Politics and Religion

Just fodder for the beast
mrnogood 2249 reads
1 / 5

BOFA has been locking clients out http://www.zerohedge.com/news/bank-america-locks-out-its-online-clients-second-day-row

They're also back down in the 5's, nearly 5% http://www.google.com/finance?cid=662744

meanwhile rumors are soaring they're about to start charging 5 bucks to make transactions, and people are actually leaving because of it..

and their website has been down since friday.. http://blogs.wsj.com/deals/2011/10/03/bank-of-america-website-down-again/

IMHO, it will be bofa that sparks this crash, part of this system is faith marikod, and bofa is losing EVERYONE'S faith but yours...

I'm sure they're busy in email with you telling you how things are fine, but NOTHING matches that..

GET OUT! :) The market is bleeding BOFA blood, and the powers that be want VERY badly to consolidate wealth, BOFA is about to be the victim of financial terrorism..

Just another casuality of the powers that be taken over the world..Goldman's can't have competition..

and it's NO secret goldman is running the show

drjayjay 2965 reads
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Bofa is just another sacrificial lamb in the Beasts quest for domination of the financial jungle!
You do know who the beast is...don't you!

mrnogood 1231 reads
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Who do you think it is? Only the feds?

Or wallstreet?

It's all of them, but it's goldman who seems to be either working with, or taking over..

The power goldman has is shocking.. They pretty much dictate fiscal policy, their CEO used to work at the treasury, and switches back and forth between other FED reserve appointments, what a conflict of interest!

Who do you think it is? IMHO the main ones is goldman and teh fed, and goldmans ceo is tied directly with the government

drjayjay 1868 reads
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The Fed and Treasury take their marching orders from Goldman!
All the players in this tragic comedy have been associated with Goldman in one way or another.
Hell, Goldman was Obama's biggest contributor! Is anyone that naive to think that that doesn't go unrewarded?
It's not a Dem/Rep thing. They play both sides. They are the king makers, it seems IMO.
Conflict of interest is so blatant I can't even laugh about it!
Blankfein and the other Goldman big wigs outright lied to a congressional inquiry and they walked free without as much as a slap on the wrist!
Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds lied to congress about steroids (as if that affects the economic welfare of our citizens) and they want to string them up by their buster browns!
Only one word can describe the stranglehold these oligarchs have on the financial system...FUBAR

mrnogood 1267 reads
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Senator Dick Durban tells BOFA constumers to " get the heck out of BOFA" -

This is how they play us, trying to pretend they're also not in bed with them..

NOTHING the government has done shows me that not only are they not in bed together, but that they are now working as one group, goldman sachs...

I agree with EVERYTHING you said..

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