Politics and Religion

Republicans Smashing our Rights Again......angry_smile
salonpas 3073 reads

Some sneaky ass Republican Senate members have been crafting new legislation that would, according to the ACLU website, give the US military powers domestically which are presently solely in the hands of the courts and civil legal system:

"In support of this harmful bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.” Another supporter, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) also declared that the bill is needed because “America is part of the battlefield.”

Let's see what the rabid right radio bloviators have to say about this sneak-attack on the Constitution.

but without them we would no longer recognize our constitution. From the little I read on the subject, it sounds like The Patriot Act running even further amok, and even more erosion of what's left of our civil rights.

I really don't want the libs running anything, but even I have to admit without them this country would be completely taken over by Bible thumping, jingoistic, flag wavers who would gladly sacrifice all of our civil liberties in the name of "keeping us safe"

As I have said many times in the past, "the best we can hope for is gridlock"

...it obviously kills you to give credit where credit is due.

but at least you have to admit that unlike many here, I do actually give credit where credit is due, even if it kills me. lol

-JustSayin2709 reads

The Republican controlled House version, HR1540 that was referred to the Senate appears to not have the offensive wording. I didn't read the whole thing but did several key phrase searches.


It was in the Democrat controlled Senate, under the stewardship of Chairman Carl Levin (DEMOCRAT) and Harry Reid (no introductions necessary) that this wording was added.


BTW, this is the same issue mrnogood brought up 2 days ago although he cited an earlier version of the Senate bill and the knee jerk libs wasted no time attempting to slap him down.

As I said, i only took a cursory look at the article, but I stand by my statement that many on the right would give up all of our civil liberties in the name of fighting terror.

I don't really want the libs actually running anything, but they are a necessary counter balance to the same type of mentality that led to gave us the Patriot Act.

-JustSayin1435 reads

Maybe you should check the make up of the present Senate which is the source of the bill you cite. It's controlled by the Democrats. The Chairman of the committee that allowed this bill to surface is a Democrat. He did it with the knowledge and approval of the Senate majority leader, a Democrat.

I don't like the wording added to this bill. I don't trust the progressive Republicans and their comments, namely McCain and Graham.

If you want to participate in the successful defeat of such measures the first step is for you to drop your blind partisanship.

mrnogood1291 reads

all 682 pages of it!!!

This bill re- defines words, and has a glossary attached because unless you look at how they defined their words, or phrases, the entire bill could sound benign

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