Politics and Religion

Jobs bill - Repubs for it - Dems won't discuss it
nuguy46 1567 reads

so who is now known as the party of NO?

House will pass off shore drilling bill----Senate will not even DISCUSS it; won't bring it to the floor!

add to this--the prez has not had a Jobs councill mtg in over 6 months..but he has had over 100 fund raisers!  guess he's looking out for HIS job, but not YOURS.


It's more corporate welfare to the oil industry.

mrnogood181 reads

and the only ones it hurts, is us, the people

nuguy46175 reads

hmmmmm...increasing drilling does not result in job creation?
(like to see the explanation on this one)

demmies are being held accontable for the lack of leadership and documented lack of interest in increasing jobs. i know you'all look at the polls and feel attacking the mitt is working....in reality it isn't and soon you'all will see that.

hint: take a look at the Reagan-Carter race....i'll synopsize it for you---Carter had a lead all summer...polls looked good, etc....then come the late fall....LANDSLIDE for the other guy!
pay attention...you're seeing it recreated

All the offshore drilling in the entire Gulf accounts for only 12,500 jobs. Assuming that drilling along the Atlantic would create an equal number of jobs (it likely wouldn't), then this would lower the unemployment rate by 0.09%.

nuguy46177 reads

demmies just ccomplain...no solutions offerred...blame bush, etc etc.....

you are seeing the demise of a masterful pretender right before your eyes....but you are too blind to see it................until nov!

All you have to do is calculate the potential costs of an oil spill on the Atlantic coast of the United States, as well as the lost value of beach front property even if there are no spills, verses the gains you'd have from those measely 12,500 jobs, assuming they materialize.

Calling such a measure a "jobs bill" borders on lying.

For comparison purposes, the stimulus created 3.3 million jobs. My rough estimate is that if we had another stimulus, plus we provided the states with enough money not to lay off firefighters, teachers, and cops, we have our unemployment rate down to around five and a half percent.

Like pass another stimulus. Since jobs concern you so much, I fully expect that you will declare yourself a supporter of a new economic stimulus.

nuguy46148 reads

check with an economist......ask him if u do this what happens to the US economy?
then move to Cuba, they like your thought process there!

On top of that, Bernanke has been begging Congress to help him fix the economy.

So the experts all agree. We need more stimulus. The data is in. we need more stimulus.

Now, I fully expect you to come out as a support of another stimulus. I will be waiting with baited breath.

nuguy46188 reads

bernake said just the opposite....fed can do no more...that trump card been twice..what we'd get ?

right where we are...in trouble.....cuba is calling you!

Well, let's fix that right now.


That's the first time Bernanke did this.

Here's the 2nd time Bernanke did this.


So, now that that's out of the way, I fully expect you to come out in full 100% support of a new round of stimulus. I will be waiting with baited breath.

nuguy46302 reads

this from that exalted o-man jockstrapper, the distinguished senator from NY.

didn't see jobs established for past 2 stimuli, why do you think it will be any different this time?
bernake has said there will not be another anytime soon.

my god you have a hard head. words from the guy's mouth are challenged byyou. facts are challenged by you.

i'll take that oil drilling proposal, establish the YOUR DATA 19K jobs and move on from there. Every 19K counts...someday it will add to millions.
the demmie party of NO.....has got to GO in Nov.

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