Politics and Religion

joe biden is a dumbfuck.

I had a great uncle who used to say shit like, "back in aught 4, we used to have to hunt and skin rabbits just to have any underwear! You couldn't buy clothes at no stoe (the way he pronounced "store"). Grand ma-ma had to sew your clothes herself. When she lost her arms in that tracker accident, she sewed with her teeth!"

Biden reminds me so much of my great uncle. The only real difference is that my great uncle cussed more.

St. Croix189 reads

You need to be tested? You have some serious extreme behavior, at least in your writing. Maybe GaGambler can stick a lithium down your throat the next time he sees you.

Dr. St. Croix at your service.  And his breadth of medical knowledge is amazing. :D:D:D

Tell everyone what blood tests Dr. Croix Croix has drawn on himself.  None exist for Bipolar disorder, but Dr. Croix Croix claims they do.  There's a differential a mile long as well.

Croix did you have closed head trauma or been on anti-depressants currently.  They can throw you into mania?

Has your doc worked you up for these differential Dxs?
•Anxiety Disorders
•Cushing Syndrome
•Head Trauma
•Multiple Sclerosis
•Neuro-ophthalmic Perspective Migraine Headache
•Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
•Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
•Schizoaffective Disorder
•Seasonal Affective Disorder
•Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

AnotherPerspective188 reads

If you  copy and paste,  it is considered intellectually polite
in most circles , to credit  your source .
If you are Dr. Stephen Soreff, I apologize for questioning your honesty .

If you are the main horn player in a one man band , I thought so .

 If I'm not mistaken  St, Croix has minor liver issues , abilify is not
a wise prescription .

   "Anxiety Disorders
   Cushing Syndrome
   Head Trauma
   Multiple Sclerosis
   Neuro-ophthalmic Perspective Migraine Headache
   Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
   Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
   Schizoaffective Disorder
   Seasonal Affective Disorder
   Systemic Lupus Erythematosus "


Posted By: JeffEng16
Tell everyone what blood tests Dr. Croix Croix has drawn on himself.  None exist for Bipolar disorder, but Dr. Croix Croix claims they do.  There's a differential a mile long as well.

Croix did you have closed head trauma or been on anti-depressants currently.  They can throw you into mania?

Has your doc worked you up for these differential Dxs?
•Anxiety Disorders
•Cushing Syndrome
•Head Trauma
•Multiple Sclerosis
•Neuro-ophthalmic Perspective Migraine Headache
•Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
•Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
•Schizoaffective Disorder
•Seasonal Affective Disorder
•Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

It is noteworthy no 1 has defended his intelligence.
And neither I nor the ladies chosen to be attacked are VP.
So what we have is a man..indefensibly stupid as VP.

ooops, hit the wrong button on my iphone :d, not mr. redface...i'm having a ball watching the flailing!!

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 2:49:26 PM

He makes foreign policy and you don't.   And you'll never learn that disagreeing with your non-reading poorly educated ass doesn't make others dumb or not intelligent.  That's the same modality as Romney-Ryan lying on Medicare and dodging questions on every conceivable topic even from Fox's Britt Hume.

I don't make foreign policy.

He does and he's a dumbfuck that does'nt know what century he's in.

As smart as you think you are, only a dumbass can't see the difference.

AnotherPerspective201 reads

I'm predicting the 2012  election will be the closest of all time,
with a likely win for Romney if  Biden remains on the ticket .
   It will become more difficult qualifying Ryan's absent qualifications for VP,
when Biden continually  makes  a fool of himself on a daily basis .  

I agree with the honorable Doug Wilder ,   Hillary would be a  
 better VP   . Too late now , she's prepping for 2016 .


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