Politics and Religion

just trying to keep you happy zisk. (eom)teeth_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1041 reads


I have friends in the media who have been accused of being "Zionist tools", because they refused to talk about the entire Israeli/Palestinian issue.

One guy I know told me privately that they refuse to do so because whenever he did bring it up, he got death threats from supporters of both sides of the issue. That was followed by his car being shot at.

You can't talk about the legitimacy of a Jewish state with Muslims because they're religion has made them insane. You can't talk about the legitimacy of human rights abuses of Palestinians because Christianity in the United States has made Americans insane. It's bullshit, and what's worse, it's un-American. Free speech, my ass. You're free to speak on a topic so long as it doesn't offend reactionary religious lunatics, and unfortunately, everything offends them, and when they're offended they get violent.

And when that's not happening, these very same reactionary violent people will claim until they're blue in the face that they're being persecuted. It is so utterly tiresome.

So, I'm not talking about this anymore. I'll let Henry Rollins sum it up for me.

You still don't understand the concept of 'free speech', do you? Its been explained many times already on the boards. Hint, nothing you said relates at all to a violation of free speech.

Well at least you have promised not to discuss the issue anymore. If only you would make that same promise on every issue.

This is how I feel about the topic.

I hope that the Palestinians get a hold of a nuke. That way they can nuke Israel off the face of the earth, and Israel will retiliate their their own nukes and wipe the Palestinaians off the map.

Once everything has cooled off, we can turn the West bank into a giant glass parking lot for American tourists and turn Israel into an amusement park called Holocaust Land, the Sequel.

How's that for free speech zisk?

Someone already had that idea.  Makes a mess of the world and the bastards nuked Vegas.  I still say Soylent Green in the better answer, there are straving folks in Darfur.

yadayoda1631 reads

Doesn't seem to be a very complicated or even functioning mechanism. I don't doubt you change it quite often. To wipe my ass, to not wipe my ass? Decisions. Decisions.

On every single political theme message board, there's always one simpleton, one pitiful retard who will suggest nuking the whole area. They will, without exception, invoke the image of a giant glass parking lot. One can easily imagine them sitting there, fat and miserable in life, impressing themselves with what they surely perceive as wit and wisdom.

Congrats on being this board's example.

Black Flag is one of my favorite bands of all time. That is until Rollins kinda turned it into a weird jazz-fusion band.

But I would certainly pay to hear him talk. I always thought he missed his calling in life, he should have been a stand up comedian.



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