Politics and Religion

Institutions of disgrace : The Catholic Church & Penn St.angry_smile
Priapus53 4606 reads

Since both institutions take the "Mafia Omerta" code of silence to cover their cowardly asses
to prevent a child molestation scandal from breaking out, rather than immediately reporting it to the cops, both organizations are LOWER than worthless. They value the almighty $ & their "good name" over the safety & well-being of kids. WTF has happened to U.S. culture where some CLEARLY lack some kind of "moral code" ?! Horrible molestation incidents go on for years & go unreported, to not damage a collge football program that brings in 80 mill to the university.
Is THAT what it's all about ?!

In '02, graduate asst coach Mike Mcqueary witnesses a 10 year old boy being anally raped in the shower by "monster" Joe Sandusky. IF Mcqueary had balls, brain & a heart ( which he seems to have lacked ) he would have stopped the attack, brought the kid home to his folks, & told them to notify the police. Instead, he tells Joe Paterno the incident. Paterno tells college higher ups about the incident & it dies on the vine. Why did this happen ? Combo of stupidity & fear that "cash cow of Penn St football would be in "jeopardy". So, many years unfold, leaving Sandusky to rape more boys & ruin their lives.

Looking over this on sports board, was horrified to find Paterno supporters saying that he should continue to coach until end of year. Thankfully, Penn St fired his ass. Also puzzzled why Mcqueary hasn't been fired. His inaction in '02 wasn't illegal ( board lawyers can verify that ), but highly immoral. He has to go.

As an atheist, don't believe in hell, but, if such a place exists,those who perpetuated the child molestation scandals of the Catholic Church
& Penn State should burn for eternity.

Hey Pri, I dunno know if this topic even belongs here on this board, but nevertheless, I am just curious if the gory details you mention are speculation or has that been somehow leaked by somebody.  A few friends of mine who went to the school back when tell me that the few kids they knew about were pretty commonly known to be carrying on with the coach, and never was there any thought of it being forceful rape.  Many thought they were just gay.  Just hearsay, I know, but in the spirit of the P&R board, that's what I heard.

that the rapes for which Sandusky has been charged were of children who were part of his Second Mile program to "help" young boys.  What's obvious (even to a retard) is that Second Mile was a front for Sandusky to troll for boys to abuse.  If he also had sex with gay males who were "of age" he wouldn't be in this situation.
The story I read, as yet unproven, suggests he was actually pimping the boys out to fellow pedophiles.  NAMBLA must be proud of this guy.  I hope he dies in jail.  Pedophiles usually don't do too well there.

Priapus532321 reads

pw, the disgusting graphic act was from the grand jury testimony, which several cable news anchors wanted to spell out to detail the enormous horror that was being perpetrated. Since all this dovetails with similar Catholic Church atrocities, I feel it belongs here; however, let the mod have a final say about that.

Phil, this is probably unnecessary, but being a member of the Communist party in the 40's & 50's wasn't a crime unless one broke the law ( IE espionage ); to make a "omerta" analogy to "Mccarthyistic witchunts" & the silence that protected a pedophile monster like Sandusky, is sophistry, IMO.

I am not defending anything, but explaining.

First, when you have a legal system that will destroy you for the act of one person, the natural tendency is to circle the wagons and hope it passes.

Second, there is a code of protecting friends.  I remember years ago reading Victor Navsky on the commie scare of the old days in Hollywood.  He said that if he had the choice of betraying his friends or his country, he would chose to betray his country.  It is nice that he wanted to protect his friends, but if it weren’t for his country he would have been killed if the Nazis won the war. His country provided him with every good thing he had in life.  His country created the movies and arts and national parks and all sorts of things.

This is related - I ONLY SAID RELATED - to the "don't tell. We protect our own."

Third, there is an institutionalization.  This is my world, whether it is the campus, the church, the team, the garden club, the ethnic group.  Armenians in LA surround the wagon when an Armenian is accused of a crime.

Again, I am not condoning not telling, and belief they should have done so.
This is merely an attempt to say that I understand the forces that kept them silent.

I'm gonna pull a little "Jerry Fletcher" when talking about this whole Penn State deal. Jerry Sandusky was named the hier apparent to Paterno probably 20 years ago and retired in 1999 or 2000...sorry, can't remember which. I have to wonder if the Penn State "higher ups" knew about his deviant behavior and knew that he could never replace Joe, and therefore he went ahead and retired. If he'd been head coach at some point this whole episode who be even more hideous than it already is. Anyone who has an opinion fears that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg on this whole story.

"whistleblower" law in Pennsylvania.

I agree the whole thing is sick and that Paterno made a horrific error in judgment by not reporting this to the police after his superiors failed to do so.

But I don't agree with the complete and utter whitewash you laid on the entire University.

This was the actions of a sick man. And the covering up was done by just a handful of people (as far as we know right now).

I think it is unfair to rip the entire University for the actions of a few.

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