Politics and Religion

Just like CRAZY theories that Obama isn't American, the same are the ones you list. CRAZY - EOMconfused_smile


For the last six years I have heard two theories repeated numerous times in various contexts.  

The first was that Bush knew where bin Laden was all along, but was waiting for the right moment to capture him for maximum political gain.  This theory circulated during the 2004 and 2008 elections in the mid-term elections of ‘02 and ’06.

The second was that Bush had plans to cancel the elections so he could continue as dictator.  The turmoil in Pakistan with the dismissing of the hostile Supreme Court justices was one of the test runs for what Bush was planning here.  I seem to remember Randi Rhodes of Air America promoting this theory, but I am not sure.  I did hear it numerous times, often on Air America.

I am wondering if anyone here ever espoused these theories and why Bush never used the bin Laden card and is allowing Obama to take over.  

Probably went the way of "Sarah Palin is going to be the first female VP of the US." LOL

I never bought into either one of those.  GWB canceling the election, that's rich.  On what basis?  With what legal authority?

bin Laden turning up rigt before the elction?  Ho, ho, ho.  That would constitute in many eyes "victory" in the GWOT, and then what would be GWB's excuses then?

One of the least mentioned of GWB's various and sundry negatives is the flights of unreason to which he drove some of his critics.  Glas he's gone in appx 10 weeks.

Nah. The only two theories I;ve ever had about Bush are-

1- That he's a crafty, dangerous motherfucker who cares more about enriching his friends than he does about the US.


2- That he's a stupid, dumb motherfucker who jsut does what he's told by the crafty dangerous motherfuckers who care more about enriching their friends than they do about the US.

I've always found it a bit amusing, and rather ironic when I hear Democrats saying that Bush is stupid or a moron. I have to assume they don't appreciate the backhanded insult they reflect on themselves by implying that they lost an election to a moron - TWICE.

but, thanks to our undemocratic two-party system, I'm forced to vote for them because they're slightly left of the fascists.

Second, I haven't lost an election since class treasurer in high school.

It is  very dangerous to exaggerate with this term. During the Weimar Republic in pre-war Germany, there was a moderate government.  The left kept calling it fascist and a dictatorship.  When Hitler appeared, many people were warning HE was a fascist and would be a dictator.  The term had been so watered down that the normal person said, "That's not so bad. We are living under that now. Why should that bother me."

When a real fascist dictator took over they got their answer.

I have traveled in fascist and totalitarian societies, and that was related to my major many decades ago.  

My favorite story was I was driving through Syria once and saw a compound in the distance.  I asked the driver what it was.  In his limited English he explained it was a building where they put bad people, like those who kill, or steal, or say bad things about the President. It was a prison.

In a real fascist society, that is what they do. And not just to politicians.  Wormwood - you would be in prison, as would everyone here who said "bad things about the president" for the last 8 years.

To say Bush is a fascist and walk away gives lie to the statement itself.

To enjoy the freedom of speech you have now and say that we have been living under a facist is silly.

It is very much like the theories in my first post. In 10 years people will see how much criticism there was of Bush, see that he did not try to remain in power for a third term, and laugh at how silly people were who used the terms like fascist and dictator.

I have a pen pal in Pelican Bay State Prison, the Super Max of the California prisons.  He has more freedom of speech in that tightest prison in the state than people walking the streets of Havana.

I agree Bush was just a stooge, a puppet, that ended up taking the blame for the policies of his alien masters. This in no way makes him innocent, he deserves a traitors fate but he was far from being the boss during his 8 years. The guy, like leaders in the past few decades are weak, they are corrupt, their behavior gives America's enemies the ability to blackmail them as well. The Zionists forced Wilson to push America into World War one because he had an extramarital affair that they held over his head.

Do we really enjoy freedom of speech?? I mean how free are when politically incorrect statements can get one fired from their job and gets them excluded from inclusion in debate about important issues. These so called "debates on race" that took place during the election on the Zionist controlled networks never once included a white person who actually cared about the interests of white people.

And then their is "free democratic" Europe which imprisons people for having a opinion about the events of WWII, the holocaust in particular, which does not conform with the establishment view. What historical truth needs a law to protect it?

I don't even want to comment on your thesis on Weimar. We are living in Weimar now,aliens flaunting our laws and gutting our nation. Lets just leave it at this, if someone steals your wallet what the hell are you going to do to get it back, ask them nicely? That seems like what we are inclined to do in this country, ask the tyrants if they could please observe our laws and Constitution please. Those who have made the decision to live free in the past from the plague that afflicts the West now have made the decision to take their wallet back. Are you to be considered a thief if you steal back your own wallet from a crook?

-- Modified on 11/9/2008 11:37:59 AM

-- Modified on 11/9/2008 11:39:11 AM

Fascism is a tendency toward autocratic control which seeks to combine the power of the state with corporate power. Mussolini rightly stated that it could also be called corporatism.

The use of religion to promote the supposed superiority of the group seeking control is another common aspect of fascism.

Take a look at these defining characteristics of fascism and tell me that Bush, Cheney, etc. don't meet most of those criteria.

The US has always had very fascist leanings. That's exactly why Henry Ford, the du Ponts, William Randolph Hearst and so many other business leaders in the US supported NAZI Germany up until WWII actually broke out.

"Ford was also active in Nazi Germany's prewar preparations. In 1938, for instance, it opened a truck assembly plant in Berlin whose "real purpose," according to U.S. Army Intelligence, was producing "troop transport-type" vehicles for the Wehrmacht. That year Ford's chief executive received the Nazi German Eagle (first class)...." http://members.tripod.com/rationalrevolution0/war/american_supporters_of_the_europ.htm

Just because the Bush/Cheney people don't have absolute power doesn't mean they aren't fascists. Was Hitler a fascist prior to establishing control? Do you seriously think the rabid devourers of Rush, Hannity, etc. would hesitate to support a dictatorship which would 'cleanse' the US?

If so, then you're incredibly naive. Democracy in the the US has far more to fear from fascism than it does from communism.

GaGambler1176 reads

Most of the time they balance each other out. The only time I get really nervous is when one party or the other gets complete control of the government.

Yeah his boogyman Bush is going out of office.

I never supported those crazy theories.

I will admit there are nuts on both sides. My theory of live is x% think Elvis is alive, so no theory is too absurd to be bandied about.

My question was what happened to these two now that they are disproven.  

To answer with a third unrelated is a red herring and avoiding the issue.

60% of Americans think that Noah lived to be 900, fathered a child at 500 and persuaded 2 of every animal, bird and insect on the planet to fuck on a big boat.

Nothing is to weird.

Just because Bill Maher throws out a number, totally out of context, doesn't make it true. He's trying to follow Michael Moore's formula for getting rich making distortionary "documentaries".

According to Gallup poll results, only 25% respond that they even consider themselves to be religious. And I'm sure only a fraction of them believe every word in the Bible to be literally true.

GaGambler1267 reads

whenever I eventually see it. I put his movie in the same category as Sicko, and Passion of the Christ. I am not going to contribute to the enrichment of these assholes  getting rich creating these "documentaries".

I will watch it when I can see it for free. The same as I may someday read Obama's autobiography, but I refuse to pay for the priveledge.

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