Politics and Religion

It burned off in seconds? Bwahahahahaha!
RRO2610 51 Reviews 543 reads
2 / 19

And how nicely the subsequent "Patriot Act" also worked into the corportocracy's agenda.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 536 reads
3 / 19

I don't believe anything they say about Bin Laden, Sandy Hook, missing planes.  I want to know what the fuck this adminstration is secretly passing when these stories distract us.

There are questions I would like  answered but will never happen.

Who murdered Kennedy?  Why did the news lie and tell us he was shot from the back when I can see with my own eyes he was shot from the front?

Who orchestrated 911 and profited off the murder of Americans?  Why did the news not report building 7 free falling?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 495 reads
4 / 19

You're supposed to be a good little worker paying the interest on the national debt to the FED with your dutifully and "voluntarily" reported income taxes. You're not supposed too wonder how a full sized commercial airliner flying at 300+mph, piloted by amateurs can make a 270* turn in less than a mile flying just several hundred feet off the ground so as to hit an otherwise "empty" section of the Pentagon leaving NO debris or bodies common to an airliner crash of that size. And then to have NO security camera footage from the most secure installation in the U.S. It's almost as improbable as a .30 cal lead bullet going in and out of two human bodies and showing zero deformation when miraculously found on a hospital gurney.    

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
I don't believe anything they say about Bin Laden, Sandy Hook, missing planes.  I want to know what the fuck this adminstration is secretly passing when these stories distract us.  
 There are questions I would like  answered but will never happen.  
 Who murdered Kennedy?  Why did the news lie and tell us he was shot from the back when I can see with my own eyes he was shot from the front?  
 Who orchestrated 911 and profited off the murder of Americans?  Why did the news not report building 7 free falling?

Blowing Chunks 455 reads
5 / 19

Do you also think that nasa never went to the moon?

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 594 reads
6 / 19

but politicians lie and murder.  And get away with it.  

I don't have time to research, been through all that and it's depressing.  Not to mention, fucked up people in my real life have kept me busy and made me distrustful enough to not be happy and always watching my back for shitty people.  Fuck all that.  And fuck the government, I have always been anarchist with my choices of prostitution and weed.  They are very lucky to receive taxes from me in a legit business now.  They keep fucking around and letting illegals close down Americans....I will be right back anarchist and they won't get a dime out of me.  Of course I never ask for their help either!

GaGambler 473 reads
7 / 19

the next, nothing. Actually some people argue from both sides of that argument in the same thread.

First they argue that the government is capable of unspoken evils and conspiracies involving thousands, and in the next sentence they complain that the government is incapable of picking up the garbage on time. It really would be nice if these people would pick one side of an argument and stick with it.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 524 reads
8 / 19

I am always hearing how inept and inefficient government is yet somehow they orchestrate these complex conspiracies involving hundreds of people involving dozens of entities. It's hard to keep a secret with just 2 people

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 434 reads
10 / 19

it will remain a mystery.   The Bush administration lied, the news media lied.  The military industrial complex was immediately in war with Iraq and killed millions of innoncent women and children.  We were told lie after lie from the Bush administration, to get us hyped up for a war.

Here is a video, just for you.  I think you will like the ending.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 619 reads
11 / 19

Their fuel burnt off within seconds. It was a "Controlled Demolition". I was suspicious of it the first time I saw it. Repeated viewing and some casual research has only convinced me.

 3000 largely anonymous died, a finite few became incredibly rich, and a power-grab hungry government had the perfect reason/excuse to scare the public into waiving rights and liberties that had long confounded those in seats of power.

The airplanes were a 'plausible' story to give the general public. They were a distraction for the ADD addled MTV generation.  

   “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”.
(George Washington)

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 502 reads
12 / 19

I've done a little work with aviation, including fire fighting.  

Jet fuel doesn't burn off in seconds, especially the quantities involved

Blowing Chunks 381 reads
13 / 19
GaGambler 416 reads
14 / 19

Throw a single gallon of gasoline out on the ground, light a match to it and see how long it takes to burn off. Now multiply that by the thousands of gallons of jet fuel there are in the tanks of a 767. LMAO is right

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 385 reads
15 / 19

No, it actually did not burn off in a few seconds.

Most of it was retained within the structure and burned for a good 10+ minutes.

Neither of you know dick about aviation, that I can guarantee just by the ignorance of your posts.

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 363 reads
16 / 19

Your data is bullshit...as if a 767 would burn off 2/3rds of it's fuel in 50 minutes flight time.

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 377 reads
17 / 19

They were flying with half a bag it seems.... 10,000 gallons. Woe is me.

Still doesn't change the FACT that the fuel fire lasted 10 minutes post impact. 8200 gallons will NOT burn off in seconds.

Enough time to set all the other myriad materials within the structure on fire.

A tall building, you know, like a chimney...where fire temperatures easily elevated to the point of being able to compromise the structure.

floyd1039 10 Reviews 426 reads
18 / 19

use kerosene od diesel fuel. Much different flash point and heat content.

floyd1039 10 Reviews 526 reads
19 / 19

I just wonder where all these experts were on September 11 2011. I have some fire fighting training and felt the ground shake on that day. I agree with GaG, the only way for two people to keep a secrete is if one is dead

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