Politics and Religion

It would be crazy to let the public know ....
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1371 reads

"Mission accomplished," and announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq.

While everyone is happy to hear that there are fewer casualties in Iraq, it is not unlike the Bush administration to manipulate information in order to deceive us.  

We know how many troops are over there, but we don't know exactly what they are doing or where they are. Perhaps a lot of them have deliberately moved to places where they face less fighting  just so the Bush administration can say the surge is working.  

Furthermore, as Puck pointed out, the casualty statistics do not include Iraqi civilians or US soldiers that are severely injured and maimed for life."

 In case you forgot I will tweak your memory as the mission was to remove Saddam Hussein.The original mission was accomplished . Also when President Bush announced the end of major combat operations he was talking about the Iraq Army...
Of course we don't let you know where the troops are and their specific missions as there are many traitors in this country who would happily give up the troops location..I have often said if the country and Congress  would have been behind the troops supporting their mission there would have been half the casualties. The protestors and the Left part of the Congress trying to stop funding the Military gave courage to the insurgennts. Now that most insurgents realize we are NOT pulling out quickly before Iraq is stable it has knocked some fuel out of their fire........
 Glad to hear you are happy there are fewer casualties in Iraq.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 4:15:01 PM

"Mission accomplished," and announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq.

While everyone is happy to hear that there are fewer casualties in Iraq, it is not unlike the Bush administration to manipulate information in order to deceive us.  

We know how many troops are over there, but we don't know exactly what they are doing or where they are. Perhaps a lot of them have deliberately moved to places where they face less fighting  just so the Bush administration can say the surge is working.  

Furthermore, as Puck pointed out, the casualty statistics do not include Iraqi civilians or US soldiers that are severely injured and maimed for life.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 1:20:32 PM

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 2:57:58 PM

"Mission accomplished," and announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq.

While everyone is happy to hear that there are fewer casualties in Iraq, it is not unlike the Bush administration to manipulate information in order to deceive us.  

We know how many troops are over there, but we don't know exactly what they are doing or where they are. Perhaps a lot of them have deliberately moved to places where they face less fighting  just so the Bush administration can say the surge is working.  

Furthermore, as Puck pointed out, the casualty statistics do not include Iraqi civilians or US soldiers that are severely injured and maimed for life."

 In case you forgot I will tweak your memory as the mission was to remove Saddam Hussein.The original mission was accomplished . Also when President Bush announced the end of major combat operations he was talking about the Iraq Army...
Of course we don't let you know where the troops are and their specific missions as there are many traitors in this country who would happily give up the troops location..I have often said if the country and Congress  would have been behind the troops supporting their mission there would have been half the casualties. The protestors and the Left part of the Congress trying to stop funding the Military gave courage to the insurgennts. Now that most insurgents realize we are NOT pulling out quickly before Iraq is stable it has knocked some fuel out of their fire........
 Glad to hear you are happy there are fewer casualties in Iraq.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 4:15:01 PM

Tusayan1513 reads

In case you forgot (and it appears that you did) I will tweak your memory as the mission was to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction. Remember those?  The Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq only authorized Bush to "defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding

There was no authorization for regime change by Congress.

I am all for Iraq freedom and democracy{their version} and its always a good day to kill terrorists.

I forgot nothing, and Of course we had to have a regime change to search for WMDs.. Saddam wasn't letting anyone search..Congress knew Saddam wasn't going to go down without a fight and they also knew he would no longer be in power when it was over..At least the members of Congress who aren't ignorant knew those basic facts. Of course some members of Congress found the report on Iraq too long and complex to read before they voted.

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 7:13:06 PM

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 7:19:58 PM

Tusayan2367 reads

Wrong again. The UNSCOM inspectors spent four months in Iraq searching suspected weapons sites (remember Rummy's quote that "we know where they are") and found nothing.  You're following the exact Bush script: keep changing the justification when the previous one turns out to be wrong.  Sorry but you change history and the what Congress voted on, which was to enforce the UN resolutions and allow the inspectors back in to do their job. Bush couldn't take yes for an answer and launched an invasion in violation of the Congressional authorization. Just another in a long list of impeachable acts from Bush.

Read his speech at the time. Look at what he, Rumsfeld and Cheney were saying afterward. Look at the missteps the US made from there. Pay attention to the inadequate armor our soldiers had. Note also that when before the invasion, Pat Robertson said to Bush that there would be heavy casualties, Bush responded that there would be NO casualties.  

Why would Bush stand under a banner that said "mission accomplished" and announce the end of combat operations for the Iraqi army?  

If the country and Congress would have been behind Bush: there would be more casualties. We'd be throwing troops more recklessly. Weaponry and armor would continue to be inadequate. We'd be throwing money at contractors to under-supply our troops, and our wounded veterans would have no care.

The war became unpopular due to Bush. He had the chance to ask for sacrifice-- instead he told people to go out shopping instead. That's when he abdicated leadership, telling people that the military could handle it without the people. I believe that moment was more damaging than "Mission Accomplished," and funnier. At the time, I couldn't believe he'd say such a thing.

I'm trying to think of great moments in this presidency. "I can hear you!" doesn't rise to it.

Perhaps if there had been some great moments in the Clinton presidency, we would not be having this terrorists/Iraq situation now. BTW, Clinton told us the troops would be out of Bosnia in 18 months. He lied......

Whatever was left undone by Clinton could have swiftly been done by Bush-- but that would have involved his taking 50 fewer days of vacation.

Bush could have chosen to keep Clinton's promise and bring the troops home from Bosnia. Now that hasn't happened. Why? That's the same Bush who took us out of the ABM treaty, but he didn't unilaterally bring us home from Bosnia. By your standards, I could take that as Bush being as bad as Clinton, since he has fucked up in many other ways, he's worse.

Mendacious, lying Clinton also said of Bosnia: "I honestly believed that in 18 months we could get this done," Clinton said. "I wasn't right, so I don't want to make that error again."

Yes, Clinton acknowledged that he made a mistake. That's something that Dubya can't do. How many casualties have we taken in Bosnia? Killed and wounded.  

Very much unlike Bush, Clinton was too cautious in foreign policy. Unlike Clinton, Bush will not face impeachment, though he will probably face World Court Tribunal.  

Let's see: Clinton said, "I wasn't right, so I don't want to make that error again". Like the error he and Aspen made in Somalia, or Sudan, or Saudi Arabia, or......So he did nothing for the rest of his presidency. Oh, I forgot, he lied under oath in federal court, but that's okay. New casualties in Bosnia-I personally don't know. Do you know of any? That is old news now and the media isn't interested in old news. Bush in front of the World Court Tribunal-ain't gonna happen, as much as some would like it to. All Treaties have to be ratified by Congress before the president can sign them. That didn't happen either.

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