Politics and Religion

It wasnt just KY.
WillRobinson 274 reads

Sad to say it, but the Progressive movement took a beating last night across the country on many issues, in many elections.

nuguy461064 reads

Republican won Gov race. Only 2nd time in 40 yrs. War on women didn't work? Climate change was refuted? what was the reason? Polls showed Dem leading...what happened?  


.......Democrat politicos are clueless about how to get their supporters motivated to go vote during midterm elections. However Democrats sure do know how to get their supporters to the polls during General Elections. Get back to us on the first Wednesday in November of 2016.....lol

Posted By: nuguy46
Republican won Gov race. Only 2nd time in 40 yrs. War on women didn't work? Climate change was refuted? what was the reason? Polls showed Dem leading...what happened?  
-- Modified on 11/4/2015 10:29:33 AM

followme228 reads

Is this a prelude to what will happen on the first Tuesday in November 2016 ?

2016 = GOP All the Way

"........Now 400,000 Kentuckians who are on the recently expanded Medicaid program will now lose their health care coverage. Governor elect Bevin has said he will repeal Kentucky's Kynectcare. This act will most certainly guarantee the next Governor will be either a Democrat or an independent and Hilliary will win the state just like her Husband Bill Clinton did twice.

In national elections is it. State its not. I think KY has had like 2 or 3 R governors in history. Last nights election was a milestone. Also it was important as the R ran on repealing and replacing the ACA. I guess the citizens didn't care much for their freebies?

WillRobinson275 reads

Sad to say it, but the Progressive movement took a beating last night across the country on many issues, in many elections.

nuguy46293 reads

one of the Clinton's most indecent supporters....the current Gov of VA - Terry McAuliffe lost his bid to control the VA Senate. He put lots of time and money into it. He's now SELLING dinners with him and his wife as well as time with "experts"....he's the one who came up with selling overnights in the WH when Bill was playing with interns and any other female he could touch. The guy is nothing but sleaze and smut!!!  Watch for investigation to come soon.

...hint:  He'll be taking it up the ass very soon from a guy named Bubba.  That's what keeps you righties going...your short-term memory loss.  "We fucked up the Middle East by going to war on false info in Iraq?"  Huh, I don't remember that - let's invade Iran!!!!"

What are you doing without your other BFF these days?

Out of the blue Kentucky came looking shinny and smart. Im guessing $$$$$$$$$ has this happening, and the growers are ready and legalization of weed on its cusp of medicine and other prepossess.  Go big or go home. Did good.The seed was planted.

followme202 reads

"BlueGrass" is still allowed in Kentucky.

Thank yo

Guess follow the money. His has a following of seeds.loo

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