Politics and Religion

Is an America united
sassyfla See my TER Reviews 1738 reads

on a bad plan,  moving forward, better off than an America divided and not moving forward at all?
As we all know truth tends to lie in the middle on both sides.

My learning expedition

Thank you all

Reminds me what he said in his book  "Audacity of Hope"

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

To me,  quite scary,  as it does appear those political winds are shifting,  and IMHO at this time, not for the benefit of us as Americans.

Life is too short to waste time hating

-- Modified on 9/23/2012 2:08:13 AM

America, that is to say, the USA, has reached that plateau which many before it have seen and given in to.  America is no longer a united country.  It is no longer a land of hard working self sufficient people.  It is no longer a place where common sense exists.

It has finally reached it's own place in history where a majority of it's citizens have become the lazy, uneducated, gimme what I want, sorts of people.  And like all of those countries before it, America will self destruct, it's becoming very obvious that this is true, and hence the only question remaining is how much longer it can survive.

nuguy46197 reads

- The danger to America is really not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
- The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
- The US can survive an Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of Idiots such as those who made him their president."

Just substitute the word "Bush" for the word "Obama" and those would have been my thoughts 8 years ago.  I truly feel like if our country survived 8 years of Bush, we can survive anything!  You will probably feel the same thing about Obama in 4 years (assuming that he is re-elected).

Instead of "feeling like", try exploring the facts.  And, I'm not talking about the pundits regurgitation of what they tell you the facts mean.  I'm talking about you sitting down with pencil and paper, examing the economics of our country, and forming a mathematically logical conclusion for yourself.  I know, it's hard work, not easy, and most people are way too lazy to try.  But if you do that and if you are honest with yourself, you cannot help but conclude that our country's path is unsustainable, it is mathematically impossible, and the absence of either party to change how they operate makes it a path of destruction.

in a very remote area of Idaho, in the early 60's.  ;)

Do you ever do any research before you start flappin your jaw? The 'flappin your jaw' part is what my great aunt would say to my great uncle!  ;)

Oh, btw, we ain't no slouches when it comes to working hard and being productive.



Since it was on FOX, I would have figured you would have known that!  ;)

Oh, and btw, btw, wasn't it you who accused me of being a big blowhard?!?  ;)

So, you resort to another link to what someone else who is paid to bloviate had to say.  Great!!!  Did it ever occur to you that what you relate has absolutely nothing to do with reality?  Do you even have a clue about how productivity and in particular "increased productivity" is accomplished?  Of course not or you wouldn't be posting this crap like it mattered.  But just in case your great grandpa didn't share this insight with you, technology is what is impacting productivity.  It has nothing to do with people working, people working harder, or the like.  And therein lies the point dummy.  The majority of people in the USA, as measured by numbers on welfare, unemployeed, etc.. no longer feel they need to be productive and sustain themselves.  This path has been evolving at a much more rapid pace and is the hallmark of destruction of a country.

even the simplest things! I talked about my great uncle, not my "great grandpa!" Anyways, having working in construction, and experiencing the increased productivity a good tool can give oneself, along with many other jobs in my life, I do understand that point very well. However, if you'd taken the time to read the attached articles, you'd see that much of the analysis had to do with the number of paid and unpaid hours worked. So your criticism is a bunch of bullshit! The question regarding the unemployed and welfare recipients is much more complex than just saying they "no longer feel they need to be productive and sustain themselves." There's the issues of opportunity and motivation. Those are moving targets, which require serious people serious consideration to address and remedy. You bloviating on this board, does not qualify!  ;)

Question people ask today is “What the country can do for you not what you can do for the country". No I am not talking about politics in any manner shape or form.

Country consists of people, forests, trees, rivers, mountains, animals natural resources, atmosphere, rich people, middle class people, somewhere in between people, poor, philosophical rooting, culture, social sense, differences of opinion, race, caste, religion, black, brown, yellow, white, mutt, you get the picture.

On social side education, knowledge, production, peace, coexistence, responsibility and list goes on and on.

What you can do for the country and unity starts with civility, coexistence and sharing and progresses from there. When you answer the question honestly, you get your answer.

Today, we are on path to destruction with ideology instead of facts. Our inability to accept facts we don’t like is root cause of the problem. In most cases, most don’t know the reasons for a particular ideology and ask the basic question, is this the reality?

Posted By: sassyfla

on a bad plan,  moving forward, better off than an America divided and not moving forward at all?
As we all know truth tends to lie in the middle on both sides.

My learning expedition

Thank you all

taking responsibility for your actions. all no longer part of America

more and more are asking questions.  I still believe we are divided, especially now with the candidates.  I do believe that if the economy doesn't get better for middle America, you may see more of a revolution, more organized that OWS, and not be considered lazy Americans.

Tracy Chapman wrote this song 25 years earlier.  Thank You.

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