Politics and Religion

Jack, I'm still waiting for the one...
followme 289 reads
2 / 41
hound88 49 Reviews 319 reads
3 / 41

Just like you! You are just an empty shell with no intellectual ability and full of hog wash! Go crawl back in your hole and stop embarrassing yourself!  

2465305 70 Reviews 313 reads
4 / 41

Here we go again. Demoncranks trying for the billionth time to unite. Ellison was supposed to be the big cheese....he failed. Schumer and Warren are out searching for illegals to parade in front of the press. I guess next Barrack and Mooooooooochelle will come back dressed as Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan carrying Black Lives Matter signs.  

But yeah, Trump is so worried about a bunch or radicals that don't control anything including the House, the Senate and really......their own party.  

You people crack me up.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 352 reads
5 / 41

A couple months after I started campaigning for President Trump, Perez proved to  me  how wrong he is for a variety of reasons.  
   I distinctly recall  laughing at his description of HRC as someone with a steady hand, when anyone paying attention to body language could tell she was shaky, mentally confused, and ready to fall.
  It might have been the same interview when Perez said Trump spent his entire life putting his profits first.  
  I thought that was a idiotic statement by Perez, how can  you expect to help others if you haven't learned to first work for your own success.
  When Perez was asked to detail his own foreign policy views, he replied with the same old DNC dumbed down sure to lose line, like an ignorant cave man, Trump Bad, He outsource everything.
 I found it hilarious with all the brown nosing from Perez to HRC she picked Clown Frown Tim Kane.

  In Tom Perez's defense, with the DNC in the gutter and no chance for a no tap  "What difference does it make" when you are destined to lose again. :-D

JackDunphy 311 reads
6 / 41

...is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

This is just too damn funny as your Clown Car is full of anti-Semites, stumblers, bumblers and people who were SO worried Trump wouldn't accept the election results while they were plotting secretly to fuck over Bernie!


Go team, go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

followme 234 reads
7 / 41

Like the mutt you are.

You must look up to me since you keep following me around like a lost little mutt.

Sit, beg then you may speak……

You’re Welcome  
In Mangy Mutts We distrust

bigguy30 304 reads
8 / 41

It's like they are in their own Klan meeting.

Posted By: JackDunphy
...is the ultimate in hypocrisy.  
 This is just too damn funny as your Clown Car is full of anti-Semites, stumblers, bumblers and people who were SO worried Trump wouldn't accept the election results while they were plotting secretly to fuck over Bernie!  
 Go team, go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

hound88 49 Reviews 220 reads
9 / 41

The best you can do? You have no fight in you intellectually at all old white man! I am going to kick your ass intellectually every chance I get.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 254 reads
10 / 41

Trump already is a fucking nightmare..

hound88 49 Reviews 164 reads
11 / 41

Fact that proves Keith E. is a anti-Semitic!

JackDunphy 349 reads
12 / 41

Tell me what you would be saying if ANY Republican had a decade long involvement with the KKK? And defended the KKK against criticisms of bigotry time after time.

That is more proof than any rational person would need so I understand why you don't accept it. LOL

Sorry Hound but your WK for anti-Semitism is not only sad but your hypocrisy is only one in a number of reasons why your party is now completely irrelevant, out of power, and out of touch.

2465305 70 Reviews 363 reads
13 / 41

Imagine Trump inviting the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood to the White house for a pow wow like Obama did with the NAACP and Black Lives Matter.  

Demoncranks would be crying us a brand new river.
Posted By: JackDunphy
Tell me what you would be saying if ANY Republican had a decade long involvement with the KKK? And defended the KKK against criticisms of bigotry time after time.  
 That is more proof than any rational person would need so I understand why you don't accept it. LOL  
 Sorry Hound but your WK for anti-Semitism is not only sad but your hypocrisy is only one in a number of reasons why your party is now completely irrelevant, out of power, and out of touch.

hound88 49 Reviews 268 reads
15 / 41

Who ran his campaign and place him on the NSC.  What in the hell are you talking about? This SOB is the third most powerful person in the country.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Imagine Trump inviting the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood to the White house for a pow wow like Obama did with the NAACP and Black Lives Matter.  
 Demoncranks would be crying us a brand new river.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Tell me what you would be saying if ANY Republican had a decade long involvement with the KKK? And defended the KKK against criticisms of bigotry time after time.  
  That is more proof than any rational person would need so I understand why you don't accept it. LOL  
  Sorry Hound but your WK for anti-Semitism is not only sad but your hypocrisy is only one in a number  of reasons why your party is now completely irrelevant, out of power, and out of touch.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 6:21:03 PM

hound88 49 Reviews 201 reads
16 / 41

Why in the hell would the ADL and J Street come to his defense?  Explain!

Posted By: JackDunphy
Tell me what you would be saying if ANY Republican had a decade long involvement with the KKK? And defended the KKK against criticisms of bigotry time after time.  
 That is more proof than any rational person would need so I understand why you don't accept it. LOL  
 Sorry Hound but your WK for anti-Semitism is not only sad but your hypocrisy is only one in a number of reasons why your party is now completely irrelevant, out of power, and out of touch.

TwoMints 241 reads
17 / 41

I'll play along.  Post his Racist comments.  I looked but every quote I found was out of context, inference bullshit.

Couldn't find any statements using the N word, Hating on Jews etc...  Please enlighten us.
Posted By: hound88
Who ran his campaign and place him on the NSC.  What in the hell are you talking about? This SOB is the third most powerful person in the country.
Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Imagine Trump inviting the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood to the White house for a pow wow like Obama did with the NAACP and Black Lives Matter.    
  Demoncranks would be crying us a brand new river.  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Tell me what you would be saying if ANY Republican had a decade long involvement with the KKK? And defended the KKK against criticisms of bigotry time after time.    
   That is more proof than any rational person would need so I understand why you don't accept it. LOL    
   Sorry Hound but your WK for anti-Semitism is not only sad but your hypocrisy is only one in a number  of reasons why your party is now completely irrelevant, out of power, and out of touch.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 6:21:03 PM

JackDunphy 197 reads
18 / 41

I answered your questions now answer some of mine.

How about you start by admitting Farrakhan is a bigot then when you have the massive intellectual honesty there, answer why Ellison had a 10 year relationship with his bigoted org only to claim he didn't know Farrakhan was a Jew hater.

Ellison aligned himself with a vehemently anti-Semitic group then lied about his knowledge of its leader.


hound88 49 Reviews 167 reads
19 / 41

Take a look at the racist shit he allowed on Brietbart! He was the freaking Editor thus responsible for all content. What more do you need? Also, there is plenty of anti-Semitic and racist b.s. he allowed on that site while Editor. Still playing along? By the way, grow some balls and stop being a little b**** and use your real handle. At least that would give you some credibility.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 6:58:52 PM

hound88 49 Reviews 206 reads
20 / 41

You stated he was an anti-Semite and did not produce no evidence. You even stated that would be hard and changed the subject to guilt by association. This discussion had nothing to do with the Minster. You have yet to provide one bit of evidence to support your claim. So,  if he is such an anti-Semite, why in the hell would he be defended by the ADL and J Street? Are you saying they would support an anti-Semite?

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 7:08:57 PM

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 7:11:57 PM

bigguy30 267 reads
21 / 41

Posted By: JackDunphy
I answered your questions now answer some of mine.  
 How about you start by admitting Farrakhan is a bigot then when you have the massive intellectual honesty there, answer why Ellison had a 10 year relationship with his bigoted org only to claim he didn't know Farrakhan was a Jew hater.  
 Ellison aligned himself with a vehemently anti-Semitic group then lied about his knowledge of its leader.  

2465305 70 Reviews 270 reads
23 / 41

Oh yeah....LOL.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: JackDunphy
I answered your questions now answer some of mine.  
  How about you start by admitting Farrakhan is a bigot then when you have the massive intellectual honesty there, answer why Ellison had a 10 year relationship with his bigoted org only to claim he didn't know Farrakhan was a Jew hater.  
  Ellison aligned himself with a vehemently anti-Semitic group then lied about his knowledge of its leader.  

bigguy30 285 reads
24 / 41

We seem to have a few of them losing their minds.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Oh yeah....LOL.
Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: JackDunphy
I answered your questions now answer some of mine.    
   How about you start by admitting Farrakhan is a bigot then when you have the massive intellectual honesty there, answer why Ellison had a 10 year relationship with his bigoted org only to claim he didn't know Farrakhan was a Jew hater.    
   Ellison aligned himself with a vehemently anti-Semitic group then lied about his knowledge of its leader.    

earlweaver 303 reads
26 / 41
followme 189 reads
27 / 41

" grow some balls and stop being a little b**** and use your real handle. At least that would give you some credibility."
In reply to and alias.

yet you white knight for fg. Why don't you tell him that, are you afraid of him?...you must be.

you clearly know nothing about having balls.

You got no game. You got nothing. you got no balls.

You're Welcome

2465305 70 Reviews 286 reads
28 / 41

I loved him saying how he and the demoncranks need to look into and see if Russia and Trump rigged our election but forgets that his party rigged Hillary getting nominated.  

what a fucking hypocrite.

Strike that....what a fucking MORON
Posted By: bigguy30

2465305 70 Reviews 245 reads
29 / 41

Funny how people have said Obama is a racist and he has nothing to say about that....I mean cut and paste about that.

Guess you can't debate the truth.
Posted By: earlweaver

hound88 49 Reviews 290 reads
30 / 41

No contributions to any discussions and only give one liners. Trump was correct when he stated "I love the uneducated." Stop being an idiot and coward and use your real handle!

Posted By: earlweaver

hound88 49 Reviews 182 reads
31 / 41

FG has been playing you like a fiddle too. Anyone making you look like the total idiot you are, has my 100% support! Trump loves the uneducated and you sure fit the bill. Now post something stupid!

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 8:23:23 PM

bigguy30 322 reads
32 / 41

Well I guess playing a racist clown is the only reason you are on this site.

Posted By: earlweaver

2465305 70 Reviews 287 reads
33 / 41

Only to democrats.  

They can't get over the fact that had Clinton won they would or could have had a real life terrorist living right next to them....and then who would they blame.
Posted By: macdaddy1944
Trump already is a fucking nightmare..

hound88 49 Reviews 240 reads
34 / 41

Being a racist! Don't be like Jack and change the subject. Let me say this real slow so you can comprehend. Stay focused and answer the question.

bigguy30 375 reads
35 / 41

You are truly desperate and this is pathetic!  
So every person of color in power or who disagrees with you are racist? Lol
Well fear and insecurity is real with the Trump cult.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Funny how people have said Obama is a racist and he has nothing to say about that....I mean cut and paste about that.  
 Guess you can't debate the truth.
Posted By: earlweaver

earlweaver 109 reads
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earlweaver 283 reads
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bigguy30 343 reads
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earlweaver 222 reads
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bigguy30 266 reads
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You still cannot write a complete sentence either. Lol

Posted By: earlweaver

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 12:15:35 PM

bigguy30 272 reads
41 / 41

Just remember who they really voted for and supporting right now.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
I loved him saying how he and the demoncranks need to look into and see if Russia and Trump rigged our election but forgets that his party rigged Hillary getting nominated.  
 what a fucking hypocrite.  
 Strike that....what a fucking MORON
Posted By: bigguy30

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