Politics and Religion

Just like every other fucking expert analyst out there
HONDA 153 Reviews 1693 reads
1 / 5

Americans for Prosperity, the conservative advocacy group backed by the Koch brothers, is running Obamacare attack ads featuring a cancer patient who claimed her treatments were "unaffordable" under the new health law. On Monday, The Detroit News reported that the patient will actually save more than $1,000 a year.

Julie Boonstra says in the anti-Obamacare ad that she was diagnosed with leukemia five years ago, and her health care plan was canceled when Obamacare went into effect.

"Now, the out-of-pocket costs are so high, it's unaffordable," she said.

Before her plan was canceled, Boonstra was paying a $1,100 monthly premium. That's $13,200 a year, without adding out-of-pocket expenses like co-pays and prescription drugs. But under her new plan, the Blue Cross Premier Gold, Boonstra's premiums are down to $571 a month, and out-of-pocket costs are capped at $5,100. That's a maximum annual expense of $11,952 a year.

According to The Detroit News, Boonstra said it “can’t be true” that her new coverage is cheaper than her old. “I personally do not believe that,” Boonstra said.

Boonstra told The Detroit News she had never been politically active before joining the anti-Obamacare campaign. The newspaper reported her ex-husband, Mark Boonstra, had served as chair of the Washtenaw County GOP, and was appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder (R) to the Michigan Court of Appeals in 2012.
So Mrs. Boonstra remains angry that her more expensive plan is no longer available and that the new one, available from the Marketplace, did not turn out as she thought it would- so she has gone into Fox-Mode Deny that which is apparently undeniable.

She is either "intellectually challenged" or enjoys being paid to stand before the camera and distort the facts and truth. But that is what the Republicans do best, distort the facts. and use unethical and dishonest means to attempt to win elections.

You see it is not the numbers that matter. It is the fact that ACA is a democratic program and, even more to the point, an Obama-democratic program. No good can come from that.  

It just can't. When one operates from fear, anger, and anxiety in a world that is being taken over by "them" and is out to get "us" even if the facts are right in front of your face there just has to be a trick at work

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 292 reads
2 / 5

cancer is soon to be the number 1# killer of Americans.  I don't know if you have ever seen anyone die from cancer, but it is the most horrible thing I have ever witnessed.  But our spirit is relentless with what we can survive.  And every person I have seen die of cancer, seems to get tired of fighting and willingly gives up their spirit and lets go on their terms.

I don't see much for a cure, but we can reduce our risks by giving up smoking cigarettes, quitting processed fake foods, reducing cell phone time, using a vaporizer with weed has proven effective in stopping growths, alkaline ph balanced diet with green leafy vegetables.  

Good luck, this new articles says cancer will increase 45% by 2030.  God I hope I don't get that shit, I hate ever even being sick.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 310 reads
3 / 5

A seemingly "endless" war for those who 'supposedly' fight the war.  

 Criminal history is replete with arsonists who were Fire Fighters on their day job. It would be bad business for a "for profit" healthcare industry to cure such a built in subscription incentive.

We put a man on the moon, send our live voice/image, documents, photos, videos thousands of miles at speed of light over wireless, palm sized hand-held devices, and have unmanned predator/surveillance drones flying all over the world for a hundred different reasons. But we can't seem to come up with an electric car that doesn't run out of juice in less than 200 miles and require several hours to recharge.  

 Yep; it's all perfectly logical to me.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 235 reads
4 / 5

but dementia is going to be.  

Many types of cancers can be cured with early detection and intervention

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 273 reads
5 / 5

We live in society in which people will say and do any thing for few bucks.  

No ethics and no integrity.  

As sonn as any channel say expert analyst, here comes another paid lier goes through my mind.

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