Politics and Religion

Is marriage a dying institution?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 193 reads

I'm all in favor of people doing whatever the fuck they want, so long as they don't harm others. But isn't the institution of marriage itself dying?

It's a rather weird social custom when you think about it. Everyone pretends that a woman, who wears white to symbolize her virginity when she's not a virgin, gets dressed up like a princess for a day and wastes a shit load of her father's money. Isn't this kinda retarded?  

Comedian Bill Burr once said something along the lines that half of all marriages end in divorce. Would you go skydiving if there was a 1 in 2 chance your parachute won't open?

Record numbers of people are not marrying, and a growing number of men have never been married.

wrps071167 reads

Now that we have had the ruling where homosexual marriages are legal in the US. How many more years will polygamy be legalized ? Congress would have a lot of fun changing the tax laws to accommodate the tax forms, for multiple spouses.

Not that it is a cause that I'm either for or against(much like same-sex marriage).

However any case of polygamist marriage would be monitored more closely by the IRS, than a standard marriage.

My only hope is that "I" no longer have to hear about gay marriage ever again.  LGBT got what they wanted now they can STFU!

Before gay marriage was legalized. Why didn't people request that adultery be decriminalized? Seems that more people would benefit from a law like that.

And not just polygamy but incestual marriage as well. Some people won't care about that either but I do believe those type of relationships, backed by the state, are not good for a healthy society.

On another note, is it possible for Daffy Duck to post without mentioning GaG? LOL. I have heard about man love but this is getting bizarre. Or is this more of an obsession?

Always for government control when it comes to cotrlolling personal choices.

As is Daffy Duck. That is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it.

And don't many liberals believe in limiting personal choices? Size of the soda we wish to purchase, whether or not we can have transfat, removal of toys from Happy Meals, etc are just a few of the "personal choices" liberals have no issue with.

Of course, on a more serious topic, libs tend to want to limit school choice, telling us how great the public school system is while the congressional Dems, Barry, etc dont put their kids anywhere near a public school. LOL

What about carbon? Libs like Gore want to restrict our choices to use fossil fuels as he jets around the globe spewing CO2 and raking in big bucks for speaking fees. Oh that's right! He buys carbon "offsets" so he can live any which way he fkin pleases while the lowly public would be subject to shit he could ignore!

So you want choice for elite liberals, but not the masses, huh AF? LOL

After all, what is good for the gander is also good for the goose,right..

I'm all in favor of people doing whatever the fuck they want, so long as they don't harm others. But isn't the institution of marriage itself dying?

It's a rather weird social custom when you think about it. Everyone pretends that a woman, who wears white to symbolize her virginity when she's not a virgin, gets dressed up like a princess for a day and wastes a shit load of her father's money. Isn't this kinda retarded?  

Comedian Bill Burr once said something along the lines that half of all marriages end in divorce. Would you go skydiving if there was a 1 in 2 chance your parachute won't open?

Record numbers of people are not marrying, and a growing number of men have never been married.

GaGambler228 reads

I don't know the actual stats, but I would agree that fewer people are getting married, and many that do are waiting until later in life to do so.  

Maybe this will force the people who are refusing to cater gay weddings to start accepting whatever business they can get?  Kind of like how a hooker may start reevaluating her NBA policy when her rent is a week overdue. lol

Personally, I can't ever imagine ever getting married again, or at least not until I am in my 80's or whatever age where I expect that I will be willing my money to my wife, and not handing it over to her in a divorce settlement.


Posted By: willywonka4u
I'm all in favor of people doing whatever the fuck they want, so long as they don't harm others. But isn't the institution of marriage itself dying?  
 It's a rather weird social custom when you think about it. Everyone pretends that a woman, who wears white to symbolize her virginity when she's not a virgin, gets dressed up like a princess for a day and wastes a shit load of her father's money. Isn't this kinda retarded?  
 Comedian Bill Burr once said something along the lines that half of all marriages end in divorce. Would you go skydiving if there was a 1 in 2 chance your parachute won't open?  
 Record numbers of people are not marrying, and a growing number of men have never been married.

Social benefits will be:

Less divorces &
Instead of two income families, three income famies  

And in the interest of gender equality, must also legalize polyandry

Only a small minority involved in a Arizona and Utah would be advocating for this, and the backlash from tradional religious groups would keep any politician from proposing legal status for poligamy.

It would be a judicial one.  

You are correct, there would be no political will to pass polygamy laws.

Trust me though, someone will go through the court system and argue that polygamists will have the constitutional right to marry, and with the precedent set of redefining marriage by this weeks SCOTUS decision, I would be surpised if they didn't vote for the plaintiffs

Take a look at the Mormon fundamentalist cults that practice polygamy. The top dogs snatch up all the women for themselves and throw their young competitors out in the gutter. I'm sure that there are some happy and well adjusted plural families out there, but as a widespread, state-sanctioned practice, polygamy poses clear harms to society: women become commoditized by wealthy men, other men get more desperate and prone to violence when faced with a shortage of potential mates.

The state should not discriminate on what a person MAY do with their future wife/wives. That kind of thinking is insane.  

We only penalize people who COMMIT crimes, not people who MAY have a higher risk for committing them before the fact.

I am against polygamy because of economic reasons for smaller businesses.  

If a business owner can get an exemption for paying for HC insurance and limit it to only one wife and the children born of that one wife and one male, then I have zero issues with legalizing polygamy.

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