riot to a rebellion.  Like others have said, if Jan 6 was a rebellion, then so was every riot the Dems sponsored over the summer of 2020.  Many of those had scores of rioters who came armed.

ROFLMAO!  You claim: "The term is used AFTER the fact..."  ROFLMAO!!  Tell that to Steve Bannon:
"On 4 January 2021, Steve Bannon stated on The War Room podcast, while discussing the planning for the upcoming events and speech by Trump on 6 January at The Ellipse, said: 'Live from our nation's capital, you're in the field headquarters of one of the small divisions of the bloodless coup.'"

"As early as January 2021, several European security officials described the events as an attempted coup.  Federal Judge David O. Carter ruled that Trump's efforts to overturn the election were a 'coup in search of a legal theory'.  In a televised hearing on 9 June 2022, Congressman Bennie Thompson, Chair of the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, described Trump's campaign to overturn the 2021 presidential election as an attempted coup."

The above quotes are from a Wikipedia article:  "List of coups and coup ATTEMPTS"

But you claim: "It's only a coup d'etat if . . . .it is successful.  The term is used AFTER the fact..."

You were right when you said you only post on P&R for "shits and giggles."  Except it's the READERS of your posts who giggle at your ridiculously ludicrous posts.

-- Modified on 1/26/2024 2:26:14 AM

CDL, your definition doesn't pass the bull shite test. One does not need the military, or as dtrunmpf moronic lawyer in CO tried to argue, "a significant number of days", not any deaths to make it an insurrection. As for the one trespasser who had been warned that they would be fired upon, that warning should have come an hour before, and it would have ended then.

Some people consider Lake to be such a whack job who has lost so many frivolous court cases and STILL thinks that she won the gov election that she could HURT Trump in AZ. She can't hurt Trump's base, but she can scare away sane voters.

Posted By: lester_prairie

A tape recording of a telephone conversation between Kari Lake and AZ GOP honcho Jeff DeWit reveals that big money interests from "out east" offered to pay her off if she didn't run for AZ senate this cycle so as not to help Trump.  
 DeWitt further implied that if anyone found out about the bribe attempt, he could be killed.  
 DeWitt resigned from the AZ GOP today.  Not exactly a denial.  
 Why does big money / deep state fear Trump so much?  
EDIT: fixed typos

-- Modified on 1/24/2024 10:34:42 PM

Posted By: impposter
Re: Help or Hinder?
 Some people consider Lake to be such a whack job who has lost so many frivolous court cases and STILL thinks that she won the gov election that she could HURT Trump in AZ. She can't hurt Trump's base, but she can scare away sane voters.
Posted By: lester_prairie
 A tape recording of a telephone conversation between Kari Lake and AZ GOP honcho Jeff DeWit reveals that big money interests from "out east" offered to pay her off if she didn't run for AZ senate this cycle so as not to help Trump.    
  DeWitt further implied that if anyone found out about the bribe attempt, he could be killed.  
  DeWitt resigned from the AZ GOP today.  Not exactly a denial.  
  Why does big money / deep state fear Trump so much?  
EDIT: fixed typos

-- Modified on 1/24/2024 10:34:42 PM

There ya go

There is nothing in the NYT article about the ID of the "big money interests from the east" that wanted Lake to drop out.
MY POINT is that some (most?) people are ASSUMING that ANTI-TRUMP interests want Lake to drop out.  
MY POINT is that it is also reasonable or even LIKELY that PRO-TRUMP interests want Lake to drop out.  
I just hope that all of the tapes are preserved as evidence (and not destroyed or end of with 18-minute gaps*) in the event of any formal (LE) investigation.

Posted By: LostSon
Re: Your fave rag the NYT good enough?
Posted By: impposter
Re: Help or Hinder?  
  Some people consider Lake to be such a whack job who has lost so many frivolous court cases and STILL thinks that she won the gov election that she could HURT Trump in AZ. She can't hurt Trump's base, but she can scare away sane voters.
Posted By: lester_prairie
  A tape recording of a telephone conversation between Kari Lake and AZ GOP honcho Jeff DeWit reveals that big money interests from "out east" offered to pay her off if she didn't run for AZ senate this cycle so as not to help Trump.    
   DeWitt further implied that if anyone found out about the bribe attempt, he could be killed.    
   DeWitt resigned from the AZ GOP today.  Not exactly a denial.    
   Why does big money / deep state fear Trump so much?  
EDIT: fixed typos  
 -- Modified on 1/24/2024 10:34:42 PM
 There ya go

* For our younger readers: Watergate material. SCOTUS ordered Nixon turn over the secret Oval Office tapes to the DoJ. One of them had an important but bizzarely explained "18-minute gap" which became a kind-of meme.

The conversation is hilariously like a scene out of a mob movie.  He keeps pushing her for what it would take, what he can offer her, money, positions, etc.  
I'm not surprised the "progressives" here immediately support powerful insider interests doing backroom deals and attack anyone exposing it.  "Progressives" pretty much have been swapped out by pod creatures who took their identities and reversed all the old positions -- "progressives" are now for wars everywhere, censorship, backroom deals, jailing political opponents, enforced rigid ideological conformity, mutilation of childhood sexual characteristics ... (that's an especially weird one.)

"Made her an offer she couldn't refuse", but let's see if she is still alive on election day.  Lol

Ironically she made him an offer he apparently couldn't refuse.  She told him to resign or she'd release another tape.  He resigned -- and publicly begged her not to release the second tape.

Kari Lake said that she had no second recording. I wanna know who it was back East making this offer? Was it RNC never Trumpers? Was it the Murdocks? Fuck was it the DNC sending a message through what is obviously a corrupt REPUBLICAN??? 😳😳😳

-- Modified on 1/25/2024 11:26:36 PM

I posted, above, that it could be Trump SUPPORTERS who consider Lake to be so far beyond the fringe that her whacko claims will drive voters away from Trump.

Posted By: LostSon
Re: On Megyn Kelly today
Kari Lake said that she had no second recording. I wanna know who it was back East making this offer? Was it RNC never Trumpers? Was it the Murdocks? Fuck was it the DNC sending a message through what is obviously a corrupt REPUBLICAN??? 😳😳😳
Prior to the 2020 election, Bill Maher said that he knew lots of multimillionaires and that he could probably get 1000 of them to kick in $1M each to offer Trump $1 B (cash) NOT to run for re-election.

Posted By: impposter
Prior to the 2020 election, Bill Maher said that he knew lots of multimillionaires and that he could probably get 1000 of them to kick in $1M each to offer Trump $1 B (cash) NOT to run for re-election.


Bill Maher Ponies Up a $1 Million Bribe to Get Trump to Resign, Asks Other Celebs to Match (Video)
Dateline: October 19, 2019 [Maher foresaw ...]
"... Maher has voiced his concern many times that if Trump loses re-election, he will refuse to leave office. “How about this: Just take my check for $1 million and I bet I could get another thousand people just from here to the beach including Malibu, of course, who would pay that much to see you resign,” Maher said into the camera, and, he hoped, to the occupant of the West Wing. “And to those out there who are saying, ‘My God, Bill, are you suggesting we paying this man to go away? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting.” ..."
"... “So, Mr. President, it’s really very simple. You love money, we hate you. … You could finally be the billionaire you always pretended you were. Yes, I said billionaire because of the kind of money I could get from — just off the top of my head — Oprah, Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Bono, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Pink, Rihanna, Usher, Pharrell, Eminem. And that’s just the ones with one name.” ..."

Posted By: impposter
Re: On Megyn Kelly today
I posted, above, that it could be Trump SUPPORTERS who consider Lake to be so far beyond the fringe that her whacko claims will drive voters away from Trump.
Posted By: LostSon
Re: On Megyn Kelly today  
 Kari Lake said that she had no second recording. I wanna know who it was back East making this offer? Was it RNC never Trumpers? Was it the Murdocks? Fuck was it the DNC sending a message through what is obviously a corrupt REPUBLICAN??? 😳😳😳
Prior to the 2020 election, Bill Maher said that he knew lots of multimillionaires and that he could probably get 1000 of them to kick in $1M each to offer Trump $1 B (cash) NOT to run for re-election.

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