Politics and Religion

Chickenshits vs. Gun Owners
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1990 reads

You don't need to own a gun if you're a conservative. And owning a gun doesn't make you a conservative either. But let's be clear. Gun owners aren't on a mission to kill people. The overwhelming majority just want to protect themselves.

Watching MSNBC, which I normally find enjoyable, is like a having a screaming match with your TV when these kind of events happen. You're see your average chickenshit liberal who will say dumb-as-shit things like, "we don't need guns, we have the police".

Really? So when a crime can happen in mere seconds, the police are only 10 minutes away.

Time after time, when you cut through the b.s., what you'll find is that the anti-gun crowd really are nothing more than a bunch of chicken shits.

They'll act as if a semi-auto pistol is an automatic granade launcher, or a poorly made bomb that might explode and take out 3 city blocks if someone sneezes on it.

Put a gun in their hands, and they'd react the same way as if you've given them a half dozen rattlesnakes, flumbling around like the damn thing is going to bite them at any second.

And for some strange reason, these people think that since they're a bit better read than your average hick conservative, that they're a better expert when it comes to firearms than someone who's spent endless hours at the range, or someone who's been shooting for longer than they've had pubes.

This is my biggest gripe with progressives. They're spineless. They're cowards. They're chickenshits. Many would (literally!) choose to die rather than stand up for themselves.

I wish we lived in a world filled with puppies, ducklings, and rainbows, but we don't. We live in a world where the occasional lunatic will try to hurt you, rob you, kill you, and if you're really unlucky, rape you. You can either choose to let that happen and hope this lunatic won't send you to an early grave, or you can fucking do something about it.

I've mentioned before how I've done volunteer work with the homeless. I've met a few rape victims in that capacity, and seen first hand how the horror of their past can completely control their every day lives. How they will be afraid to go out after dark or staying out too late. Afraid where they go, and who they talk to. Afraid what they wear and afraid of who their friends are. To see someone's life ruled by fear is to see a life that's not worth living. Telling such a person that they can just leave it to the police to protect them is heartless and cold, when the police failed to protect them in the first place.

The amazing thing is that I have seen first hand, how self-defense training, when taken seriously, can turn someone's life around faster than hours upon hours of therapy ever could.

One aspect of a decent, just, and moral society, is a society where we all look out for one another. And while I recognize that not everyone has the skills, or will ever have the skills to protect those around them, many do have those skills. Even more could learn to develop those skills. It is that notion, that we are our brother's keeper, that has committed me to a (rather inconvenient) life of carrying concealed.

You can either choose to be a victim, or you can do something about it. I'm not willing to be a victim. And I'm not willing to let others around me to be a victim either. You shouldn't either.


Posted By: willywonka4u
You don't need to own a gun if you're a conservative. And owning a gun doesn't make you a conservative either. But let's be clear. Gun owners aren't on a mission to kill people. The overwhelming majority just want to protect themselves.

Watching MSNBC, which I normally find enjoyable, is like a having a screaming match with your TV when these kind of events happen. You're see your average chickenshit liberal who will say dumb-as-shit things like, "we don't need guns, we have the police".

Really? So when a crime can happen in mere seconds, the police are only 10 minutes away.

Time after time, when you cut through the b.s., what you'll find is that the anti-gun crowd really are nothing more than a bunch of chicken shits.

They'll act as if a semi-auto pistol is an automatic granade launcher, or a poorly made bomb that might explode and take out 3 city blocks if someone sneezes on it.

Put a gun in their hands, and they'd react the same way as if you've given them a half dozen rattlesnakes, flumbling around like the damn thing is going to bite them at any second.

And for some strange reason, these people think that since they're a bit better read than your average hick conservative, that they're a better expert when it comes to firearms than someone who's spent endless hours at the range, or someone who's been shooting for longer than they've had pubes.

This is my biggest gripe with progressives. They're spineless. They're cowards. They're chickenshits. Many would (literally!) choose to die rather than stand up for themselves.

I wish we lived in a world filled with puppies, ducklings, and rainbows, but we don't. We live in a world where the occasional lunatic will try to hurt you, rob you, kill you, and if you're really unlucky, rape you. You can either choose to let that happen and hope this lunatic won't send you to an early grave, or you can fucking do something about it.

I've mentioned before how I've done volunteer work with the homeless. I've met a few rape victims in that capacity, and seen first hand how the horror of their past can completely control their every day lives. How they will be afraid to go out after dark or staying out too late. Afraid where they go, and who they talk to. Afraid what they wear and afraid of who their friends are. To see someone's life ruled by fear is to see a life that's not worth living. Telling such a person that they can just leave it to the police to protect them is heartless and cold, when the police failed to protect them in the first place.

The amazing thing is that I have seen first hand, how self-defense training, when taken seriously, can turn someone's life around faster than hours upon hours of therapy ever could.

One aspect of a decent, just, and moral society, is a society where we all look out for one another. And while I recognize that not everyone has the skills, or will ever have the skills to protect those around them, many do have those skills. Even more could learn to develop those skills. It is that notion, that we are our brother's keeper, that has committed me to a (rather inconvenient) life of carrying concealed.

You can either choose to be a victim, or you can do something about it. I'm not willing to be a victim. And I'm not willing to let others around me to be a victim either. You shouldn't either.

Snowman39248 reads

like you go to enjoy a midnight permiere and some nutjob busts in with a cache of weapons...

But that would never happen, right ?!?!?!?

Art Kellerman, M.D. started the emergency medicine department at Emory and was Associate Dean there until he went to work for Rand recently. He focuses on gun deaths epedimiologically and did several studies on deaths of people who were armed in their homes from their own guns. He infuriated the NRA, and of course the  already infuriated wingnuts here like Snowmobile will  become even more infuriated and that'a a great way to start your  Sunday besides yelling at the "liberal" TV stations whose panels are stacked with right winged idiots like Peggy Noonan.

In a 1993 study, Art focused on the rates of homicides in the victim's home in Cleveland, Memphis, and Seattle over a 5 year period in homes where a gun or guns were kept versus homes where guns were not kept.

The source for this data is the wikipediaarticle  on  Art Kellerman, although over the years I've read his articles in Annals of Emergency Medicine and NEJM among others, but I don't save these guys and now can access them on the web.

23.9% of homicides occurred in the victim's home
35.8% of the controls (homes where there was not a homicide) kept a firearm in their home
45.4% of all victims of homicides in their home kept a firearm in their home
62% of victims of firearm homicides in their home kept a firearm in their home (correction to original paper)
other protective measures, (reinforced doors, deadbolts, burglar alarms, and bars on the windows) were associated with small (about 0.8 times) reductions in risk of homicide in the home
after adjusting for other factors (such as a police-report history of violence in the home, a convicted felon in the home, drug or alcohol abuse in the home, race, etc.) there remained an independent 2.7 times increase in risk of homicide, specifically associated with a firearm in the home; this risk was not attributable to any particular "high risk" subgroup(s) identifiable by the above factors but was evident to some degree in all subgroups
this risk was essentially entirely attributable to being shot by a family member or intimate acquaintance with a handgun which was kept loaded and unlocked in the house
this risk was significantly less than the increased risk due to sociological factors (rental of a home instead of ownership, living alone) but close to that associated with the presence of a convicted felon in the home. These results were interpreted by Kellermann as confirming the 1986 finding that, on net, a firearm in the home represents a greater risk overall than the protection it may offer against intruders, either indirectly or by discouraging potential assaults. Kellermann noted that the study demonstrates the pervasiveness of domestic assault, as compared to better publicized crimes such as home invasion, but continued to stress the role of handguns in increasing the lethality of such assaults.

In 1996, lobbyists for the National Rifle Association began pressuring Congress to eliminate the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) which had funded much of Kellermann’s research. Although the effort was ultimately unsuccessful, the House voted to cut the NCIPC’s funding by $2.6 million, precisely the amount it had spent on the firearms research the previous year.  The money was ultimately restored by the Senate, but earmarked for traumatic brain injury prevention.

Snowman39247 reads

they kill a hell of a lot more people than handguns and it is geberally an accident as well.

Your logic stinks...

about sum up your  world view Willy?  Funny I thought from your posts you were liberal or progressive, but I guess I'm wrong.  I'm sure glad to learn that since you have some gun knowledge and maybe took a self defense course or two, or possibly are some kind of black belt or martial arts aficianado that makes you Willybadass and the rest of the world who don't have gun training or a gun hobby chickenshits who  couldn't possibly know anything about guns or defend themselves right?  And Willy you never told me what made the guy "shifty" that came up to you probably asking for

a) directions
b) change
c) a cigarette

Did Willy have a nice Polo shirt on, and the guy looked less than  affluent, or did he smell "shifty".
I want to get the criterion for shifty down from an expert so I can be looking out for shifty from the spineless chickenshit perspective of course. LOL

If you don't know some one do you reach in (hopefully) your underpants and take that cold barrelled steel you have in there resting right up next to your dick and take the safety off and do you tell the chickenshit who dares to come up  to you that you're a bad mammajamma mothuhfuckah and you'll  blow his fucking head off if they don't back up and you're "Stand mah ground Willy?"  Do you have "don't mess with me, ahm Willy on your neatly pressed non-"shifty" Ralph Lauren Polo shirts?  Are they golf shirts or button downs or both?

anyone who has a skillset in any area including a profession could make fun of people who don't have that skillset, but mature people don't.

Rutabaga_Baggins500 reads

Mature people who possess a skill set do not mock or make fun of others, specifically because they do not have those same skills.

Does that apply to medicine as well?

you should look at all the broadbrushed generalizations you make and ask yourself if the pot ins't calling the kettle black.

All you need to do is search my 3 years of posts here.

But you have to deal with reality on reality's terms. Your average American does not live in safety and security by the power of magic. It happens because others act to protect them.

It does not take very long to commit a crime. Someone can be murdered in as little as 10 seconds. The police can not get there in 10 seconds.

You either choose to defend this amazing gift of life you were lucky enough to have, or you allow someone to take that from you.

I'm not willing to let anyone do that to me, or to anyone else around me.

As far as I'm concerned, the desire to protect others is a progressive value.

I'm not a gun owner or some one who is pro gun. I also don't want to take anybodys guns from them.

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