Politics and Religion

Jack is one the few righties in here that I can have an intelligent conversation with.
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 935 reads
1 / 22

Maybe an outlier, maybe not. Just a snapshot in time, but one undeniable fact: the heated primary battle with Sanders is hurting HRC, in addition to Trump going after her.

JackDunphy 106 reads
2 / 22

There has been a sizable move towards Trump recently with almost all of the pollsters so the Fox poll is no outlier. Just a month or so ago, Hills led by double digits and now the average of the polls shows it as 3.9%.

And when you factor in almost all of these polls are RV and not LV polls, the race, national polling wise, is a virtual toss up at this point.  

I would agree the protracted battle with the old man from Vermont is hurting HRC.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 105 reads
3 / 22

I'd also throw GaG into the mix, but the dude loves to pointlessly argue, particularly when he's wrong, which is often----------LOL !

Posted By: JackDunphy
There has been a sizable move towards Trump recently with almost all of the pollsters so the Fox poll is no outlier. Just a month or so ago, Hills led by double digits and now the average of the polls shows it as 3.9%.  
 And when you factor in almost all of these polls are RV and not LV polls, the race, national polling wise, is a virtual toss up at this point.  
 I would agree the protracted battle with the old man from Vermont is hurting HRC.

GaGambler 100 reads
4 / 22

That guy?  

and BTW, that applies to both of you. Jack was already shoveling dirt prematurely on Trumps grave just like all the rest of you. For months Devin, HONDA and myself were the only ones giving Trump any chance whatsoever with Quad joining in rather recently.

It's ironic that Trump managed to beat 16 other contenders, all but two of them with a LOT more experience in politics than him and do it sooner than Hillary has been able to dispatch  one 75 year old socialist Jew. and Hillary was supposed to virtually walk into the White House unopposed, just like she was supposed to in 08

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 100 reads
5 / 22

As far as this election goes, we're only talking 1 poll, but still I thought it significant enough to post it. A rightie didn't post this, I did-------- :)

As for as the election, HRC is "damaged goods with a history" & the fact that she can't close the deal against a 75 year old Socialist with dementia proves it.

Odds still favor her, but the nearly 3 weeks that remains in the primary will be battering & I can actually see Trump beating hert in the polls for awhile.

5&1/2 months is an eternity in politics & anything can happen. We'll see.
Posted By: GaGambler
That guy?  
 and BTW, that applies to both of you. Jack was already shoveling dirt prematurely on Trumps grave just like all the rest of you. For months Devin, HONDA and myself were the only ones giving Trump any chance whatsoever with Quad joining in rather recently.  
 It's ironic that Trump managed to beat 16 other contenders, all but two of them with a LOT more experience in politics than him and do it sooner than Hillary has been able to dispatch  one 75 year old socialist Jew. and Hillary was supposed to virtually walk into the White House unopposed, just like she was supposed to in 08

JackDunphy 83 reads
6 / 22

Trump up 5 in brand new poll.

With Trump and Bernie now both doubling up on Hills, look for louder calls for The Bern to get out.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 73 reads
7 / 22

If I didn't know better, I'd say this is "orchestrated". That said, no doubt her nasty & protracted fight with Bernie has driven her #'s down.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Trump up 5 in brand new poll.  
 With Trump and Bernie now both doubling up on Hills, look for louder calls for The Bern to get out.

JackDunphy 84 reads
8 / 22

The Rasmussen poll had Hills up a month ago, then tied, then Trump by 2 and now Trump by 5.  

If you do that with all the polling companies, I think you will find the same results amd that is that Trump has made up a ton of ground in last several weeks.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 95 reads
9 / 22

See below link on that. With Fox News calling for a Sanders-HRC debate & their recent poll, certainly looks "orchestrated" to me.

Lastly, Jack, are you supporting Trump now, if I'm not being too personal ?
Posted By: JackDunphy
The Rasmussen poll had Hills up a month ago, then tied, then Trump by 2 and now Trump by 5.  
 If you do that with all the polling companies, I think you will find the same results amd that is that Trump has made up a ton of ground in last several weeks.

GaGambler 94 reads
10 / 22

Actually no GOP candidate could have won in 08, and in 12 I was NOT one of the righties predicting that Romney would "win in a landslide" against Obama. I did say Romney "should have" won, but he ran such a bad campaign that he lost against a rather weak incumbent at the time.  

The difference in this cycle is that you, along with almost everyone here gave Trump NO chance and still give him no chance despite him fooling the pollsters since day one.

I will concede that Hillary is still the front runner, but do you still want to stick to your previous claims that Trump might not win a single state?

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 65 reads
11 / 22

With the way polling is going now, I'll take that back. It looks to be a tight & nasty election, the likes of which we've never never seen before. Which is a damned shame for the country.

brooks5 92 reads
12 / 22

of fear amongst our lib brethren

mattradd 40 Reviews 90 reads
13 / 22

having shit your pants!  ;)

GaGambler 74 reads
14 / 22

at least you are admitting you were wrong, unlike Mari who continues to claim he was right about Rick Perry even when proven absolutely, totally, 100% wrong on the subject, so kudos for being honest.

I suppose that means you are happy you didn't take me up on that little wager? lol

Why is a tight election such a bad thing? I suppose you would have been happy with a Hillary landslide victory knowing full well that she is not only owned by Wall St, but co owned by a bunch of Foreign interests, not all of whom have the best interests of the United States at heart?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 80 reads
15 / 22

...I'll take a shot at it.  Although it was in February '08, you said McCain had an excellent chance in the General Election

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 127 reads
16 / 22

I'll tell you exactly how I feel, if you were half as astute as you believe  you wouldn't vote for corrupt, evil, war mongering Hillary. :-D
  Nothing has changed with young voters  since 2012, the majority of millennial  voters  in the USA  will not vote for a corrupt monopoly or a proven dynasty of failures.
  In other words, a  large majority of Bernie supporters will stay home or vote for President Trump, no matter how much you wheeze and predict about their choice.  
         Trump 2016  

 I couldn't help but notice, most geezers often refuse to take factual  words of wisdom to heart.                    

                           What's up with that ?  :-D

"I scoff at polls.
 Most polls done months ahead are partisan, or they contact insufficient realistic sampling, to generate a true analysis of voters intentions.
 Months in the future polls are as accurate as flipping a coin.
 As you can see below,I am not wavering on my view of polls.


 Obama will easily win the election in 2012.
 There is no Republican available that has a chance in the 2012 Presidential election, unless Reagan or *"JFK"* is reincarnated.
 America might have millions of ignorant voters, however they are vastly outnumbered by voters, who won't vote for monopolies.
 The Republicans have a good chance of taking over the Senate and keeping the House in 2012.
 No way I am taking a chance and voting on a Huckabee or Romney dictatorship.
 Why I didn't include Sarah Palin. She quit her job as Governor of Alaska.Standing alone ,that fact disqualifies her."
Posted By: ChoosyCynic
As far as this election goes, we're only talking 1 poll, but still I thought it significant enough to post it. A rightie didn't post this, I did-------- :)  
 As for as the election, HRC is "damaged goods with a history" & the fact that she can't close the deal against a 75 year old Socialist with dementia proves it.  
 Odds still favor her, but the nearly 3 weeks that remains in the primary will be battering & I can actually see Trump beating hert in the polls for awhile.  
 5&1/2 months is an eternity in politics & anything can happen. We'll see.  
Posted By: GaGambler
That guy?    
  and BTW, that applies to both of you. Jack was already shoveling dirt prematurely on Trumps grave just like all the rest of you. For months Devin, HONDA and myself were the only ones giving Trump any chance whatsoever with Quad joining in rather recently.  
  It's ironic that Trump managed to beat 16 other contenders, all but two of them with a LOT more experience in politics than him and do it sooner than Hillary has been able to dispatch  one 75 year old socialist Jew. and Hillary was supposed to virtually walk into the White House unopposed, just like she was supposed to in 08

GaGambler 85 reads
17 / 22

I did plainly say if he "didn't pander to the far right" and he obviously didn't listen to my advice.

Romney made the very same mistake in 2012, and it now looks entirely possible that Trump "might" make the same fatal mistake. I just can't believe that Trump would do that after seeing how disastrous that strategy was to the last two GOP candidates, but if he does, he's toast.  

If you want to shut me up for the rest of the election cycle just let Trump pick someone like Sarah Fucking Palin as his running mate and I promise you I will shut up about Trump having a snowballs chance in hell of winning. Trump has a "punchers chance" of winning and he can only do it by being "who he is" if Trump tries to fake being a real conservative like Romney or McCain he very well might go down without getting a single electoral vote, but if Trump is smart enough not to fall into that trap, November could get quite interesting.

saltyballs 113 reads
18 / 22

.......approx 1/3 of the electorate, plus 7 out of ten women, including half of Republican women who find him repulsive, Muslim Americans ditto. So who exactly is Trump's constituency? Angry old white men. Damn that sure sounds like a winning coalition in 2016

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Maybe an outlier, maybe not. Just a snapshot in time, but one undeniable fact: the heated primary battle with Sanders is hurting HRC, in addition to Trump going after her.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 127 reads
19 / 22

What do you call recently?  
At the end of last year I first  referred to Donald Trump as President Trump.
  Perhaps it was a Freudian slip.
When I started fact checking news reports on Trump and noticed how much the left wing media twisted his  words and made up lies about him, I figured Trump  must not be a bad guy.
  I'll  admit, the media convinced me to support Trump. :-D
Middle of January 2016, I started my  support for President Trump.  
   I believe without a doubt unless there's an unseen disaster, natural or initiated by a corrupt, evil, dynasty hit team, Donald Trump will be our next great President.  
Rubio was my first choice, no doubt I picked the wrong guy.
   When he failed to man up  he lost.  

  Beginning early this month I started  actively campaigning for President Trump with everyone I come in contact with,  soon I'm  hoping start a new job, as a  Trump for President, paid campaign manager.  
  With the massive exposure I have with young voters in my every day  journeys , I believe I can convince many Bernie supporters to vote for President Trump.  :-D  :-D  :-D

Posted By: GaGambler
That guy?  
 and BTW, that applies to both of you. Jack was already shoveling dirt prematurely on Trumps grave just like all the rest of you. For months Devin, HONDA and myself were the only ones giving Trump any chance whatsoever with Quad joining in rather recently.  

brooks5 89 reads
20 / 22

I checked

you and your itty-bitty lib pals must be FUCKING TERRIFIED!

Hillary bitch-slapped by Trump

it's gonna be delicious

brooks5 79 reads
21 / 22

libs that you can say that about

you are all the same little guy (really, little girl) with the same lame insults

-- Modified on 5/20/2016 9:15:32 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 70 reads
22 / 22

That's OK. Or else your butt fell asleep, like when your foot, somethings, falls asleep in the movie theater!  ;)

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