Politics and Religion

ISIS Strikes Deal With Moderate Syrian Rebels....
HONDA 153 Reviews 1696 reads
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Yes, lets all fight together against Assad now and when he's defeated we will behead all you moderate infidels. What part of getting the fuck out of the Middle East don't these assholes in this administration understand? All Arabs know is war, let em have at it with each other. The israeli's understand this fact very well.

As the United States begins to deepen ties with moderate Syrian rebels to combat the extremist group ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, a key component of its coalition appears to have struck a non-aggression pact with the group.

According to Agence France-Presse, ISIS and a number of moderate and hard-line rebel groups have agreed not to fight each other so that they can focus on taking down the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Other sources say the signatories include a major U.S. ally linked to the Free Syrian Army.

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