Politics and Religion

Is Trump still a antisemite?
FatVern 2292 reads

Yesterday day I saw Bibi, praise Trump and say that he was a friend to Israel.

How can these media outlets say such idiotic things, only to pretend  the facts support their claims?

JakeFromStateFarm200 reads

It's "an" antisemite.
My answer to the question you tried to ask is "no," he's not.  He just seems to attract a lot of them for some reason.  You might want to explore why.

FatVern157 reads

Trump would attract antisemites or racists, I don't see where they align on any issues.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
It's "an" antisemite.  
 My answer to the question you tried to ask is "no," he's not.  He just seems to attract a lot of them for some reason.  You might want to explore why.

Luv-Kit2160 reads

the message gave plenty of meat for attack. Why the need to attack the messenger?  
Why, why, why, generally for these boards.

JakeFromStateFarm192 reads

You're new here, I guess.  Vern is the village idiot.  Also pinata.  It's just the way things are.

brooks5109 reads

to deflect from the fact that he rarely has any idea what he's talking about

but he seems to be a little sweet on LTFM ;)

not that there's anything wrong with it . . . ;)

She is good at throwing around labels without cause. Maybe she now agrees with the ADL?

We'll see...

hotplants194 reads

But, you're going to have a hard time finding me saying that I think T is anti-Semitic; because, for starters, I never have---- and two, I doubt he is.  

What I have said is that:  I am deeply troubled by T's appointed chief strategists' ties to the alt-right (white supremacist/neo-nazi/anti Semitic/nutballs, via his close association with Breitbart---which, is impossible to ignore after Bannon completely validated this relationship with his own, personal, declaration that BB is the platform for the alt-right.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
She is good at throwing around labels without cause. Maybe she now agrees with the ADL?  
 We'll see...

Can you give me specific examples on the BB site that shows them to be "white supremacist/neo-nazi/anti Semitic?"

And further proof of that is that you have nothing from the BB site to prove your hateful, ignorant point.

Just admit you have nothing tangible or specific about Bannon being an anti-Semite, white nationalist, neo-nazi or racist.

Can you manage this time without a gigantic dodge or do you want to continue to traffic in hate

When you do your homework, properly this time, and want to have a rationale discussion about Bannon, let me know.

But associating him with hateful groups and ideologies with ZERO proof of same, only makes you look incredibly foolish and amazingly ignorant of the facts

Just sad to see someone like that wade into the cess pool of hate without the facts.

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