Politics and Religion

"Intellectuals" in France embrace a pedophile........
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 6713 reads
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The difference between France and the U.S. is that in France they have intellectuals. We have Doctor Phil.

GaGambler 1065 reads
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I am sure that they would welcome a wussified asshole like you with open arms. Or a hard dick, depending on what really floats your boat.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1544 reads
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The RP/French intellectual and artist thing, while interesting, just ain't that important.

But it is a convenient stick with which to beat the Galls, er, Gauls.   So why pass up a freebie?

St. Croix 796 reads
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Personally, I'd give him a free ticket to an Oakland Raiders game. Maybe a seat near the end zone where he can interact with some of the Raiders notorious fans. Maybe we can convince him to wear his hero's costume. Then again, he would be dead in 5 minutes.

GaGambler 397 reads
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I think you probably know that I was born and raised in the SF Bay Area, it is amazing how different the East Bay is from SF.

I grew up a Raiders fan, and we would throw a little fucking french loving pussy like him off the top deck. lol

St. Croix 889 reads
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You would have a better chance of surviving a walk through South Central LA at 2:00AM, then announcing your moniker is Willywonka, you like little kids and the French.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1052 reads
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by being so FUCKING ARROGANT that they failed to use a blood screening test for the HIV virus to determine which of the French Red Cross donor blood was infected.... why? Because they chose to use the FRENCH test which failed to pick up the virus.

but hey, intellectually, they were pure at heart.  Arrogant, ya know, a synonym for intellectual

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 806 reads
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I think the responses here pretty much prove my point.

But why not pile on? Most people in first world countries can speak at least 2 languages, if not more. In Europe it's common to meet people who can speak 4 languages. Americans instead want to make English our national language not realizing that 1) it already is, and 2) Americans can't speak English anyway.

Ask anyone in Japan, Canada, Germany, France, the UK, Israel, or Sweden who the President of the United States is. All of them will be able to tell you. Ask any American who the President/Prime Minister is in any of the countries mentioned above and 90% of Americans will look at you dumb founded. 40% of Americans don't even know who the Vice President is.

· The United States is 49th in the world in literacy.
· The United States ranked 28th out of 40 countries in mathematical literacy.
· Twenty percent of Americans think the sun orbits the Earth. Seventeen percent believe the Earth revolves around the sun once a day.
· The European Union leads the U.S. in the number of science and engineering graduates and public research and development expenditures.
· Europe surpassed the United States in the mid-1990s as the largest producer of scientific literature.

Or if you want more proof, many Americans would prefer to vote for an idiot because they are just like them (stupid) then vote for someone who is a hell of a lot smarter than them (an intellectual).

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1382 reads
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The French are arrogant, granted. But so are Americans. And yet we can't manage our health care system at all. It's so bad that women are 70% more likely to die in CHILD BIRTH in the U.S. then they are in France.

fasteddie51 1708 reads
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The fact is that the French discovered the virus that caused HIV, and the American's stole the data and laid claim to the discovery.  Read "And the Band Played On"...

fasteddie51 622 reads
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What a typical xenophobic response.  During the Viet Nam war, I'll bet you had a bumper sticker that said "My Country, Right or Wrong"...

Powr 2 da people no delay 944 reads
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It said "Love it or leave it".

kerrakles 909 reads
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Here in this country, we have freedom of speech. One doesn't automatically become an asshole because s/he said somethings you don't like or agree with.

The asshole in you just demonstrated the posters point. Ideologue's   (blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology-Merriam-Webster) don't have the intellectual capacity to carry on a discussion, especially, ideologue like you.

You have become a nuisance like a mosquito.

Snowman39 1023 reads
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Yeah, that sounds real enlightened to me, NOT!!!!

The funny thing is when you think about this website, most of the ladies would never date a French guy due to hygiene


-- Modified on 10/5/2009 5:40:20 AM

Snowman39 947 reads
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BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1086 reads
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but my comment on the arrogance of intellectuals still stands.  The french killed their own.  Get real.  One thing I do like about obama, he is backing the U.S. from the front and center stage on world politics.... and now, guess what, the rest of the Western world is getting a bit concerned.  They know what an armed Iran means, they understand madness run rampant (Hitler, Napolean, Stalin).

Intellectual means neither a person better equiped to make the best decision, nor the smarter decision... for the most part, it means acting in a rational manner, as opposed to an emotional manner.  However, in the instance of the french blood bank debauchal, the self-proclaimed french academic "intellectuals" acted "emotionally."

I would (and actually have) challenge any university to submit to the exact same standard of excellence expected from any industry.  They refuse citing "Creative Freedom" as the cry.  Intellectual my eye, it is an excuse for childish behavior.  

Oh, I believe your stats... but that is simply because most of our educational system has been lead by "intellectuals" who have demanded that we rid ourselves of discipline.  Go figure.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1582 reads
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do you really think I am unaware of that?!  and it is a matter of debate as to who stole what.  As is often in science information and samples are somewhat shared.

Once  - years ago, there was a hapless young idealistic academician who attended the prestigious "Gorden Conferences."  As is the case with those conferences, there are no notes to be taken, and information shared is to be treated as confidential.... well, one night over a beer, the hapless academician shared some preliminary findings over a beer with some Finnish academicians....   Within 6 months they had put a "Team" onto the problem, and submitted the paper for publication, scooping the academician of his finding.  yea, Europeans are soooooo damn much intellectual...

they are shits.  they don't even honor the "Grand Treaty to Save the Earth" they signed (you know, kyoto)...... what a crock.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1152 reads
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No bell prizes even though I question the recipients of two of them, Gore and Mr. Carter.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1382 reads
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The reality is Pierre Doe is the same as John Doe.

The guy on the street, the clerk in the bank, the girl at the espresso bar is not reading Camus and debating the reality of life.

It reminds me of the old days when everyone thought Brits were so smart because their TV was so superior (intellectually) with BBC 1 and BBC 2.  (I did enjoy many of their shows so I am not knocking them.)

The reality was they were government run monopolies, so people didn't have a choice. The second private channels started coming into the country, they had Streets of San Francisco, Dallas, and every other American show at which the intellectuals look down their noses.

The same goes for the French. (And I love French comedies.)  Walk down the street in Nice and see what movies are playing.  Go to the kiosk and look at the magazines that are being bought.

I will concede that there is a greater appreciation for some of the classical arts, which I attribute to exposure, but generally people are pretty much the same.

Carrie_of_London See my TER Reviews 974 reads
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You've obviously never met any French people.  I used to live with 5 of them so I do know what I'm talking about.  And I've had plenty of French clients.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 852 reads
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who did not... and wanted to date a French Canadian who also did not... but she was hot.... VERY VERY HOT!

marikod 1 Reviews 1823 reads
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a cliche. I 've been in Paris and seen advertisements for Jerry Lewis film festivals.

GaGambler 824 reads
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"Americans are stupid"

You might be another one of those new breed of  apologists, but I am rather proud of being an American, and my reaction to anyone declaring the fucking French of all people are superior is going to be one of disdain.

When millions of Americans start trying to repatriate to Europe you libbies might have a point, until then the facts speak for themself.

GaGambler 863 reads
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South Central LA, or anywhere in Oakland?

With the exception of Jack London Square, I dont know if Oakland even has a "good side of town", for that matter you could probably say the same thing for virtually the entire East Bay. lol

GaGambler 1202 reads
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I rarely pass on any excuse to ridicule the French. With the exception of the tofu crowd, most Americans seem to feel the same way. Unfortunately we seem to attract an inordinate number of the tofu crowd.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1003 reads
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And the "dumb" ones over here want to put him in jail for raping a 13 year old.

Yeah, I think I'll take the stupid ones I guess.

Sleazybiker 6 Reviews 805 reads
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Having been born and raised here in the good 'ol US of A I have to say I have met thousands of stupid Americans.  Are you guys saying that most Americans are smart?  Let's get real here, people....  If you look around anywhere in America and all you see are smart people, *you* are the dummy!

GaGambler 1084 reads
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One only has to look around this forum to realize you are correct.

That said the OP is still an asshole for comparing us unfavorably to the French of all people. Americans might be a stupid lot, but we are still every bit as smart as the fucking French, not to mention that we still have our balls intact, well for a while at least.

These assholes who want to emulate the French are the biggest contributors to the wussifying of America.

Makwa 18 Reviews 1038 reads
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letting everybody know he was about to leave for Paris!

GaGambler 902 reads
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but when it comes right down to it, I would rather fuck the Colombianas, or the Thai, or maybe even the Vietnamese, (yeah I know the French were in Vietnam for decades), than the French, but in a pinch I would fuck the French too.

Come to think of it, I have fucked many a coon ass girl in Louisianna, and they have a lot of French in them.

fasteddie51 769 reads
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Kinda a bad analogy considering that the Raiders might be the WORST team in football this year...

Snowman39 575 reads
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Here is another link, I can find these all day!! I also worked with a guy who tolds stories about working wiht French contractors, he descibed as a high odorous and undesireable affair.

You can't paint with a broad brush, but I doubt this sterotype is totally unfounded.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1234 reads
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but even us dummies know the French smell bad..

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1364 reads
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Intellectuals can sometimes be arrogant. In this country they have the right to be. Yes, the French killed their own because they screwed something up. How many Americans do we kill? How many will die in car wrecks because we're too stupid to build a public transportation system? How many will die because a moron lies about a war? How many will die from a racist and unjust legal system? How many will die from a lack of health insurance? How many will die from accidents on the job? How many will die from cancer or diabetes when we knowingly allow agents that cause these diseases to be perfectly legal? Say what you want about the French, but us Americans nearly wiped out an entire race of people, enslaved another, and have committed genocide on every habited continent on this globe.

As for Americans being stupid and a lack of disipline in school, tell me, when did beating someone over the head ever make them smarter? Conservatives have dismantled public education for 30 years because they know that only stupid people will vote for them. No other industrialized nation has as many morons as we do, and somehow their idea of "liberal" is what we would call socialist, and our idea of "liberal" is what they would call conservative. Go figure.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 973 reads
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Remember, Americans think American Idol is a good TV show.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 652 reads
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I never quite understood this. Europeans generally don't bathe nearly as much as Americans do. The history on this is pretty fascinating. Back in the day, the Roman church decreed that everyone is to bathe once a year.

Meanwhile Native Americans were horrified that Europeans didn't bathe. Hygene as we know it is very much an American thing. I'm guessing you just get used to it over in Europe.

Part of the problem, from what I've read, is that the Swiss have a near monopoly on Europe's water supplies, and water is quite expensive there, especially when you consider the population density. In general, Americans are far more wasteful anyway. Many people are dismayed that we use toilet paper. I think a bidet makes far more sense. Probably would cut down on colon cancer to boot.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1168 reads
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I'm not comparing us unfavorably to the French. I'm comparing us unfavorably to every other industrialized nation on earth.

I am in no way for America becoming a wussier place, but it would be nice if our elected leaders didn't behave like someone just told them they had a tiny penis. I would prefer American politicians using their brains instead of their members when dealing with international affairs.

I hate to quote slick willy, but strength and wisdom are not mutually exclusive qualities. Unfortunately, there's a lot of idiots (Americans) who think otherwise.

dblhappy 43 Reviews 1471 reads
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"I have fucked many a coon ass girl in Louisianna, and they have a lot of French in them."

Sound like they had a little asian in them too.  At least for a short while!


{Sorry, just couldn't resist}

St. Croix 1002 reads
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on the field. It has to do with the fans in the seats. The majority of fans look like the actors from the TV show 'Sons of Anarchy'.

GaGambler 744 reads
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I never felt the Raiders were a "fit" in LA. They could never get the mauseleum even half full, even when they were winning. I think they belong in Oakland, and I think it is waay past time that Al Davis gave up the helm.

GaGambler 910 reads
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BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1665 reads
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yea, we nearly wiped out a peoples... but show me any continent where that has NOT happened.  Any group of people conquering a land, in yesteryear, usually killed, raped and enslaved the endogenous population.  White man is no different.

yea, we enslaved a people... but we also fought a bloody war to change that, and had a revolution (which continues to this day) to provide equality for all CITIZENS.  In case you are history challenged, slavery was NOT invented by the US, rather it was "imported."  And in parts of the world, while there are no chains, folks are forced to live work and stay in one place and work at one and only one job, with no hope of ever changing... for themselves or their progeny... at least here, they can change the future.

As to committing genocide...???   I guess we are responsible for Hitler, or for that matter the madman (Ahmadinejad, who may be a jew himself) who wants the extermination of jews... or Pol Pot, or the entire French, british, german, and spanish colonial effort...  Sheese dude, compared to those folks we are pikers.

Gimme a break - your arrogant ignorance is sad...

As to Conservatives dismanteling the educational system... that too fails to take into account the sad lack of discipline in schools that Does allow for the educatioinal process to occur, and it is the liberal mindset that removed that from our educational system.... along with the failure to teach science, mathematics, decent communication skills (speech, reading and writing) and we have substituted a lot of feel good rhetoric into the educational system.

Hell dude, we don't even teach the fact that you need to work hard to achieve... instead we have substitute the thought that the government "OWES"  you everything....

well bucko, the truth is

"Once people realize they can vote themselves money the republic will be destroyed." and who or which party is for 'givin' it away??? which!  well these days, my answer is Both.... I am all for throwing every member of the govenment out of Washington.... ALL, no exceptions..

I think that the Chinese communists got one thing right... once every so many years, all politicians, academicians and managers have to go do manual labor... for a year or two... it is time we do that.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1323 reads
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the fricking Romans bathed, the ancient Egyptians bathed (in fact, they had indoor toilets).... sheese....

RightwingUnderground 1406 reads
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feel the need to rewrite history.

I'm curious though as to how you think conservatives demantled the public education system. Would you elaborate please?

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