Politics and Religion

Here's another TAX increase - hidden in o-care health bill
nuguy46 1838 reads

Law imposes a new 2.3% excise tax.  Exemptions include items retailing for less than $100.

One of 21 new taxes.

over $200 tax increase anywhere in the actual law or did you just pull that out of your ass and Fox and Friends' asses? Savage? Levin?

Why would you not automatically provide a link or a cite to back up such a fucking crazy generalization or myth?

Right wingnut rags or websites don't qualify as a cite.  I don't see it in the ACA act.

-- Modified on 7/21/2012 2:50:43 PM

Nuguy lies with every post it makes.  It lies because it has a basic poor education at poor schools and congenital brain limitations along with sociopathic upbringing and sociopathic personality disorder.

The tax it misrepresented is an excise tax on sale price of medical devices, will raise $29 billion in the next 10 years. The tax would apply to manufacturers and importers of devices like pacemakers and stents, defibrillators, artificial hips and knees, surgical tools and X-ray machines.

There are very few if any medical devices that are under $100 if you have any interaction with health care delivery or have been a patient on planet earth  in the US.

GOP off the wall to the right in the House passed a bill to repeal this tax as an effort to fuck up health care out of stupidity on June 7, 2012.  The bill like nearly every bill passed by the Right  Wing House is DOA. It will never see the light of day and Obama (2013-2017) would veto it.

The tax will raise $29 billion to pay for health care for middle class and poor in the next ten years.
What nuguy the pathological liar does not tell you because it does not know is that the tax was put in the bill in order to get health care coverage supplements for the 30 million people out of 50 million not covered by health care insurance in this country if the Medicaid expansion funds are accepted by the states. I predict they will be because in every state the medical schools and all hospitals are at the throats of the wingnut governors who threaten to refuse them assuring them they would kill all med schools and hospitals.  The governors are stupid, but they fear political reprisal against GOP governors and legislators if this were to happen by the people who would be destroyed when the hospitals closed.

The plan of the GOP House to recoup the money lost if they had the chance of an ice cube in hell of repealing this tax would be to fuck the middle class and poor the bill was passed to help. Again if you remember the phrase "We are VIP" uttered many times at the Mitt-Bott fund raiser at the long island estate of David Koch a couple weeks ago, this was one more step to deny care to people who don't have it.

There are Dems in the Senate who want to repeal the tax on medical devices among them Franken, Klobachur, and candidate Elizabeth Warren because of a concentration of device makers in Minnesota and Mass.

nuguy46385 reads

and it is in the ACA....read it bro!

You can piss and moan ACA all you want. It's going to happen and it's going to help a lot of people.  None of the lies and fiction you piss and shit on here are part of it. You keep repeating the myths and parotting the echo chamber of the $240 million misinformation campaign.

It will insure 30 million more and that tax raises $29 billion. ACA will save $240 billion over 10 years.  People will embrace it when they learn the benefits in 2014. Leiberman and Nelson and to an extent Landrieu caused the postpoining of ACA kicking in and the  Administration should have found a way around them but with the 60 vote necessity they wouldn't vote unless it was phased in 2014.

Clear choice; GOP and Mitt-Bott want to increase tax breaks for the rich and screw the middle class and poor by taking benefits from them to do so and increase taxes on poor.

Bush cuts have given rich lowest taxes in 80 years and Mitt-Bott wants to increase Bush cuts for the rich only. He would decrease taxes paid by richest 1% by $237,000 and for richest .1% by $1.2 million. Mitt-Bott and Ryan-Bott would also increase the deficit by $500 billion.Romney refuses to say how he'd make up this money or to detail anything because he's clueless and his advisors are clueless.

And this comes from the non-partison Tax Policy Center. Google it.

How many medical devices does nuguy46 expect will be implanted in it or required for it? How many medical devices are part of nuguy46 now?

What's the markup on medical devices? For much of DME (durable medical equipment) it's 20%.  They'll do fine.

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