Politics and Religion

Interesting article: "Growing GOP dissent on Iraq"
StartThinking! 18244 reads

One of the unfortunate truisms about Iraq, given the over-hang of terrorism, is that we have to "finish" what we have started there.  We have to develop some form of permanent, functioning society there and maintain a lasting relationship with it.  If we pull out too soon, do not finish off the resistance and allow them to plunge the country into anarchy, then people like Bin Laden and the upcoming wannabe Bin Ladens will rejoice and will not hesitate to come after us again and again in our own country, with deadlier and deadlier precision to their attacks.  I am one person who was concerned about us going into Iraq, I felt that we had major unfinished business in Afganistan and Pakistan and did not need to divert our attention and resources from that business.  But we are now in Iraq and there is no turning back at this point, unless we can accept paying a much more massive price than we are paying now in Iraq on a weekly basis.

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