Politics and Religion

It can't be more obvious that the "People" no longer matter.
RRO2610 51 Reviews 212 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
..."If you like your job, you can keep it!"  
  Yet Boehner and McConnell are sucking Obama's dick to get it passed, even though no one know what's in it.  They're trying to ram it through without letting anyone read it.  Sounds like the Patriot Act, and we know how well that turned out.  

I was suspicious of this TPP the moment the "secrecy" issues were made known. When McConnel and Boehner so quickly got on board after 6+ years of blocking, obstructing, sand bagging, stonewalling and refusing ANYTHING Obama wanted I knew for a fact PTT was the last thing the working middle class of this country wants or needs.

  Interesting that the elected Republican Congressional rep for my district telephone voice mail in DC has not been working, and there is never a time an actual breathing human picks up.  

I'm wondering when "A long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism" will sour in the bellies of enough Americans to "dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another"? This Kumbaya moment between two men who swore to defying anything "Obama" while being totally contrary to wishes of MANY of their colleagues and Americans in general should wake up the most uninformed, disinterested and arguably daft voters as to how they're being sold out.

..."If you like your job, you can keep it!"

Both right wingnuts and left wingnuts are vehemently opposed to the TPP:



Yet Boehner and McConnell are sucking Obama's dick to get it passed, even though no one know what's in it.  They're trying to ram it through without letting anyone read it.  Sounds like the Patriot Act, and we know how well that turned out

St. Croix200 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
..."If you like your job, you can keep it!"  
 Both right wingnuts and left wingnuts are vehemently opposed to the TPP:  
 Yet Boehner and McConnell are sucking Obama's dick to get it passed, even though no one know what's in it.  They're trying to ram it through without letting anyone read it.  Sounds like the Patriot Act, and we know how well that turned out.  

Posted By: St. Croix
Posted By: BigPapasan
..."If you like your job, you can keep it!"  
  Both right wingnuts and left wingnuts are vehemently opposed to the TPP:  
  Yet Boehner and McConnell are sucking Obama's dick to get it passed, even though no one know what's in it.  They're trying to ram it through without letting anyone read it.  Sounds like the Patriot Act, and we know how well that turned out.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
..."If you like your job, you can keep it!"  
  Yet Boehner and McConnell are sucking Obama's dick to get it passed, even though no one know what's in it.  They're trying to ram it through without letting anyone read it.  Sounds like the Patriot Act, and we know how well that turned out.  

I was suspicious of this TPP the moment the "secrecy" issues were made known. When McConnel and Boehner so quickly got on board after 6+ years of blocking, obstructing, sand bagging, stonewalling and refusing ANYTHING Obama wanted I knew for a fact PTT was the last thing the working middle class of this country wants or needs.

  Interesting that the elected Republican Congressional rep for my district telephone voice mail in DC has not been working, and there is never a time an actual breathing human picks up.  

I'm wondering when "A long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism" will sour in the bellies of enough Americans to "dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another"? This Kumbaya moment between two men who swore to defying anything "Obama" while being totally contrary to wishes of MANY of their colleagues and Americans in general should wake up the most uninformed, disinterested and arguably daft voters as to how they're being sold out.

I don't understand all the apathy.
TPP is pro business.  
 The TPP will open up more trade.  
 When we buy products from other countries at a cost less than we can produce, we save money.  
 The USA has a lot to export, the more we export the more our country as a whole, earns.

   Who doesn't want business to succeed

TPP was negotiated in secret and is intended to be adopted in secret. There has been little or no opportunity for debate either in congress or in public as to whether it will indeed have the effects you would like. Our regulatory process is entirely bypassed for something that will become a law (actually many laws) of the land, second only to the constitution (and some believe should be held above the constitution). If we allow this, why not say the Congress can make all laws in secret?

I doubt that all that is good for business is good for the US economy, good for US businesses or good for the citizens of the US.  

Thanks to Wikileaks and Assange, we can see into TPP. TPP appears to be good for everyone BUT the US economy and US citizens, IMHO. The US manufacturing base has declined massively over the past 30 years... we no longer make those products here, we make them overseas where labor, taxes, distribution, etc.. are cheaper. TPP will not increase exports of US goods; it will increase imports of goods made more cheaply overseas. We have evidence of this from similar agreements like NAFTA... our trade deficit has increased, not decreased under these "globalization" treaties.  Employment and incomes decrease under these conditions, as does our tax base.

I am skeptical that our elected officials are representing their individual US citizen constituents in this; rather, I believe they are pandering to their corporate donors at our expense. America - for sale to the highest bidder.

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