Politics and Religion

Is Freemasonry behind Escort-Prostitution Stings? Is there a NWO Conspiracy?
PSEguy147 1562 reads

Disclaimer: I make no claim this conspiracy theory is true or factual. Just a conspiracy theory to discussion and entertainment.  
I met a conspiracy theorist at Starbucks. We discussed about the war against prostitution. He believes the war on prostitution is an attempt by the Freemasons to establish a New World Order in America. He said that the Freemasons must create different wars to create a situation to justify taking constitutional rights away and the need for a world government. He claim that the FBI “Operation Cross Country” was an attempt to create an illusion that we have a human trafficking problem and creates  a justification  for the American people to surrender their constitutional rights and to join the One World Government  to deal with the human trafficking problem. The Conspiracy Theorist blames the government for the human trafficking problem because they grant too many visas to foreigners. He believes the granting of too many visas to foreigners was a conspiracy by the Freemasons in government to create the human trafficking problem. He thinks that the human trafficking problem artificially created by the Freemasons is a  justify to the public that America needs to join the One World Government to solve the human trafficking problem and we need to give up our constitutional rights to effectively combat the human trafficking problem.   As we got deeper into the discussion, he was able to show me books, magazine articles, and websites to show our government is run by Freemasons.  He explain that the many of the politicians, police chiefs, mayors, etc.  are connected to the secret society called the Freemasons. His claim is that the Freemasons are puppets of the International Bankers: Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Warburg, Lazard Brothers, Israel Moses, Kuhn and Loeb, George Soros, etc.
He said that the International Bankers do not want prostitution to be legalized because if prostitution was legalized it will take away profits from organized crime. The international bankers want the violent crime and human trafficking problem in America created by the war against prostitution and human trafficking. They want to use the violent crime problem to justify marital law, world government takeover, and global enslavement. The International Bankers want to take most of the drugs and prostitution services out of the market so the remaining drugs and prostitution services will be more profitable for violent gangs and organized crime syndicate which in turn fuels more violent crimes. The crime problem is necessary to justify the need for America to become part of the One World Government.
The conspiracy theorist I talked to was able to link the escort-prostitution sting, war on drugs, war on terrorism, war on poverty, etc.  to Freemasonry. He said these wars are not about to stop violence but control. Control is necessary for human enslavement and to establish a One World Government.  He then linked the Freemasons to the Illuminati, Mormonism, Judaism, CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, Club of Rome, etc. by showing me books, and websites.
I ask him why the International Bankers want to establish a world government. He said the World Government based on human enslavement is necessary for their Messiah to come. The Messiah will teach the International Bankers how they can become Gods and live forever.  If the World Government is not establishing in their lifetime, they will face death like all human beings. The only way they can escape death is to establish a One World Government so they can reach Godhood in their spiritual journey.  Wow, I find the conspiracy theory of the escort-prostitution sting intriguing.

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