Politics and Religion

Iran directed Washington DC terror plot, U.S. says
Priapus53 4744 reads

So much for "reason in Iran", "decrying conditions" in that country & "taking an article out of context".

mrnogood2315 reads

we say MUST be true, right??

We're not occupying the entire middle east yet, is this what you want?? WE ARE THE WAR MONGERS, not Iran, as poof, look to ALL the wars we're in now?

Your article is propaganda, because our government is about to go to war with Iran, these tyrants have been dieing to do this..

BTW, Iran DENIES this and says the american government is looking for something to distract us from our own domestic issues..

We're broke, and wars create money, our government is not going to give it's global superpower status up w/out a fight..

WE ARE STARTING WW3, and we will ATTACK Iran

BTW, Mother Russia issued a travel warning today to their government officials about travel to the US, they said The Obama Regime was about to start a REVOLUTION

This is the gulf of Tonka incident, the beginning false flag that will spark ww3-

This will be the false flag, that ends ALL false flags

-- Modified on 10/11/2011 1:47:27 PM

...to me it sounds like a bunch of bullshit propaganda coming from Saudi Arabia. They want Uncle Sam's help to neutralize Iran's growing influence in the region. As far as I'm concerned the Saudis can go fuck themselves. If anything, we should be getting friendlier with Iran. They have more untapped oil resources.

Priapus532589 reads

Willy, bro, you're throwing your lot in with mrng's stupid conspiratorial bullshit ?! PUH-LEASE ! I'm disappointed in you ! Ini, throw a brick at 'em-----LOL !

Lasly, mrng, it's spelled "dying" & "Gulf of Tonkin" ; "Tonka" is a line of toy trucks your attendants let you play with during recess at your rubber room.

Lastly, the link you provided backs up the account I posted; do you read your links or are
you too zonked out on meds ?!

Ok-----back to igging the troll-------:)

-- Modified on 10/11/2011 4:41:22 PM

"Ok-----back to igging the troll--"

 You remind me why I quit school.
 Most of my teachers were as dumb as you.

Not sure if they had your self control issues.

You missed proof, and American should always be capitalized .

...I wouldn't know if I'm agreeing with TJ or not on this since I'm not reading her posts. That's something I advise you to do as well.

Do you and Phil not remember that we were lied into going to war in Iraq? All the bullshit about how Saddam was getting nuclear material from Niger. All the bullshit about WMD's. All the bullshit about how oil revenues would pay for the war?

Do you not remember the propaganda that came from a PR firm hired by the Kuwaiti royal family to spread the myth that Iraqis were overturning incubators and killing babies?

17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Members of the Saudi Royal Family give money directly to terrorist organizations. As far as I'm concerned the Saudis can go fuck themselves. We shouldn't spend a fucking dime on their asses protecting their interests, especially since they ain't got hardly any oil left. Fuck them.

So Iran is a bad bad place, with bad bad people running that government. Some actress is gonna get whipped. Like worse things don't happen in Saudi Arabia? Like they don't behead people there all the fucking time. You think the guy doing the beheading only needs one swing of the sword?

Speaking of which, doesn't China have a serious human rights issue? What do we do? We give them most favored nation trading status. For some reason, the theory that making Chinese "communist" dictators rich will stop their human rights abuses. Seen that working lately?

Here's the difference between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran's people are pro-western. They want to overthrow their gov't. They have a ton of untapped oil resources. Sounds like a fucking win-win to me.

What did the Saudis ever do for us, other than sell us oil they used to have, get us involved in wars we shouldn't have fought which have bankrupt this country, and make bin Laden harder to catch? Did I mention their oil revenue money still falls into the hands of terrorists?

Fuck the Saudis. If Iran wants to kill one of their ambassadors, then who are we to interfere? Besides, if this doesn't sound like bullshit propaganda to incite a war, then you need to sharpen your bullshit detector.

Priapus531007 reads

As for Iran's people being pro-western ( evidence I also saw when I dealt with Iranian expatriates when I lived in L.A ), thats academic because the crazed clergy has SUCH tight control over the government & military that the chance for democracy flowering anytime soon is remote.

Iran & S.A. BOTH suck, but S.A. is an "ostensible" ally, while Iran is a terrorist state & dedicated enemy of the U.S.

FUCK------I'd like the U.S to get off the teat of Saudi oil------more hybrid/electric cars & alternative energy sources are the answer,if our country gets off its lazy/stupid ass to develop that with vigor.

I strongly opposed both the Iraq & Viet-nam wars which were entered into under false pretenses. I also oppose U.S. going to war with Iran, unless they stage subsequent PROVEN terror attack on U.S. soil. Then all bets are off.

You neglected to mention that Iran has made terrorist strikes/attempts against Israel. If Iran keeps doing this, VERY dumb/crazy; between the Mossad & Israel's nuke capability, bad news for Iran & world peace if they continue to provoke Israel.

Lastly, check out video on link below :

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 7:11:41 AM

But I don't think you could be more wrong about democracy flowering in Iran. Unlike most of the countries in the Middle East, Iran was a democracy  just 60 years ago. The people there want a democracy, and want it bad. I recall a few months back video coming out of Iran of protesters chasing Iranian police down the street armed with nothing more than molotovs. A little more support, and democracy could be realized in Iran.  

Yeh, the Saudis are a supposed ally, but in my book, our allies shouldn't be giving terrorists money to come kill Americans. Without the Saudis, 9/11 would have been a non-event. Instead this country wasted 4 trillion dollars on bullshit the Saudis caused, and we didn't even get to bomb them. I think instead of occupying Afghanistan or Iraq, after 9/11 we should have nuked Medina, and then told the entire Arab world, "fuck with us again, and we'll nuke Mecca."

I don't have a very high opinion of Iran's government. But with a culture so rich in history, and so pro-western, I'd hate for us to get into a shooting war with Iran. We can't afford it, and the last thing we need is to turn another Middle East country into a basket case. If we can hunt down and kill bin Laden, can't we do the same with some of these Ayatollahs? Hell, back in the 60's the CIA tried to give Castro exploding cigars. Can't we make Mahmoud Amadinthehead a shirt that catches fire when he buttons it up? :D

Yeh, Iran has been fucking with Israel for a while. But what do you expect from a bunch of Holocaust deniers? I'm all in favor of staying out of that little foreign entanglement. Israel is more than capable of taking care itself.

Matt did bring up a good point about this plot taking place on US soil. I hadn't really considered that. So if such a plot is legit, then we might want to "accidently" bomb some random town in Iran. We could tell our envoy to convey a message of "whoops! did we do that?"

Priapus531765 reads

which dragged the U.S. into WWI, I'm STILL against U.S. intervention. It has to be a successful terrorist attack, which this atheist prays to God never happens.

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 10:01:08 AM

doing it on our soil, and having us be collateral damage. You can choose to believe the report or not. I find little reason not to.

But I don't mind them killing each other either, and I say each other because I don't know who is worse.

And I agree:  Do it elsewhere.

Posted By: mattradd
doing it on our soil, and having us be collateral damage. You can choose to believe the report or not. I find little reason not to.

It is true that the Saudis suck, and I can't stand them either.  But to say we should be closer to Iran because they have more oil is blood for oil.

The are an equally and worse (if possible) regime.  They just sentenced a film maker to 90 lashes and a year in prison for being in a movie.
90 lashes is TORTURE. It rips the muscles and her back will be one mass of scar tissue.  She will probably pass out from the pain and have to be revived to whip her more.

But they have more oil, so we should be closer to them.

Finally, you may hate the Saudis, but that doesn't mean you should like their enemies.  It isn't the Saudies that broke this plot. It is Obama's Justice Department.  

The Saudis may be shit, but they can still be the victim of an illegal attack.

Posted By: willywonka4u
...to me it sounds like a bunch of bullshit propaganda coming from Saudi Arabia. They want Uncle Sam's help to neutralize Iran's growing influence in the region. As far as I'm concerned the Saudis can go fuck themselves. If anything, we should be getting friendlier with Iran. They have more untapped oil resources.

Priapus531099 reads

And thanks for being a voice of sanity in this thread , which it desperately needs---:)

And regardless of the foibles of Israel, which I think pale in comparison to countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, and Syria, to plan an attack on U.S. soil of a foreign embassy is pretty close to an act of war.

(I include Syria with great regrets. One of my best trips was to Syria in 2000.  If you can ever visit the Crusader Castle, Krak des Chevaliers, it is one of the great places in the world. The people and places were wonderful beyond words. It made my heart sad to know they type of regime they were living under.)

Considering that the Zimmerman Telegrams were Causa Belli, I don't know what this is.

STOP. Got to stop people who will put words in my mouth. I am NOT saying we should attack or declare war. Don't say that I am urging action. I said, I don't know what this is, and I don't know how we should react.


Posted By: Priapus53
And thanks for being a voice of sanity in this thread , which it desperately needs---:)

mrnogood1821 reads

Stop being so easily led pri!

NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING can justify us being in another war, BUT TYRANNY! Wake up to the fact that the America of today IS NOTHING like the America we grew up in..It's time to realize that, and seriously think about all the implications of ALL the change that has swept america, and honestly ask yourself if this is ANYTHING like the old america..

This will take you being honest with yourself, and I actually think you'd have a hard time doing that given your maturity level, all you need to do is look at ALL the wars we're in..Look how many countries we're occupying in the Middle east, and then ask yourself how many Iran is occupying..

The truth is SO OBVIOUS! Pri it should be pretty obvious by now that it is America is the problem, we're the bully! Our military is fighting wars that help the corporations..Our military and our wars bennifit CORPORATIONS, like the oil companies and no longer fight to protect our freedoms..Our military is well known as a military industrial complex, and it's called this because they protect industry, NOT our freedoms..

Not any more they don't!

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 2:46:57 PM

mrnogood2147 reads

Here is a map of the middle east, note that we have invaded BOTH countries on their border..

The plan has ALWAYS been to start ww3 in Iran, or atleast Iran feels that way, and we would too if Iran invaded mexico and canada..

The problem in the middle east IS US..

I'm not saying I support Iran, I'm saying that when the news shows us footage od Iran soldiers training kids if we dont understand america is occupying BOTH of irans bordering countries they may look real radical and crazy..

When We'd be doing the same thing if iran was in mexico and canada

We have bases on Irans borders, when this piece of the "story" is missing Iran doesn't make sense, when you undersatand we're provoking them, and atleast you understand Irans problem with us

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 8:19:47 PM

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